BDSM Haiku

Your territory
On the prowl, growling
Protective. Loving.

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The ripened, firm fruit
Glistens in its readiness
To burst forth with juice.
the orbs' plump softness
Contrasts with the wood's firmness
As it lays between.
To seek....To look....acquire...
To taste...To consume..To totally devour..
To render immobile...without will
Black leather adorned with buckles
Snaps encasing soft...silky inviting sensual form
Arousing and satisfying..rivetting...inviting
Coed petite in skimpy yoga shorts
Her warm-up jacket doesn't quite cover her sweet bottom
So perfect an ass for a plastic-paddle's sharp, sweet sting
Cute college teen north plains voice
Begs between popcorn giggle bursts for mercy from her lecherous abductor
My fingers fondle her bound, thin-socked footsies at a steady, gentle pace
A chance enquiring intrusion...
A flame that is hot and enchanting
A surprise and delightful outcome
Clouded clear sparkling glass
Pleasure coming with a twist...requiring effort
Rewards expressed in warm tones