
sxgoddessjw said:
I love being blindfolded and tied up, I'm just sorry my soon to be ex-husband didn't get into it...He didn't want to torture me, or so he says...
Don't worry. There is someone out there.

And, if you don't find someone, I am there for you! :D
I love being blindfolded.

In fact, when I am not blindfolded, the scene loses a bit of something, so I just don't look.

And yes, Shadowsdream, I have been instructed to go upstairs, disrobe wearing nothing but the blindfold. Then, I waited.

Intense, is all I can say to that!

DVS said:
Don't worry. There is someone out there.

And, if you don't find someone, I am there for you! :D

Oh I have someone in mind ;) But I'm not sure if he's into that sort of thing, if not I'll keep you in mind :kiss:
I was just thinking about blindfolds, again this morning.

I have found that something that really adds to the use of blindfolds is to be blindfolded and have to walk without being led. His voice being the only thing to direct me to where I need. "One step forward. Turn right." and on and on.

Not only does it add to anticipation of sexual play, but takes my mind into the space wherein I am totally focussed and dependent upon Him. It intensifies the scene.

The other thought I had had to do with a hood made of dark blue gauze. Having the fabric slipped over my head and the feel of it gently touching my shoulder is sensual. In addition, Being able to only see the light from a window and a shadow or movement is a variation on the theme of sensory deprivation.
Hmmm... so how does a blindfold and ear-muffs work with you, MissT? Does that add to the sensory deprivation?
FungiUg said:
Hmmm... so how does a blindfold and ear-muffs work with you, MissT? Does that add to the sensory deprivation?

Hmm, I haven't experienced the ear muffs, yet. However, it sounds wonderful. *pun intended*
I know of a couple who use headphones during a flogging. She listens to classical music. I don't know if she also wears a blindfold, but that would be your earmuffs scenario.

And, that does have sound.

In the 22nd century, we will probably have a special helmet where music is played into the ears and blinders that would work as a blindfold, but also a visual form of the music.

It might also be nice to add the impact of the flogger as a part of the visual sound. The sub would see pleasant colors and patterns, then one bright streak when the flogger hits, then pleasant colors and patterns again.

There could also be a wireless mic on the Dom/me who could talk to the sub to torment the mind.

OK, I am really out there, I know. I get that way, sometimes. The worst of it is I won't even be around in the 22nd century to see if I'm right.

Somebody better hurry up and invent this stuff!
You could do all of that now if you wanted. Well, perhaps not the visuals (you might need to wait 5 years), but certainly the mic input into what the sub is hearing.

For a good example, check out the scene with Moneypenny at the end of the latest James Bond.

Interesting. Complete control over sensory input...
Originally posted by DVS
I know of a couple who use headphones during a flogging. She listens to classical music.

Oooh, now that is an interesting idea! I've never been much into floggings (neither is Daddy), but I like the idea very much.
Etoile said:
I would love to have a blindfold used on me more often; it's never really been part of my play with Daddy. Any suggestions on how I might ask for this?

just get one yourself, and lie in bed with it on one day to surprise your lover and give the hint
Originally posted by primes
just get one yourself, and lie in bed with it on one day to surprise your lover and give the hint

Er, well, that wouldn't quite work in my situation, though I do already have one.