Beautiful,Breathtaking and Awesome 2


Douglas Jones Photography
“Big Manitou Falls” Located in Wisconsin’s Pattison State Park near Superior, Wisconsin this is the tallest waterfall in the state

Scotland Fix of the Day: The evening was supremely quiet as the moon came up over the Callanish Stones; it was calming and settling to be there alone amongst the stones – and the spirits of the people who put them up 5,000 years ago. This religious site was central to Neolithic life on Lewis for well over 1,000 years and then fell out of use. Gradually blanket peat rose in layers around the stones until only the tops were visible. In 1857 the proprietor of Lewis, James Matheson, had workers strip away five feet of peat, revealing the chambered tomb in the center. Today Callanish is cared for by Historic Monuments Scotland, one of the gems of ancient life in the Hebrides islands.