Being SR71

I can see the irony in that. :) Not the least because, as you read elsewhere in this room, you'll see that it isn't full of editors seeking the best writers to edit and fluffing their feathers up in the process, it's full of writers who can't find an editor--or editorial help--at all.

I can see the various points of the thread--but then I'm the centerpiece (or, rather, should I say "main course"?), so that's easier for me to see. :D

I like irony and dry humor. I recently read "Culture Shock" by Sir Nathan from the BDSM toplist, and so that is fresh in my mind. I am interested in several categories and my real life experience does not include much BDSM, so I am reading and trying to learn a lot of concepts so that when I start writing I will have some working knowledge of how to create plausible/realistic scenes. I don't want an editor who projects a know-it-all attitude. I want someone to help me ask more plot questions or ask me to do more character sketching to help me find more depth and richness to my story. I want an editor to tell me when I am boring and tell me that some details aren't necessary or should be placed elsewhere to help the story advance more smoothly. Because writing is an art, I want to develop my skills and experiment to find what works for me. I definitely will be destracted from my muse and lose enthusiasm if I have an editor that my personality clashes with. It may be my fault but it might not. I think I might do better if I am selective and find like mindedness from the start.
I am a newbie, reading this thread for the 1st time because I am intertested in submitting writings in the future and trying to get a sense of what editors are like to deal with so that I can decide how best to move forward. From what I have read, many editors are accomplished/experienced writers. However, it also seems many are arrogent power ego Masters and Mistresses. Some of you want to hate and some of you want to get along. Some of you seem to be competing for I don't know what for sure, who's the best editor/writer or who's opinion has credibility and who's doesn't maybe? As a newbie, I don't think I want the most specialized and involved editing process. I guess you could say I am just looking to make a new friend to ask for advice and guidance. Someone that I could ask, "Does that sound good, does this make sense?" So, I guess what I am trying to say is, I am not sure I understand what the point of this thread is, but I am sure some of you are going to tell me or tell me to get out.

A warm welcome. And like any other community we do have members that, for a word, "engage". Maybe that's being too polite. I would rather we all get along. But I'm realizing that won't happen.

Don't give up on us. Yes, I have posted 160 stories here in multiple cats, a number soon to grow larger. I have experience in both writing and editing.

I don't know who's best. Read and decide under whose wing you'd pefer to roost. There's room under mine if you like.

PM me if interested.
Wait a Sec

All is well.
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All is well.

Not fast enough AS. I read the original and acknowledge that there are a few folks picking up editing here as they can, so my "at all" was overreaching. The demand does outstrip the supply, though.
I Acknowledge That

Not fast enough AS. I read the original and acknowledge that there are a few folks picking up editing here as they can, so my "at all" was overreaching. The demand does outstrip the supply, though.

Yes, you're right, the demand does outsupply the few. But isn't that what's driving oil prices up? Demand? So how does that not equate... never mind. We're human (surprise!) and we need down-time too. I used to think poorly of editors "frolicking" on the thread and not editing as they were supposed to until I realized one can only commit so much "useful" time to the task. After the brain becomes "mush" one is better off stepping away.

I'll admit I've been "stepping away" more than I care too, but only because my day job is developing training and editing. Yes, the practice makes me a decent editor (have no college degree but I know what sounds right) but is further proof a person doesn't need a college degree to earn a good wage (yay!).

So spend those college savings on things that matter, like bigger boobs and a dream vacation, liposuction, or the hooker down the street! Okay, maybe I'm going a bit far with this, but you get the idea!

Not sure how we got here from there, took a few back roads. But isn't that the beauty of life ??
The Whole Point

Not fast enough AS. I read the original and acknowledge that there are a few folks picking up editing here as they can, so my "at all" was overreaching. The demand does outstrip the supply, though.

SR, the whole point of this post was to: a, de-villainify you (yeah, maybe not a word, dunno but I'm sure you'll chime in), b: thank you for helping me and others for clarifying certain points, and c: for trying to help others.

I don't know if I've accomplished that, but I've tried.

Actions speak louder than words.
SR, the whole point of this post was to: a, de-villainify you (yeah, maybe not a word, dunno but I'm sure you'll chime in), b: thank you for helping me and others for clarifying certain points, and c: for trying to help others.

I don't know if I've accomplished that, but I've tried.

Actions speak louder than words.

Thanks. I think you were brave--and independent minded--to initiate the thread at all.
I think that it is an interesting point that so many people need a "villain" in the first place.

What is wrong with just disagreeing with people. Why do so many people feel the need to be RIGHT all the time? They not only need to be RIGHT they need everyone else to agree with them, which is beyond annoying.

Life is a hell of a lot more interesting with lots of different points of view, even the points of view I disagree with.

I don't know, just my 2 cents.

Bring on the diversity folks!!
I think that it is an interesting point that so many people need a "villain" in the first place.

What is wrong with just disagreeing with people. Why do so many people feel the need to be RIGHT all the time? They not only need to be RIGHT they need everyone else to agree with them, which is beyond annoying.

Life is a hell of a lot more interesting with lots of different points of view, even the points of view I disagree with.

I don't know, just my 2 cents.

Bring on the diversity folks!!

I think so too. How boring would it be if we all sat around slapping one another on the back? Did we get to this point in our history conforming? Uh, please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't a few guys give England the middle finger?

And France did help out, the whole revolution might have failed if not for her help. In my estimation it was repaid in kind during WWII. I'm no historian, but earlier in life I really soaked up books about that time of our country's life.

Sadly some people don't even realize France is a country. At least one thinks "Europe" is a country (sorry, Kelly, but you sure are cute).

Not sure where this is going... I just wanted to challenge general impressions and make people realize we all have opinions, and that they all count. Just because I saw a thread where X was mad at Y doesn't mean I have to form a negative opinion of X or Y, I have the right to judge for myself.

If this this confusing, just wait until Bush speaks in 15 minutes... and I'm a Republican!
Ah, you're a Republican too! Two peas in a pod so to speak. Feeling better now that I have some support.

To your previous remark I was going to ask if you thought Bush was going to acknowledge we were in a recession now--or perhaps that we'd gone straight to depression. But just as I was thinking of that he was on the TV saying that if we didn't pass this bill, we just might possibly be headed for a recession. So glad to hear we're not in a recession yet. :)
I'm not the insightful, quick-witted, financially-understanding person you may think I am. I don't have investments, but I'm also not losing my home. I have an idea about the difference between recession and depression, mainly because my late father lived through the depression and we grew up in its aftermath as far as he was concerned.

I don't understand Wall Street or how it works, but I have read that CEO's make huge paychecks regardless how the companies make out. All I know is that I am, thankfully, financially sound... I think. Can fill the gas tanks up once a week and have the credit cards paid off.

I will admit that I am ignorant in financial matters affecting more than my immediate family, yet I do manage to send donations to the Salvation Army and the Paralyzed Vets as I can, in addition to supplementing my elderly mother's income.

Sorry, this is probably more than you care to know, but the sad fact is that I'm more like most Americans, I live life day by day without a full understanding of all this financial mess crap other than it will eventually come back to bite me in the ass one way or another while somebody else is benefitting.

I'm mad as hell that I've worked so hard to do the right thing while others are getting bailed out. But that's the American way I guess, those who do the right thing get screwed again. It doesn't matter if it's Bush or Clinton or Obama or McCain, the same shit will happen. Change is a keyword that all means "business as usual".

Sory, SR, you caught me at a bad time. But that's how I feel. I apologize for unloading on you.
Sory, SR, you caught me at a bad time. But that's how I feel. I apologize for unloading on you.

I think a lot feel that way. Keep your nose clean and still get the bill for those who took risks, couldn't live in their means, and now must get some sort of bailout or we all go down the tubes. Hard to say how much has to be done to keep it from pulling you down too.
And to think they're arguing over how many millions the CEO's of failing companies will get. I hope those "Parachutes" laden with gold will drive their worthless souls straight to hell, where they'll feel quite at home.
And to think they're arguing over how many millions the CEO's of failing companies will get. I hope those "Parachutes" laden with gold will drive their worthless souls straight to hell, where they'll feel quite at home.

Here we are again. Enough said... No, not enough said. But there will be enough said. Said.
Was Wondering

Nice to see this has veered off topic while I was away.

Glad you're back, but only if you're glad to be back. I did actually notioceably miss you, for what it's worth.

Haven't been here much lately, been editing. Still have a few more stories backed up, my next stop. Just needed a breath of fresh air.