Biden's problem is, he's too bipartisan

Again...fully supported by all Americans. Show me one that didn't cash a check. Show me one Republican that didn't accept money. If you were against it based on principle...why would you accept it? No backbone? No morals? No strength in your convictions?

You do realize that the stimulus passed under Obama was geared at businesses right? Mainly the banks? The average American fumed as the banks were getting bailed out, while they were getting kicked out by these very same banks. Then to top it off, the suits got to keep their large bonuses and golden parachutes. So no, it wasn't supported by all Americans. That still doesn't change the fact it was done almost completely unilaterally. You can't get mad that when you later needed the other side, they weren't all that cooperative.
Every year we're told how many people are leaving CA most of whom should have left long ago if the reasons given are their motivations for leaving. It never amounts to much. The reality is America will be here for at least a century baring something truly unpredictable happening. But us "control freaks" have let the inmates run the asylum for far too long and we are seeing all the predicable outcomes.

You control freaks don't "let" anything.... you're not in control, and even when you have the opportunity to be you don't know what the fuck to do with it.

Better dye your hair blue/pink and scream at some clouds about how unfair it is us top 10% have so much. :D
Yup... the two sides are so opposite each other there can't really be compromise even if the people were willing to work with others in general.

Thus we should send all these hot button issues back to the states.... or there's going to be a fight.

Then there is still a fight -- you've just pushed it down to the state level. Ain't no improvement.
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By legislatures. It's the same thing.


No it's not peck, you're just too immature to admit you were wrong DESPITE you being demonstrably and objectively so.

Then there is still a fight -- you've just pushed it down to the state level. Ain't no improvement.

Not at all, as it's been shown over the last several years of polarization, people in the minority of any given state will LEAVE, and take up residents in states more to their liking.

Of course the is an improvement, everyone gets their way in states they control. That's a huge improvement over nobody getting anything they want federally and a massive improvement over going Syria over it and burning/bombing/shooting the country to shreds.
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That was never a possibility.

That's always a possibility.

:rolleyes: No, even the Democrats getting all their way all the time wouldn't do that.

Of course it would.

We would have no rights, states wouldn't be states anymore, we would be a centrally controlled simple majority democracy and focused on equity of life outcomes like commie fuckwits.

Unrecognizable as the USA we currently know and have for the last 245 years.
Our Government was built on bipartisan legislation.

Actually, it was built by people who didn't believe in political parties and would have opposed them if they'd seen them coming.

Name one piece of legislation that has survived that wasn't supported by both sides.

Social Security. Medicare. FMLA. Lilly Ledbetter. (They all had a few Republican supporters and a few Democratic opponents, but that's really not the same as being "supported by both sides".)

Even Obama care is bipartisan because the Republicans didn't even attempt to remove it when they had the chance.
You're trolling. There is no way you can be unaware of the literally dozens of votes they took to kill Obamacare. They just never had quite enough votes.

You're trolling. There is no way you can be unaware of the literally dozens of votes they took to kill Obamacare. They just never had quite enough votes.

And that was when repubs had all three branches
You're trolling. There is no way you can be unaware of the literally dozens of votes they took to kill Obamacare. They just never had quite enough votes.

The Republicans voted to kill the mandate, which is effectively the same thing. You're no longer obligated to buy insurance or suffer a penalty.
Republicans have moved too far to the extreme right for bipartisanship to exist, except in rare cases.

Republicans only care about raw power, they have completely abandoned even the pretense of helping the American people.

January 6th was a disgrace and every republican that played a part should have been thrown out of office already.
Republicans have moved too far to the extreme right for bipartisanship to exist, except in rare cases.

It's not the (R)'s who have moved right, it's the (D)eez who have moved left.

Republicans only care about raw power, they have completely abandoned even the pretense of helping the American people.

Then why is it the (D)'eez who want to "PROGRESS" us into a unitary state run by a centralized federal authority that forces 1 size fits all (D) rule upon the whole country???

January 6th was a disgrace and every republican that played a part should have been thrown out of office already.

Says the guy who supports rioting and terrorism so long as it's leftist doing it.
Republicans have moved too far to the extreme right for bipartisanship to exist, except in rare cases.

Republicans only care about raw power, they have completely abandoned even the pretense of helping the American people.

January 6th was a disgrace and every republican that played a part should have been thrown out of office already.

The projection is strong with this one.
Republicans have moved too far to the extreme right for bipartisanship to exist, except in rare cases.

Republicans only care about raw power, they have completely abandoned even the pretense of helping the American people.

January 6th was a disgrace and every republican that played a part should have been thrown out of office already.

The Republicans moved a tiny bit to the right. It was the Dems that did a cordlss bungee jump into Leftism. Objectively.
Thank you Goth for proving my point. We don't have this radical control you keep claiming drove you out of the state. Were the quotatioin marks confusing for you?

Also the US doesn't have a Left. We have a center Right and an absolutely batshit far right faction.
Then objectively, provide examples.

The social liberal party platform that's gone "progressive".

By that I mean they went from supporting equality under the law to pursuing social and racial equity.

By their own words Democrats made a huge lurch left in their latest party platform, arguably to pander to the progressive faction of their base.

Trump is a Reagan fan boy..... a neo-liberal nationalist straight out of 1984. The right hasn't gone further right, it's the left who has lurched left.
Thank you Goth for proving my point. We don't have this radical control you keep claiming drove you out of the state.

Sure you do, not only did I live it but it's regularly rated as one of the most hostile to business and heavily regulated states in the union. New York being the only real completion for regulating shit just for the sake of regulating it to make life harder for anyone not an elite.

California is a psychotic control freak of a state run by elitist scum.

What cost me several thousand dollars, days off of work to deal with and untold hours of paperwork and fucking with the nanny state nay sayers in California cost me 250 bucks and 5 min a year in Minnesota and NOTHING in Montana. I have yet to deal with any officials from either state. I pay significantly less taxes and keep more of my money. Even the bigger companies are bouncing on CA because it's becoming increasingly difficult to justify the cost and fuckery of dealing with it.

You start looking at things like liquor licenses and it's absolutely laughable. Minnesota is practically libertarian by comparison.

Also the US doesn't have a Left.

Of course we do, the Democrats as by their own platform pursuing racial and economic equity definitively makes them leftist.

We have a center Right and an absolutely batshit far right faction.

No, you're just radically left. We have a left of center and increasingly authoritarian Democrats and a moderate right wing that's rapidly getting more liberal.
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The Republicans moved a tiny bit to the right. It was the Dems that did a cordlss bungee jump into Leftism. Objectively.

Objectively, that's bullshit.

Under Trump, Republicans went from promoting democracy to preferring authoritarianism and fascism. Trump repeatedly praised Putin and Xi and even said that he and Kim Jong-Un fell in love. And they buddied up to Erdogan, Bolsinaro and Orban. A veritable whose who of horrible dictators.

They've promoted lies and disinformation to the same degree that all those dictators do. They've put loyalty above laws and sidled accountability at every turn.

So spare me the "a little" crap. It's bullshit and we all know it.
Objectively, that's bullshit.

Under Trump, Republicans went from promoting democracy to preferring authoritarianism and fascism.

^^ As fucking backwards as peck.

How is it these people are so backwards?? :confused: