BDSM and the law

Absolutely Rose. That is if I can find my driver's license.

Lost it at Burbank airport about four weeks ago. My guess is some 19 year old college student is having a good time at a rock'n pub on me tonight.
Rubyfruit said:
Absolutely Rose. That is if I can find my driver's license.

Lost it at Burbank airport about four weeks ago. My guess is some 19 year old college student is having a good time at a rock'n pub on me tonight.

We are suffragette sisters under the skin. Now who would have thought that?
ADR, it looked like a pretty good article to me.

I'd stress the importance of looking at individual situations. Like Rumpoule said, laws differ from jurisdiction to jursidiction, and change over time. As a practical matter, you oughta be with someone you trust, whether you're into BDSM or not. When it comes to domestic violence, the police DO make arrests first, and ask questions later. And once they've made up their minds to arrest someone, it doesn't much matter what the victim wants.

Ruby -
Sex laws are odd. I'm familiar with them in a most intimate way.....for instance, fisting (all five fingers - four are ok) is obscene in many jurisdictions.

You've made me very curious. Care to elaborate?
Rubyfruit said:
I hope Risia knows that her pay was docked accordingly for that day of luxury. I'm guessing she was at a day spa. That sort of sloughing off is simply not tolerated here at Literotica. She's lucky she still has a job.

Does this mean I'm going to start getting paid now? :eek:

Nope, no day spa. Believe it or not, I actually work for a living, and sometimes I have to go to my office to do so. One of life's great mysteries, that.
Who really wields the power?

Playing safe and consensual remains the watchword in all things sexual, but especially BDSM. One should have little fear of prosecution absent a complaining witness, so dom(me)'s should focus on maintaining the consent of their submissives and staying within limits. The states have their laws outlawing all kinds of fun stuff in the bedroom, but prosecutors have no desire to enter the bedroom in the absence of a complainant.
Rubyfruit said:

Not really.

Good to see you, Sandia. Are you still in New York?

Nope. I'm back. However, absolutely nothing BDSM related happened in NY. So I'm not gonna talk about it. :D

Except my feet are killing me. Maybe that sorta counts?
Nope. If THAT were the case, I could tell you all about it. That's about what it feels like, though.
Just some observations from my wilder days and dealing with the law.

To elaborate on what Sandia said if they get called someone is leaving in the back of a car. Hey it may not even be your play partner that calls them. It could be a concerned neighboor that heard a suspicious noise.

A complaintant is not necessary. These type of offensses are typically punished by a fine. The officers responding act as the witnesses and the state presses the charges. The state then convicts and collects their $200 so you can pass go.