Beaches and Pools for Ladies and Lesbians

Hey Genzsub,

I’m sorry if it bothered you enough for you to post a public message, admonishing me for posting on this thread (instead of sending me a dm). If I posted inappropriately, I would have gladly removed it.

I’ve found that the women in the pictures are appealing to men and women alike (including lesbians & bi-females) and that they actually have had said relationships in their past. I’ve posted some of these pics in other threads and have had positive feedback from many females.

Also, if you’re going to post a portion of the original post in parentheses (implying your point), maybe you should post the entire paragraph?
“This thread is for, about, and named, “... for Ladies and Lesbians”, so guys if you post, please respect the women, follow the thread's: topic, theme, and tone. IOW, do not post: individual women, girl-on-girl, or any other type of porn made for guys.“

I believe my post followed those guidelines.

Furthermore, I didn’t see that you were the original poster, so why are you reprimanding me? 🤷🏽‍♂️

Trust me, I’m not trying to push my way into YOUR world. I’m just sharing beautiful pics of women, that I’ve been fortunate enough to have had relationships with.
Hey Tom,

I really wasn't admonishing you. The reason why I asked publicly was not specifically for you but also for all the guys who may browse these. All of the "...for Ladies and Lesbians" threads have had a problem with men posting. It comes in waves, one guy posts something completely innocuous and on point, that emboldens other men who then begin to post what they want to see and, in a short time, the thread is mainly men posting. That also results in men hitting on the women who participate who are, more often than not, put off by that and the women stop participating. There are a LOT more men on Lit than women so it is only inevitable when that happens.

I want to be clear that I am, in NO WAY, saying this was what you were doing or intending or anything like that. All of the previous was just context as to why I made the request and why I did it publicly. The originator of the thread is not the only one who can try to maintain it.

I genuinely believe that you were respectful to the thread and I did my best to be very cordial and polite. I'm sorry if I came off as anything other than that.

I hope you now understand a little more of the reasoning and that I was not attacking you.

Thank you!
@Tom_Brown She wasn’t admonishing you, but I will. Mansplaining your lack of self-control and justifying why you think you should post in these threads is ridiculous. You clearly can’t control yourself, but I can help. You no longer have access to post in this thread and your posts have been removed. Please be a grown up and show some self-control with the threads titled “For Ladies and Lesbians.”

Incidentally, referring to women as “females” is gross. Don’t do that.