Best Sitcom Episodes

Almost every Bilko has made me laugh, sometimes hysterically. esp. the one where when Doberman turns out to be an amazing crooner (Simpsons ripped this episode off)

Nearly every Simpsons (esp. Lisa grows up). Best sitcom ever, ever.

Cheers with Rebecca waitressing at her boss's party

Seinfeld with bet on how long they can go witout masturbating.

"Fraud Squad" had me rolling on the floor sometimes.

I love absurd english comedy sketch shows, from "Not Only But Also", Q5 and Monty Python to The Fast Show, Harry Hill and The Day Today. Nobody does absurd better than the Brits. But they're not sitcoms.

The only US sketch show I ever found really funny was "Your Show of Shows". Sid Caeser as the Professor.

One thing that really pisses me off is the really pathetic, poorly observed portrayal of Brits in U.S. sitcoms. Every US sitcom eventually will introduce either an effete sneering cowardly hypocrite of a guy, usually a millionaire, or else a distant descendent of Mary Poppins who seems to have trouble with her own native accent.

Worst ever was seeing Peter Cook, one of the wittiest men ever, playing a fucking butler in a turgid US sitcom that was pulled after a few episodes.

British sitcoms:

I loved "Till Death Us Do Part" -- mainly because Alf Garnet was my Dad. Except my Dad was a Spurs fan. The U.S. made it into "All in the Family".

"The Office" is genius - especially the final episode ever, which manages a warm and fuzzy ending in spite of some incredibly ascerbic and cringe-making scenes.

Although lots of British sitcoms like Fawlty Towers, Porridge, Ab Fab and "The Office" were brilliantly funny, They couldn't be sustained for months or even years the way the US sitcoms are, with their big, high-turnover writing teams. I'm interested to see what the U.S. do to "The Office." Probably make it into "Dilbert".
LOL do you guys know that these posts really show your ages? ! lol
Whats sad is that I have heard if not seen all the shows you are talking about so that makes me just as old! lol

Here is my ranking of the best shows,

1. The Faulty Towers show where the B&B critic comes to stay and orders the Waldorf salad- He chef runs out of ingredients so they make it up with what they have, then the chef quits- yet again! lol
I think thats what it was, its been along time and they tend to run into each other.

2. Mr. Bean- (I think the sitcom)
He goes to the restraunt and orders Steak Tar- tar, since thats all he could afford. Realizes its raw Hamburger and tries to hide it everywhere, the vase, a womans purse, ect. Eventually he uses the server to create a rucus, when the matre'de (sp) realizes he lost his meal they order him a second, of the same thing.

3. Saving the best for last, Seinfeld, the show where George's Mom catches him masterbating- 'nuf said! lol

There have been a few good ones on Everyone Loves Raymond, Im sure he will run a close second to Seinfeld when it comes to longest running sitcome.
I will third Red Dward (what a surprise!). Especially Quarantine with the oft-signatured scene involving the King of the Potatoes.

I'm surprised no Englishman's mentioned Coupling yet. The US networks tried to convert Coupling to an American sit-com with American actors, but it bombed miserably. It doesn't work as an American sit-com, but I would urge any American to buy a DVD of this to discover English humour and any woman to buy it to discover what goes on inside bloke's heads.

Absolute highlight was - The Melty Man. Very very true and literally oculd not stop laughing throughout that scene.

The Earl
Oh, forgot my favorite ever Brit sitcom episode -- "Bottom" on the Ferris Wheel. A full half hour of dialog from Rik and Ade on a stationary ferris wheel. It was like a Beckett play, only a lot funnier.
Homer praying:
'I'm not a religious person, but if you are up there, please help me...Superman'
I had to post it
Sub Joe said:
The only US sketch show I ever found really funny was "Your Show of Shows". Sid Caeser as the Professor.
. . .
One thing that really pisses me off is the really pathetic, poorly observed portrayal of Brits in U.S. sitcoms.
Jose, I loved Caesar (I thought you were much younger than me). The man was truly brilliant, as was Peter Cook, so sorry he was maligned as you noted.

One good Brit character was Derek Jacobi in Frasier. He played a famous RSC-type actor way past his prime. Frasier and his brother helped produce a play thinking they'd score a coup with Jacobi's character starring, then Jacobi goes over the top as an over the top Shakespearean. Hilarious, hope you can see it.

Anyone: isn't Daphne from Manchester? Her accent does not sound it.

perdita said:
Jose, I loved Caesar (I thought you were much younger than me). The man was truly brilliant, as was Peter Cook, so sorry he was maligned as you noted.

One good Brit character was Derek Jacobi in Frasier. He played a famous RSC-type actor way past his prime. Frasier and his brother helped produce a play thinking they'd score a coup with Jacobi's character starring, then Jacobi goes over the top as an over the top Shakespearean. Hilarious, hope you can see it.

Anyone: isn't Daphne from Manchester? Her accent does not sound it.


Oh perdita, here is one for today:
[Lord Percy] 'I'll hide in the box Baldrick, don't tell Lord Blackadder!'
[Baldrick] 'Alright'
[Blackadder] 'Where is Lord Percy?'
[Baldrick] 'He....ehm....he.....mmmmm.....he's hiding in that box sir!'
Snoop, it works. I laughed out loud. Of course I have the faces and voices in mind. Thanks. P. :kiss:
perdita said:
Anyone: isn't Daphne from Manchester? Her accent does not sound it.


Definitely not Manca, more like Cheshire (Where all the rich and famous mancunians or united players live)

Terry Christian has the definitive Manca twang.

Def'nitely Not Manc!

perdita said:
Anyone: isn't Daphne from Manchester? Her accent does not sound it.


The character is "supposed" to be from Manchester but the actress comes from Crawley, or somewhere in the vicinity of Gatwick airport.

Definitely "Dahn Sarf" anyhoo!


father ted is my favourite, and I used to go out with a 'friends' obsessive, so got quite hooked on that too

Ted: Dougal, how did you get into the church in the first place? Was it, like, 'collect 12 crisp packets and become a priest?'

Guess that's not really funny unless you've seen it, but hey.
kellycummings said:
Truly, one of the greatest one liners in tv history!

Almost forgot about this one WKRP ep - lol was hilarious, as was Ellen's coming out and some seinfeld, and some sex in the city. And all of George Dubya's press conferences since the fall - lol

Haven't watched anything other than CSI in a while . . . so don't know what's out there.
The only American sit-com that stands out in my mind was 'SOAP' I used to be in tears with that one.

The Simpsons is definitely one of the funniest shows ever.

One of my favorite scenes from the show is when Homer is going to the kitchen for some ice cream. He opens the freezer and takes out a tub of Neopolitan saying "MMMMMM chocolate!" he opens it up and the chocolate ice cream is completely gone, however the vanilla and strawberry is untouched. Homer says "D'oh!" and roots around in the the freezer for another tub of ice cream, he finds one and again says "MMMMM chocolate!" and again as he opens it he finds the chocolate competely gone while the vanilla and strawberry is untouched. Again he says "D'oh!" After repeating this for a third time and finding no more ice cream he then shouts "Marrrrrrrge! We need some more vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream!"

However, IMHO, the funniest show on television is Scrubs. It is hard to pick just one stand out moment of hilarity from that series as I usually find myself laughing from beginning to end of each episode.

Another show I think deserves credit is NewsRadio. That show was so cleverly written and the comedy so crisp and dead on, I think it will be still be funny years from now. My favorite episode from that series was when they replaced the sandwich machine that was filled with old rotten sandwiches with a video arcade game. It caused a great disturbance in the office, first of all Bill missed the sandwiches, he was the only one who ate them, and Dave despised the machine because it was the same game that he had been obsessed during his high school years and caused him to do poorly on the SAT's.

When he finally accepted that the game was there to stay and actually looked forward to playing it he finds that it all ready has been replaced with a fortune teller machine. Dave puts a quarter in the machine making the teller's eyes light up and without missing a beat Dave, who's could never be described as having an impressive stature, says to the machine "I want to be big."
Carl East said:
The only American sit-com that stands out in my mind was 'SOAP' I used to be in tears with that one.


Soap was hilarious! When Bert(Richard Mulligan) thought he could turn himself invisible!
I've only seen a few episodes of SOAP. I remember when Jody(?) was visiting his mother-in-law, and she asks him "what to you homosexuals drink?"