Big Sigs

Re: Confusion

MathGirl said:
Then what are those oeuvres Ogg was talking about?

The word "oeuvres" is a French cooking term, and means "eggs over-easy".

Internationally Helpful
I like to be able to see the sig info in case I'm inspired to check out someone's stories and they have a link.

The thing that bugs me is when I can scroll down past someone's post and have their sig info take up the entire screen before I get past it (15 inch screen). Especially when their post is just a short sentance, or if they have multiple posts in the same thread.

I don't care what it is or whether if flashes, just as long as it only takes an inch or two at most.
Heat + Work

Oeuvre follows oestrus in my dictionary as:

n(noun) (totality of) works of an author, painter, composer, etc. [French=work, from Latin Opera]

In most British dictionaries it would follow oestrus which is defined as "sexual heat".

I was trying to be too clever.

Sexual heat should be followed by the totality of the work which relieves the sexual heat in frantic action to a consummation.

Now I suppose the thread will discuss how to make consommé.

Re: Heat + Work

oggbashan said:
I was trying to be too clever.

Dear Og,
And I was trying to be too dumb. That's what you get for casting synthetic pearls before real swine.

Ps. I'll PM you my special recipe for consumme with ovaries in.
Re: ?

MathGirl said:
Dear Mercy Mia,
Have you heard from DFiant recently?

Oh, I am so sorry I missed this post.

DFiant sent a post card from the Maldives. The words were written in some kind of nonwaterproof ink and somehow the message area got wet along the way. It all came out a streaky kind of blue. I *could* make out one phrase and it said something about Martha Stewart being great in bed. :confused: Good thing the address was intact.


Dear MM,
It's nice to know that DFiant is doing well now. He had rather a bad experience there for a couple of weeks.
Re: DFiant

MathGirl said:
Dear MM,
It's nice to know that DFiant is doing well now. He had rather a bad experience there for a couple of weeks.

It seems like it was more than a couple of weeks...but then again, I was just baking cookies and walking my dog past the haunted house :)

I agree, Svensflicka, she's not looking very attractive on the tabloid front pages these days.
as with most people i don't mind a few lines,its when there are several pics,flashing or not,several different colours of writing and they take up half a page,that is then annoying.

i like to keep sigs on,as i think it says something about a person.
dr_mabeuse said:
Does anyone else get irritated by signature lines that go on for ever?

Really, I don't mind having to scroll down through three or four paragraphs of what the author considers to be pithy and jocular excerpts from his favorite Star Wars movie or C&W song, because, really, I just never get enough of reading the same text over and over again, and it doesn't really sink in until about the 500th time I've read it.

And the rows and rows of dancing bananas and spinning hearts just really perk up my fucking day.

But some sigs add on a few pages of pics, links, and ads to the point where I actually dread seeing some people's posts come up, knowing that it's going to be a looooong way to the next one.

It isn't as bad here as it is on other boards, but I'd hate to see it get any worse.


You have my vote on this. Crisp, concise sigs with a message are fine. There is one individual posting on lit who has, hmmmmm at least 25-30 individuals listed in his sig he wants to stop posting. Really quite crass, insulting, and in poor taste. (no, not that person!)

Off to breakfast, Math Girl is cooking eggs and sausage.
English Lady said:
as with most people i don't mind a few lines,its when there are several pics,flashing or not,several different colours of writing and they take up half a page,that is then annoying.

i like to keep sigs on,as i think it says something about a person.

One troll over at the GB had a sig that went on for half the page. 30 verses of racistic rants! That sure said a lot about him.:rolleyes:
General Board

That place is dangerous. It is littered with weirdos (I don't mean Weird Harold - he's OK) or trolls as SvK calls them.

Cross the wrong ones and they might nuke you.

Whereas here, in contrast, we are all polite, well behaved and NEVER frighten off newbies, do we?

long sigs and quotes

Besides the long boring sigs (as opposed to the evocative ones (e.g., The Earl's), I wish people would take the time (seconds) to edit long quotes if they are only responding to a small bit.