BDSM and Music

Pixie Mischief said:
Nightblue Rain by Element would be good to.. no lyrics its just music.

<- has odd tastes in music LOLprobably due to BF lol

Sure, sure, "blame the nearest male"... *grin*

Actually, my preference has also been for "just music" without lyrics. Anyone else here a fan of Peter Gabriel's "Passion"? This is fabulous "scene" music!
FungiUg said:
Sure, sure, "blame the nearest male"... *grin*

Actually, my preference has also been for "just music" without lyrics. Anyone else here a fan of Peter Gabriel's "Passion"? This is fabulous "scene" music!

well it is his fault LOL hes the one who introduced me to all the music he likes.
Alot is odd LOL

as for music with no lyrics.. I love intrumentals.. a BEAUTIFUL one it makes me cry soo.... god I cant say its called the Silent Enigma by Anathema. its so... emotional.. so... I cant really put words to it.. but if you have kazaa or some music search engine. Look it up.
I cant listen to it without crying LOL
its just so beautiful

I never heard peter gabriel.. so I'll be lookin it up.
Pixie Mischief said:
I never heard peter gabriel.. so I'll be lookin it up.

Wot? You've never heard Peter Gabriel? Really? Wow...

Hmmm, for passionate emotional music, who would I pick?

Peter Gabriel (and not just his world music.)
Seal (his second album is best)
Afro Celt Sound System
Tracy Chapman
Counting Crows
Deep Forest
Icehouse (Australian band, so you've not likely heard them)
Lighthouse Family
Robert Miles
Chris Rea

...and a few others. If you haven't heard those, then definately look them up (get to Kazza'ing!)
hehe no never heard of peter grabriel. name rings a bell thought.
Seal.. a song I LOVE by seal. I forget the name.. kiss from a rose?
Tracy Chapman is good.

I dont have kazaa :( I have a mac and so kazaa is not mac compatable. I'll check some of those out on my search thingy but the mac music search software SUCKS

FungiUg said:
Wot? You've never heard Peter Gabriel? Really? Wow...

Hmmm, for passionate emotional music, who would I pick?

Peter Gabriel (and not just his world music.)
Seal (his second album is best)
Afro Celt Sound System
Tracy Chapman
Counting Crows
Deep Forest
Icehouse (Australian band, so you've not likely heard them)
Lighthouse Family
Robert Miles
Chris Rea

...and a few others. If you haven't heard those, then definately look them up (get to Kazza'ing!)
Kiss From A Rose is probably Seal's most well known single. From his second album (named Seal II) I prefer other singles from that album.

Prayer For The Dying would probably be my favourite from that album.
FungiUg said:
Kiss From A Rose is probably Seal's most well known single. From his second album (named Seal II) I prefer other singles from that album.

Prayer For The Dying would probably be my favourite from that album.

Kiss from a rose is such a beautiful song. hmm I need to find it hehe
I'll check out Prayer for the dying as well.
I get an AV!

Pixie Mischief said:
BTW congrats on 100 posts! you now get an AV!

Why, thank 'ee ma'am!

Now I have to work out what to put in it...
Re: I get an AV!

FungiUg said:
Why, thank 'ee ma'am!

Now I have to work out what to put in it...

Ma'am... *Grins* BF called me that once LMAO

for avs.. they have to be a specific size. 150 or smaller.
Connection's running sloooow

Downloading some Anathema to check out, so my connection has slowed down to a crawl.

The problem is if I like 'em, I'll hafta go out and buy the CD... and my "to buy" list is already huge!
Re: Connection's running sloooow

FungiUg said:
Downloading some Anathema to check out, so my connection has slowed down to a crawl.

The problem is if I like 'em, I'll hafta go out and buy the CD... and my "to buy" list is already huge!

you may not like all anathema... its black metal. The song The Silent Enigma is instrumental and not like most of there stuff.

you need a CD burner hehe
Re: Re: Connection's running sloooow

Pixie Mischief said:
you may not like all anathema... its black metal. The song The Silent Enigma is instrumental and not like most of there stuff.

you need a CD burner hehe
I have a CD burner. But I prefer to buy CDs... just get better quality that way.
Re: Re: Re: Connection's running sloooow

FungiUg said:
I have a CD burner. But I prefer to buy CDs... just get better quality that way.

BF has made me bunch of CDs.. they sound just as good to me hehe
Craig Armstrong

FungiUg said:
By the way, check out Craig Armstrong, This Love (the name of the single). If you love Teardrop, it'll sound rather familiar.

Thanks for the suggestion .... I'll be sure to keep my eyes open for that song.

Another favourite of mine, Leonard Cohen of course a different genre of music. There are many of his songs that move me, I just can't think of one. Just listening to his baritone voice is enough to put me in a mood.


Re: Craig Armstrong

SinfullySweet said:
Thanks for the suggestion .... I'll be sure to keep my eyes open for that song.
Another favourite of mine, Leonard Cohen of course a different genre of music. There are many of his songs that move me, I just can't think of one. Just listening to his baritone voice is enough to put me in a mood.


His son sings well to but its different music.