BDSM and Music

Pixie Mischief said:
I love cats.. this is my Salem. Hes a beggar. Begs for food. looks at you with his big eyes and fakes like hes sleeping slowly stretching or waits till your not looking. :rolleyes: and LOL I thought I was the only one who thought cows are cute LOL

<- big animal lover

oh no... i love all animals... so much so that i refuse to eat them... i'm one of those vegetarian freaks.

i've got pictures of my kids if you'd care to see them...

My Fuzzy Kids

i love showing them off... the page needs to be updated, we have a new one... Ichabod... i just can't turn my back on a kittie who needs a home... which explains why i have 8! lol
bondagegurl said:
oh no... i love all animals... so much so that i refuse to eat them... i'm one of those vegetarian freaks.

i've got pictures of my kids if you'd care to see them...

My Fuzzy Kids

i love showing them off... the page needs to be updated, we have a new one... Ichabod... i just can't turn my back on a kittie who needs a home... which explains why i have 8! lol

if I didnt live at the north pole. and didnt live with meat eaters I'd be a vegietarian. I've had so many debates with hunters. People hunt alot aruond here. I so dont fit in. I think diffrent.. I wear too much black for most people's tastes. I'm a pagan. LOL in a town of 2000 people with 3 or 4 Christian churchs. I dont fit in LOL
Pixie Mischief said:
if I didnt live at the north pole. and didnt live with meat eaters I'd be a vegietarian. I've had so many debates with hunters. People hunt alot aruond here. I so dont fit in. I think diffrent.. I wear too much black for most people's tastes. I'm a pagan. LOL in a town of 2000 people with 3 or 4 Christian churchs. I dont fit in LOL

HOLY SHIT!!! honestly?... you sound just like me a few years ago!

by the way, i'm pagan as well.

you live up north? mind if i ask where? i grew up in Wisconsin myself, all kinds of hunting and other such "manly" things... lol
bondagegurl said:
HOLY SHIT!!! honestly?... you sound just like me a few years ago!

by the way, i'm pagan as well.

you live up north? mind if i ask where? i grew up in Wisconsin myself, all kinds of hunting and other such "manly" things... lol

I had a hunch you where pagan which is why I said it.. your a vegietarian and goth.. so I had a hunch you where pagan hehe
I live in the yukon in canada
Awwww I wanna rub the kittie's tummy!! both of my cats roll onto there backs like that for my boyfriend :rolleyes:
Cows and kittens

Why is it that the conversations always turn to the same thing... and it's NOT sex!!!???

Re: Re: Cows and kittens

Pixie Mischief said:
LOL life doesnt revolve around sex :p

I could answer that in two ways:

1. It doesn't? shattered as all his life illusions crumble

2. No, I know. It revolves around cats.

(Dogs have owners, cats have staff.)
I miss sex.. have to wait till june and I cant even masterbate when I wish to either *sighs* I cant wait till this summer :devil:
Pixie Mischief said:
I miss sex.. have to wait till june and I cant even masterbate when I wish to either *sighs* I cant wait till this summer :devil:
Life is hard.

Looks down, clears throat, looks up, blushes
Pixie Mischief said:
LMAO!!!!!! *pinches his cheek* blushing cheeks are cute :p
Help! I'm a poor helpless Dom being beaten up by a subbie! Help!
FungiUg said:
Help! I'm a poor helpless Dom being beaten up by a subbie! Help!

who said I Was a subbie?? I probably dont even belong in this forum should check out my thread. Besides all I did was pinch your check. I could do much worse. I've done worse to bf :devil:
Pixie Mischief said:
who said I Was a subbie?? I probably dont even belong in this forum should check out my thread. Besides all I did was pinch your check. I could do much worse. I've done worse to bf :devil:
Quakes in his booties
I used this on bf

hes a real big guy was really cute "please... be gentle... never really done this before..." LOL I asked him why he let me after he said "because you wanted to. because it would turn you on. anytime you want to use toys on me. go ahead" :rolleyes:
black metal

the band called Anathema... it rocks. BF introduced me to there music as well.. Some is really soft and intrumental some harsher.. its very nice (listening to that right now)
Re: black metal

Pixie Mischief said:
the band called Anathema... it rocks. BF introduced me to there music as well.. Some is really soft and intrumental some harsher.. its very nice (listening to that right now)

I've always been partial to Pink Floyd
Anything by Massive Attack is also wonderful ... A couple of my favourites are below ... another great song is called Protection ... I wish I had the lyrics.

Massive Attack ------ Angel

You are my angel
Come from way above
To bring me love

Her eyes
She's on the dark side
Every man in sight

To love you, love you, love you ...

You are my angel
Come from way above
To love you, love you, love you ...

Massive Attack ------ Teardrop

Love, love is a verb
Love is a doing word
Fearless on my breath
Gentle impulsion
Shakes me makes me lighter
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

Nine night of matter
Black flowers blossom
Fearless on my breath
Black flowers blossom
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire
Fearless on my breath

Stumbling a little
Stumbling a little

Massive Attack

SinfullySweet said:
Anything by Massive Attack is also wonderful ... A couple of my favourites are below ... another great song is called Protection ... I wish I had the lyrics.
Hmm... an old favourite of mine. Mezzanine is a wonderfuly album!

I kinda wonder what sort of mood "scene" music should help evoke. Passionate? Trembling with fear? Lusty?
Hey Woodcarver...

You'll have to forgive me hun, but it's my anal nature bleeding thru...
the NIN song is called "CLOSER "
Damn I hate when I do that! Like I said, I'm anal!!!:rolleyes: But for the record I'm a huge NIN fan. I think Trent Reznor is fucking brilliant!
If you like CLOSER, have you listened to DEEP, or GET DOWN MAKE LOVE?
SinfullySweet said:
Anything by Massive Attack is also wonderful ... A couple of my favourites are below ... another great song is called Protection ... I wish I had the lyrics.

By the way, check out Craig Armstrong, This Love (the name of the single). If you love Teardrop, it'll sound rather familiar.
Nightblue Rain by Element would be good to.. no lyrics its just music.

<- has odd tastes in music LOLprobably due to BF lol