Biden's problem is, he's too bipartisan

Objectively, that's bullshit.

Under Trump, Republicans went from promoting democracy to preferring authoritarianism and fascism. Trump repeatedly praised Putin and Xi and even said that he and Kim Jong-Un fell in love. And they buddied up to Erdogan, Bolsinaro and Orban. A veritable whose who of horrible dictators.

They've promoted lies and disinformation to the same degree that all those dictators do. They've put loyalty above laws and sidled accountability at every turn.

So spare me the "a little" crap. It's bullshit and we all know it.

Actually Zip, all you know and say is steaming bullshit.
Actually Zip, all you know and say is steaming bullshit.

Well, this part is true:

Under Trump, Republicans went from promoting democracy to preferring authoritarianism and fascism. Trump repeatedly praised Putin and Xi and even said that he and Kim Jong-Un fell in love. And they buddied up to Erdogan, Bolsinaro and Orban. A veritable whose who of horrible dictators.
Actually Zip, all you know and say is steaming bullshit.

The truth hurts.

But go ahead and try and refute it.

All of you right wing morons are the same. You're radical extremists who talk a lot but don't say anything other than the delusional lies you are fed.

It's especially funny watching you cry about the CCP but you didn't have anything to say when orange Jesus wascomplimenting Xi.

And Bobo is nothing but a sad little troll who makes even less sense than you do.
As for bipartisanship . . . well, we all experimented in college, it ain't a life choice or nuttin'.
The Republicans moved a tiny bit to the right. It was the Dems that did a cordlss bungee jump into Leftism. Objectively.

:rolleyes: If only! The GOP is the only truly ideological major party now, and has moved drastically right in every election cycle since 1964. The Democrats remain what they have been for decades, a coalition of interest groups. The real left has only a marginal and tenuous presence, as the Bernie Bros have learned repeatedly, which is why they're now going the third-party route.
:rolleyes: If only! The GOP is the only truly ideological major party now, and has moved drastically right in every election cycle since 1964. The Democrats remain what they have been for decades, a coalition of interest groups. The real left has only a marginal and tenuous presence, as the Bernie Bros have learned repeatedly, which is why they're now going the third-party route.

See Pp 12 for a much-needed (by you) dose of political reality:

The Democrats have gone Full Retard. Keep in mind this was 2017...the Dems have gone even farther off the scale left since then.
Full left would not be full retard, and p. 12 shows a much more drastic rightward shift by the GOP -- the peak of the curve is to the right of the median.

But, it's encouraging to see you paying some attention to Pew. Check this out.

The GOP mean barely moved to the right. The Dem mean moved significantly to the left. Look at the enormous number of Democrats stacked up at the far-left of the's easily 3-4 times the number of Republicans stacked at the right limit and several times the nunber of leftists that were that far-left in 2004.

Sorry, it's the Dems that are going the way of Labour: Too insane to vote for.
Sorry, it's the Dems that are going the way of Labour: Too insane to vote for.

:confused: You're talking about a Labour Party that has stood for labor hardly at all since the 1990s. I recall one comic said back then that since Labour "isn't standing this year," he's voting for something called the "Tony Party." I don't think Jeremy Corbyin has been in charge nearly long enough to make any difference there.
:rolleyes: If only! The GOP is the only truly ideological major party now, and has moved drastically right in every election cycle since 1964. The Democrats remain what they have been for decades, a coalition of interest groups. The real left has only a marginal and tenuous presence, as the Bernie Bros have learned repeatedly, which is why they're now going the third-party route.

Peck is as usual as backwards 180 from reality as it can possibly be.
It's not the (R)'s who have moved right, it's the (D)eez who have moved left.

Says the right winger who thinks he's a liberal. That really does say all we need to know about your perspective!