Bizarre But Beautiful..Fascinating, Yet Over?

Yes, Cym, I'm done....

...done like dinner.

No mal fides intended.

Testosterone levels returning to Normal.

Shields down.

All ahead full impulse power to BetaSub69 for some R&R.

Lance "Fist Fight, Cat Fight...Let's Call The Hole Thing Off!" Castor
Re: If I hear you correctly....

How noble.

Lancecastor said:

So, I jumped on the grenade, figuring the big guns would turn on lil ol moi without much provocation.

I will not tell him to "bite me".

I will not tell him to "bite me".
I will not tell him to "bite me".
I will not tell him to "bite me".
I will not tell him to "bite me".
I will not tell him to "bite me".
I will not tell him to "bite me".


Lance "My lips are seal-hunted" Castor
Your imaginings are correct, Ebonyfire...

There is a style of D/s referred to as "Old Guard", and it is my experience that Old Guard Dominants tend to use a more mannered speech.
And it is also my experience, that They treat, and are treated, very seriously in D/s.

I have a close friend who refers to, and addresses his Mistress, as M'lady, in real life.
For me, he is royalty amongst slaves.
And i say that, because his demeanour, service and devotion are unsurpassed.

I rest my case.

In the end...Semantics.

Nothing more, nothing less.

I rest my case.
siren101 said:
There is a style of D/s referred to as "Old Guard", and it is my experience that Old Guard Dominants tend to use a more mannered speech.
And it is also my experience, that They treat, and are treated, very seriously in D/s.
I'm sure you know, of course, that the so-called BDSM "Old Guard" came from gay community practices which were in place long before there was an internet. In fact, the "Old Guard" BDSM community is a relatively recent D/s style of being in the overall BDSM community scheme of things.

Here are some net writings from well-known and legit sources on the "Old Guard" vs whatever is not OG with respect to the worldwide BDSM community.

Joseph Bean, a BDSM/gay activist and preeminent Leatherman for many years:

Lord Sabre, a Janus Society insider:
(from this page:

Jay Wiseman, well-known BDSM author:
(also from this page:

There's lots of info out there on this bit of BDSM world in-fighting and precious little agreement about who or what is actually "Old Guard" - outside of everyone acknowledging that it came from the gay community in the pre-net days.

I liken this bit of "who's more authentic?" discussion to that offered by Gor purists. They think they are. I think they're all living a role play. We're all right for ourselves and out lives.

So it is with those who claim some kinda special BDSM "Old Guard" status.

The preceeding is, of course, just and only my personal opinion.
Another 2 cents

This post really has no bearing on the original post which started this thread. As many have said, whether it is true or not does not matter, believe or don't believe. That is everyone's choice. This has more to do with the subsequent posts. There has been a lot of discussion about the "normalcy" of the speech- American vs. Brit. vs Canadian vs. Aussie. I wonder if you have been listening to yourselves. Don't we consider our lifestyles normal while many others would not? Don't "others" consider us a bit weird and twisted? ( I know some of my friends think so) Then why is there such a discussion about believing what someone wrote because it doesn't sound like "normal" speech?

A little tolerance is allowed.
Re: Another 2 cents

shysub said:
A little tolerance is allowed.
A LOT of tolerance is called for by all of us on a very, very frequent basis, yes. Sometimes we're good about that and sometimes we're not.
I think we all mean to be, though, all the time - however it works itself out.

We walk a delicate line in here, all of us - and especially those of us who've got a lot of time and energy and thought and focus and sweat and care invested in this place. We're constantly weighing the needs of the few against the focus of the many. More specifically, some of us are forever on guard for chat room type incursions into our haven of "real life" BDSM.

Sometimes we (ummm, *i*) overreact to perceived chat room type postings. For that i'm eternally sorry. However, if the alternative is to stand by while chat roomers take the place over, then i'll go down fighting, thanks. I can't do otherwise.

I am not stating explicitly or implying in a sideways manner that the original post was chat roomish. It was not. But it did bring an element of divisiveness (Old Guard vs New Guard, and on a couple levels, btw) to this forum - and that's yet another thing that i get tired of dealing with, quite frankly.

Act like grown-ups, dammit!

~just me, being cranky~
cymbidia..i don't recall saying that Old Guard was better..i think i said that they tend to use more mannered speech, but they are serious, but the thread is too long for me to find it again!

And the reason i said that, was because the Mistress i mentioned was being maligned due to Her mode of speech.
Well, that was one of the things She was maligned for.
What really shocks me is that this woman is supposedly 20 years old. I'm 21 years old, and I wouldn't dare trust somebody my age to be sufficiently knowledgable and experienced to give myself up to so completely. They just haven't had enough time to learn what's really appropriate. I can't imagine it would be anything more than a fun game at that age...a power trip. (Yes, topping is probably almost always a power trip, I know!) It seems to me her age might have something to do with her not following typical SSC patterns.

But hey, I don't know, maybe people mature faster in other parts of the world.
I must admit that the original post did read more like a story than a real life meet - but that may just be the style of the writing.

On the diffences between the languages of the English speaking countires here on Lit ... I have found in my wanderings on the net, and my interaction with people, that MY use of the English language has caused me a few problems.

Not that I use ode English, or Middle English in my speech, or anything like that - but so many words have different meanings on either side of the Atlantic. On one board (a nilla one) I frequesnt, I used the word 'homely' to describe one female. You can imagine the response I got from all the Americans. However, I had NO IDEA that it meant what it does in America. Here, it means quite the opposite, and was given as a compliment! (I have since been to on-line US/English dictionaries in an attempt to ensure that I begin to learn which words to avoid using!)

Sorry - I went right off the point there!

Errrrrr ... MAYBE Lance (and if I met him on a messenger or chat room setting, I would probably ask if I could call him Sir) was just trying to point out with humour that geograpical diferences MIGHT have ed to some of the misunderstandings?

(Bowing out gracefully now, and hoping I haven't fanned the flames)

willow :rose:
Originally in part posted by WillowPuss, edited by Lance

On the differences between the languages of the English speaking countires here on Lit ... I have found in my wanderings on the net, and my interaction with people, that MY use of the English language has caused me a few problems.

Errrrrr ... MAYBE Lance (and if I met him on a messenger or chat room setting, I would probably ask if I could call him Sir) was just trying to point out with humour that geograpical diferences MIGHT have ed to some of the misunderstandings?

willow :rose:

Yes, Willow, that was my original intent...the humour inherant in the range of reactions that are generated through geographical and cultural differences in the use of the English language.

Thanks for seeing it, as I am sometimes both silly and, bring me.....a shrubbery!

As it happens, I realized after reviewing "The Wisdom of The Stickies"...there is a conscious effort here to avoid use of the W/we Y/you stuff and such. The reasons for this are explained clearly and well, and had I actually read all the stickies first (oops), I might have figured it out sooner....but the language issue is also apparently/possibly indicative of a philosophical Maginot line of sorts as well, the nuances of which I intially, simply and rather unelegantly....missed.

I am Switzerland in that regard and when in Rome, well you know the rest...don't forget to stay at the palatial Viaduct Best Western!


Uh-oh, careful Lance! You're confusing me by bringing Italians into the mix! :D
Re: Another 2 cents

shysub said:
A little tolerance is allowed.

Tolerance does not equal agreement. What happened is that people disagreed. If folks who post here are not adult enough to deal with the fact that not everyone will agree with them, believe them, or validate their beliefs, then why post at all?
I am not here to rubber stamp anyone's ideas. As long as there is politeness, and no flaming, then folks should post to their heart's content.

If there is intolerance, it comes from those who insist that everyone agree with them, and if they do not, they are "mean'.


Damn. I'd sure like to hear some more of what happened to siren.

Siren, you still out there?:rose:

Ok, I couldn't help myself; I tried to resist:

Original founding member of SIN (unSafe, Insane, and Non-consensual.)

Please don't kick me. I'm kicking myself! Really!

~radiant smile~ How Might I Be Of Service, Sandia?

ohhh, noooooo...ANYTHING but that, Sandia!
Anything..just don't make me post please!


ohhh, alright! I'll post!
Does this post qualify?
Re: ~radiant smile~ How Might I Be Of Service, Sandia?

siren101 said:
ohhh, noooooo...ANYTHING but that, Sandia!
Anything..just don't make me post please!


ohhh, alright! I'll post!
Does this post qualify?

No, Siren. I'm sorry. Get back here RIGHT now.
Get up against the wall... and tell... the rest... of your story.

~swallows nervously...mouth suddenly dry`

Ahh, visit to the dangerous Domme....

She had told me what to wear, and added "Don't be late!"

On Her doorstep I counted down the time on my cellphone...(I didn't think early would be good either)

She told me to follow Her to the living-room, then got me to shed my eskimo gear (it's winter here, Sandia) until only my outfit was left...a flame-pink leather harem outfit with only 4 chains adorning each of my breasts,and many dangling chains ,including from my g-string but black PVC thighboots instead of harem pants...

Her male slave seemed to be in a chasm of subspace...he didn't even look in my direction. Nor greet me...until she instructed him to.
She got me to display myself for her, then pointed to a seat. But my thighs didn't stay together for long. She then intermittently interviewed me, in between getting me down on all fours.

Next, She got him to clip a leash onto me..and lead me to a room where she introduced me to all her possible implements.
Then it was back to the living room, where she had both of us on all fours.
Her feet were resting on my bottomflesh, very occasionally kneading my cheeks...for me it was such a beautiful symbolism of the weight of her authority...and...the first time she touched me.
Then she asked me to dance erotically for her...her slave followed suit.

Somewhere amongst this, She instructed me to kiss her knees, whilst I was on all-fours.

Next, she instructed her slave to take me into the other room, and bind my wrists. He did a very thorough and attractive job, not meeting my gaze at any time.
Back to her presence
More interview, including "how do you feel with your wrists you trust me?"
I think those were her words.
And I did...very comfortable.

Next, we were led into her bedroom...I ended up being required to kneel...sans boots with my gaze to be immovably fixed upon his genitals, as he did a different erotic "dance"
She then told me to lick her nipples.
Then..she got me dance erotically for her again, as she knelt on her bed, her gaze close to my loins, while she guided him to enter her.
She controlled his movements totally...until eventually he begged for permission to orgasm.
His moan could be heard across town, as he came.

Not long afterwards, she sent me home, telling me she would require my presence the following evening.

But that was cancelled, due to a booking for her entire evening.

That was 2 weeks ago.
I have not heard from her since.

~smiling coyly to Sandia...including a gentle biting on my bottom lip~
siren. veronika,

Do you like to be up against a wall?

Let’s hope so. I certainly enjoy you there.

siren. veronika. Either you’re a very lucky girl. Or you’re a great storyteller (as they believe). Either way, I’ll believe anything you say. As long as you keep biting your lip at me that way.

Now. Bite a little harder…

~bites harder on one side of my bottom soft, almost silent pant, escaping my soul~

Very comfy, thank you, Sandia ~bright smile~
I love it when you talk Dominant to me ~ the cold hard wall embracing me firmly, and communicating with my nipples~

I omitted a detail or two ~blush~....she asked me to bring a needle and thread with me..said I could earn a longer stay if I did.
She said she owned a spread made of rabbit pelts, and once I'd repaired the rips in the seams, she would wrap us both in it, and christen our new life in it.

And also, I felt her touch one other time during my visit....she twisted my nipples.

Maybe she is the good storyteller, Sandia...I just did it. And re-told it.

May I ask why I am very lucky?
She seems to have no motivation towards me now.
Maybe that's why I am lucky?

PS: How do I remove virgin from beneath my name, please someone?
It's ludicrous!
Ohh! And how to add a pic under my name might be handy, if you wouldn't mind?
How to change your staus and get an av...

siren101 said:

PS: How do I remove virgin from beneath my name, please someone?

Ohh! And how to add a pic under my name might be handy, if you wouldn't mind?

.....FTFM. It's all there to read. :)