Black/White & ?

Thomas Kierst (from Dessous)

Picky, picky ...
babiesmiles said:
the pics are good but I hate that style of furniture ;)
... and I'll be your hostess for this evening.
Would you care to look at the wine list?
We have a fully stocked cellar.
Might I suggest this to go with your appetizer?
I'm sure it will go down quite well.

Artist's page:
AngelicAssassin said:
Picky, picky ...

you can bet I am picky ...why get older if not ? :cool:

the chairs in last pics are better they look like the thonet chairs , and I have some original end of 1800's ones in my house with the seat in Wien straw .

yup decisely I am picky ;)

Btw ... nice to see you around AA :)
AngelicAssassin said:
Perhaps, but i prefer the sharp tug when i desire undivided attention.

It took me some istants to understand ... but yep that is ..... you take my words too literally .. ya now I am not English first language ......that was what I meant with the word ...evocative ... least your comments help me to widen my vocabulary :D
Thomas Kierst (from Beine 1)

babiesmiles said:
It took me some istants to understand ... but yep that is ..... you take my words too literally .. ya now I am not English first language ......that was what I meant with the word ...evocative ...
chuckling here ... picky works both ways.
babiesmiles said: least your comments help me to widen my vocabulary :D
Sounds like you got the point ... exactly.

Artist's page:
now ..I could start a whole talk about the shoes in the pic above but will shut up cause I could be charged of ..extreme fussiness by the " fashion police" of the board :D

PS does the wor d fussiness exist in english ? :confused:
Always haunting from first...

tethered.jpg last...


and everything inbetween...


Thank you for your artistic eye and taking the time to share it.

Nadezda Stepanova

Debated, then went with this thread instead of the other for the close to monochrome features.
