bdsm in iraq prisons

Possibly, Pure.

When the time comes, should we be any more repulsed than we are by those who enjoy Daddy and daughter play? School girl play? even puppy play?

Probably not, but we wouldn't be suggesting to a victim of incest that many consenting adults love the thought of experiencing what they had and they should find comfort in that.
Pure said:
OK, the nature and difference of "BDSM play" is obvious, in the consent area.

Let's rephrase a little:
We know Nazi and SS prison/jail/torture scenes have provided fodder for many SM fantasies in the last 50 years (that did not result in criminal behavior). And even for some consensual enactments (scenes) in appropriate constume. Might Iraqi prison events provide similar fodder in times to come? How despicable(or sick) should one feel if, for example, the *idea* of being taken on a leash by a female soldier, is arousing? (please note the word, 'idea'). Same for the idea of broomhandle violation?

Hey, go for it. Images get transmitted and people's intepretations can't always be mediated in a certain way, and "incorrect" fantasy is fine.

But if your fantasies about things like this cloud your ability to condemn the actual atrocity, then there's a problem. If you see these images and go "wow, that's just like that party I went to" I have an issue with that.