BDSM posters face pictures

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Me and the husband, date night selfie, prior to wacky events. The thing you see by the side of his head is how he moves his chair.

oddly, I feel like I have exceptionally big teeth in this pic.

Your teeth look perfectly fine to me. What a warm photo, couldn't help but smile when I saw it, thank you for sharing :)

Your husband looks familiar. Like a resemblance of some big named celebrity I can't put my finger on...

^This, it's driving me nuts!
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Nerdy girls are the absolute hottest. They're obsessed and curious and themselves. Also, I subscribe to a girls with glasses thread on lit, so I approve that message.

Your photos are (were) beautiful. :rose:

I'm also pleased to see Elle's Av back.

Also, not usually a fan of really short girl-hair, but cookie, that photo was disarmingly cute.
No DGE face? Im begging, in sub posture...
Oh my.
You look a lot like my aunt when she was 30-something.
You guys made me smile!
Lovely, happy pics. I wish I had the ability to take a selfie, or even to have my picture taken. I just freak out and look seriously pained, or like someone is about to stab me or something :p
Thanks, friends.

I have to say I feel so much better now that my banana is back. :nana:
You guys made me smile!
Lovely, happy pics. I wish I had the ability to take a selfie, or even to have my picture taken. I just freak out and look seriously pained, or like someone is about to stab me or something :p

I hate selfies. I don't have FB.
Most of my pics I'm not smiling.
I think I was under the delusion I was happy in that pic. Or I was drunk. Or something.
You guys made me smile!
Lovely, happy pics. I wish I had the ability to take a selfie, or even to have my picture taken. I just freak out and look seriously pained, or like someone is about to stab me or something :p

Ok, I do have to say it would be interesting to see what almost being stabbed looks like. :rolleyes:

I hate selfies. I don't have FB.
Most of my pics I'm not smiling.
I think I was under the delusion I was happy in that pic. Or I was drunk. Or something.

You looked happy. Or something. :)

The weird thing about pictures is you don't think about NOT having them until you don't. Husband and I don't have too many pics of when he was healthy - I figured we had forever to take more. You just don't think about it. I wish I had a million more.

Now, I take a ton of pictures. I always thought my head was way too big for selfies!! And it is but now, I don't really care. Big head, big brains, big love. Or whatever. On our last trip, we made a point of taking selfies every day. Goofy, I know, but I love having the memories.

Lecture over.
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