Bistro Bijou

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Though our hearts are often broken
by words and thoughts and deed,
still something deep inside each one
reaches out to a soul in need.
I have no words to comfort
to salve this hurt in you,
so I offer all I have to give
my friendship always true.
I'm kinda back. LOL

My psychology class started on Tuesday. My instructor seems a little anal retentive to say the least. His syllabus for the course is 30 pages long! That's about 25 pages more than most syllabi I've encountered. He included some interesting guidelines for our papers, including "no contractions" and "New Times Roman 12pt font only!" Any deviation from his guidelines means that he will refuse to read the paper and the student gets a 0 as if they never handed anything in. You think it would be inappropriate for me to suggest that he switch to decaf???

Spiked with Midol!
Or perhaps a bit of ducolax.. Just to soften that pole he's got stuck up his arse.

No contractions is a little retentive, especially if they are used correctly. Mayhap this gentleman is anti-apostrophe? Next he will be outlawing possessive nouns! Oh well, he probably is not tenured and is unloading his crap downward.

Set your word to auto correct for contractions on the spell checker and good luck with serving him the mocha decaf topped with whipped cream and exlax shavings.
Does Ducolax work on Swede's as well? :D

Hey now, that's my Viking sensibilities you're assaulting there...

You know what they say:

You can tell a Swede
but you can't tell him much.

Hi all. It's still a bit funky in the world, from what I can see, but at least the sun's out. Three cloudy days in a row and Kansans tend to go bonkers and start considering seppuku.

And I believe the Erratic Table is actually Danish modern, although its owner may lean toward the Norwegian.

Hi Champy! How's yer assorted bits?

Oh No! You mean LadyS' professor has your "Viking sensibilities" stuck up there too? Well, I suppose that if its that stretched out it will be easy to 'pass'!

Someone just needs to get all Lindisfarne on his ass, obviously.

That he's got an issue with contractions kinda says it all.

You guys are too funny!

Thanks for the tip on setting the spellcheck to correct contractions. My first paper is due tomorrow.

I was tempted to mention to him that there is a typo in his syllabus... especially since a good-sized paragraph is dedicated to how unacceptable typos are in college writing. Are they more acceptable for professors?

Your complete adorableness was missed, sweetie. Glad you're back.


She is a joy to have around.

♫♪We love you, Aaaannie. ♪ Oh yes we dooooooo.♪♫

You guys just made my day thankyou xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

You guys are too funny!

Thanks for the tip on setting the spellcheck to correct contractions. My first paper is due tomorrow.

I was tempted to mention to him that there is a typo in his syllabus... especially since a good-sized paragraph is dedicated to how unacceptable typos are in college writing. Are they more acceptable for professors?


I dare you in fact I double dare you and as Bijou knows double dares are sacrosanct
Cooper, the pup, can't resist a Double DOG dare... jus' sayin' <<< me kickin' the constipated perfesser's apostrophe hatin'ness... :p
I dare you in fact I double dare you and as Bijou knows double dares are sacrosanct

I think I better wait until the last day of class. Then, I'll send him an email letting him know of the existence of a typo... but not where it is. Let him pick through his novel of a syllabus.

Just saw your post, UYS. So sorry to hear about your dog.:rose:

Hi doll!

I love how much of a little family we are in here these days, gathered to share our news. Loststar got a job, UYS lost her companion, whatever it is we come in here for the support and the congrats and the condolences.

It's a sleepy down day, so I'm making everyone lattes. With an extra shot. Me, I'm wading through about two weeks of poetry reviews, trying to catch up on a few comments so Eve won't spank me.

*wait a minute. maybe I should rethink that...*

I'm not sure why, but this pic cracks me up. It's titled, "Five Hands" for obvious reasons :devil:

That is hilarious and freaky! I like it.

Timely, too. I've been writing stories about multiple hands on people lately.

She must be a very happy woman at that moment.

That is hilarious and freaky! I like it.

Timely, too. I've been writing stories about multiple hands on people lately.

She must be a very happy woman at that moment.


Probably that fundamentalist christian "laying on of hands" comes from a deep seated need for kinkiness.
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