Preview an upcoming feature and give feedback?

What's the size of the reader demand for these "choose your path" type stories? I don't get why development effort is being put here, when there are similar improvements which could be done for the basic story format first. Or have I missed something?
It's common practice to put enhancements like this in low-risk parts of an application as a proof of concept.
What's the size of the reader demand for these "choose your path" type stories? I don't get why development effort is being put here, when there are similar improvements which could be done for the basic story format first. Or have I missed something?
They're burying the opt-in toggle in Story Games so that most people don't see it. Eventually, it'll be available somewhere else.
What's the size of the reader demand for these "choose your path" type stories? I don't get why development effort is being put here, when there are similar improvements which could be done for the basic story format first. Or have I missed something?

We've had several different IF systems over the years (the first one in the 1990s being hand coded HTML pages :D ). The most recent IF system before the new one slowly fell into obsolescence as web technologies changed. With the retirement of the previous Lit IF system, we want to make sure that Lit Authors have the tools they need to continue creating IF.

We could have just ported the previous IF system to a newer technology, but it made more sense to think about what adult storytelling might look like in the future. The new system we're introducing for Interactive Stories is intended to be a foundation for much more powerful storytelling tools for Lit Authors in the future.

All of the changes related to Story Cards, customization, page loading speed, etc. that we're working on right now with Story Games will eventually benefit other Literotica Work Types as well. Testing on Story Games allows us to try new features on a smaller audience instead of risking breaking things for millions of daily Lit Readers.
We've had several different IF systems over the years (the first one in the 1990s being hand coded HTML pages :D ). The most recent IF system before the new one slowly fell into obsolescence as web technologies changed. With the retirement of the previous Lit IF system, we want to make sure that Lit Authors have the tools they need to continue creating IF.

We could have just ported the previous IF system to a newer technology, but it made more sense to think about what adult storytelling might look like in the future. The new system we're introducing for Interactive Stories is intended to be a foundation for much more powerful storytelling tools for Lit Authors in the future.

All of the changes related to Story Cards, customization, page loading speed, etc. that we're working on right now with Story Games will eventually benefit other Literotica Work Types as well. Testing on Story Games allows us to try new features on a smaller audience instead of risking breaking things for millions of daily Lit Readers.
To piggyback on this, while I prefer Ren'Py for visual novels, Ink does have implementations in Godot, Unreal Engine, and Unity. If someone wants to use the Ink language to create something here, they can port that knowledge to other systems if they want to make a "real" game later on, one they could potentially sell on Steam, GOG, etc.
So, being a card-carrying idjet, I'm a bit confused about what this is all about. Is this for writing a 'chose your story' story?
I'm with Millie. There was a thread about this some months back but I don't remember seeing anything about how one goes about developing and publishing these stories. I'm definitely curious.

Is there a FAQ somewhere?

Edit: I'm apparently too hasty/lazy. I found the FAQ.
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There will eventually be "Author Widgets" in that space. We rolled out the Author Profiles before those widgets were ready. There will be things like "Award Winning Stories by This Author", "This Author is the 10th Most Popular Romance Author on Lit", "Send Feedback To This Author", "This Author Is Active on Patreon", "Featured Comments On This Author's Stories", "This Author Recently Entered The Summer Lovin' Story Contest", etc.
Love this! That said, I know you have lots of plates spinning currently, but getting things like “most favorited author by category” updated will be necessary to have useful widgets. It’s been a long time since that measurement, and I assume others, were updated.