BDSM Boards Halloween Party


maybe try something in white chocolate?

delish!! :)
This thread has been so much fun to read through!

I should up my game, I need someone to swap with.

I wasn't sure if this was an obvious enough parody of your avs or I would have kept it up.


Perhaps if he were nude... ;)

But he is so dapper! *swoon* I'm flattered, Stag. :kiss:


Ha ha ha! :D

I have a victi-- er, partner in mind. I'll ask him when he wakes up. Can you imagine how that conversation's gonna go?

Me: Hey, ya wanna swap AVs and do my butt-naked-witch-on-a-broom? :p
I like the cut of your jib, Hermano! You got moxy! We even cross our arms alike!

I'll loan you my facial scrub anytime, bro.

You look fucking AMAZING. Swoonworthy. But you stole my apricot facial scrub while I was at Panera??? No wonder my jib needs exfoliating.

Do you like the authoritative way I hold my ghoulish finger???

Goddamn bromance.

You wish you could bro like us.

Thanks to Necro and TC for mine!

Think I better let TC know I am him for Halloween...

I like the way you jumped in, like the first day. And your banana soul became the voice of a generation.

I love Cakecups. :heart:

No, I love cakecups.

This is waaaaaay easier than my original costume plan. :D

A.MAZ.ING!!!!!! :) I'm doing that little thing where you kiss your fingers and then move them away from your face in a gesture of happiness.

So MeekMe is C&C...
CakeCups is Farawyn...
Farawyn is Tallacajun...
Maybe I can get away with being MD with my old glasses?
Or perhaps play an emaciated DGE?

I like the punkin. You have a slight meh-vibe con-gourd that's right in line with your youness. Have some snacks.

Thaaaaaat's better! :D

Heh. Your MD is spot ON.

This ought to do for now. The only one I could find of me in a mask. When I have access to a computer I may try and slap some rabbit ears on me.

Rabbit ears! The people demand demon rabbits.

The very stuff that night terrors are made of!

I think it's the dimples. ;)

They are terrifying. If one wandered too close, one could be lost forever.

I think, in fact, it's rather fetching. :eek:

I think it reveals an awareness of our common mortality, and that is intensely attractive.

Hello, all! :) *appears in a shower of candy corn*

It's terrific, Elle! Reminds me of the Screaming Banshee online greeting cards. At once both scary and sweet.

I tried to do an imitation of someone's AV, but a friend found it distracting (in a nice way :eek:) and asked that I make a change. So I'm back to my trademark vintage nudes, and I've stuck the tribute AV in my profile.

I'm fond of it, but come on, Honey's friend, let the tributes burst forth and pay homage!

I'm all in character now too, darlings!!!

my hero is very late in coming to my rescue!!! *swoon*

When two avs eye each other from across a roomful of threads, with the scent of magnolias wafting in the moonlight.

it's possible i'm doing this wrong


Me too. We can be wrong together. :heart:

...Y'all are doing it exactly, totally right. See operating instructions on first page.

Look it's a NO in a mask

If you look in my profile the REALLY scary picture is there

Wait, why is it scary again? :confused: Seems kinda nice. Like someone who would medical the hell outta yah.

*grabs a drink and slouches against the wall*


Brilliant. I wish she could see it. She'd be vaguely amused.

Hot damn! This took off like wildfire!
Nice job, DGE!
Loving the 'swaps'

I love that people embraced this. It's fun. Maybe it'll also build a little bit of community and connect people. Also, I needed a way to use all your dues before the end of the year.

I'm literally going bananas.

What Halloween party is complete without dancing potassium???

So someone just pm'd me wondering if were a cat or a moose in my AV.

Is it unclear I'm stag-a-licious?

Sure, but I thought Stag was a cat moose.
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also; you're riff on my "almost a princess" makes me wonder if you got the reference to

PS I highly endorse DVS's thread. (the one I just quoted from) he had some great stories to tell.

Nope - I did not get the reference. I'll check it out.

I :heart: your cookie cat.
