Bondage/Dominance Sadism/Masochism Purity Test

I see nothing wrong

KillerMuffin said:
Does anyone else see anything complete wrong with this picture???

I am aghast.
I took it a second time.
I got the same score.
I am just aghast.
This is so wrong.
I really should be upset about this.
I'm not.
But I should be. [/B]

At least in my case. I have always said that I am more D/s than BDSM. And my sexuality is not rooted in BDSM either. I do vanilla, in fact I do vanilla a lot. I am as kinky with vanilla men as with submissive men. To me sex is sex. So it makes sense for me to be "corrupt". <snickering>

It is my job to corrupt 'nillas! However, soon I plan to concentrate on my favorite pasttime...tavish!

Oh yeh, Muffykins.
You're definitely posting in the right forum.
You just settle in here with the rest of us kinky perverts, okay?

Say it loud, darlin'.
Say it proud:
My name is Muff and i'm a dominant.
No! I'm a submissive.
No! I'm a switch.
I don't know what i am!

Let me start over:
My name is Muff and i'm a wild-ass sexual deviant of some kind.

James Brown Song..."Say it Loud"

cymbidia said:
Say it loud, darlin'.
Say it proud:
:D [/B]

I'm a dev and I'm proud! It is fitting to use a James Brown song, he is pretty kinky himself!

Re: KillerMuffin

Somebody get her a support group, stat! She needs help gettin' outta that closet! :D

Er, the BDSM closet.... which one did you think I was talkin'..... oh.
Here is the result of your Bondage/Dominance Sadism/Masochism Purity Test.
You answered "yes" to 25 of 100 questions, making you 75.0% BDSM pure (25.0% BDSM corrupt); that is, you are 75.0% pure in the BDSM domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 31%, based on a comparison of your test results with 12641 other submissions for this test.
The average purity for this test is 71.3%.

:-( And I thought I was kinky LOL....
I admit it. I'm a sub at heart.

I'm joking. Take a breath cym, if I were D/s, I'd be D, not S or s. ;)
My Results:
You answered "yes" to 67 of 100 questions, making you 33.0% BDSM pure (68.0% BDSM corrupt); that is, you are 33.0% pure in the BDSM domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 49%, based on a comparison of your test results with 12641 other submissions for this test.

It seemed to me that this test was heavily sub-biased. Dom/mes would come out awfully pure, I think. At least it isn't like the other on from the GB, which was kinda actively anti-Switch.

Oh, and I got an 88 on the GB test.

I think I've gotta stop taking these fargin' tests.

And KM? I almost had a heart attack when I read your post. It took me seconds to see the end lines, I was so caught off guard by the first.
I guess I am downright ordinary.

You answered "yes" to 33 of 100 questions, making you 67.0% BDSM pure (33.0% BDSM corrupt); that is, you are 67.0% pure in the BDSM domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 34%, based on a comparison of your test results with 12641 other submissions for this test.
The average purity for this test is 71.3%.
To the first test I got:

Your score is- 82
Mistress says...Whether you are a Top, Bottom, or Switch, the BDSM world is not new to you.

You like the dark and mysterious. To you, sexual pleasure should be pushed to the limit. So much so in fact, that at some point, if not already, the BDSM lifestyle will spill over to your everyday life, truly becoming a part of who you are.

You are not afraid to ask your partner for what you find pleasurable, and they in turn, are not afraid to ask you to help them push their fantasies to the limit. Life is good, and with the "right" and "trusted" partner, it can be fabulous. You know that those deep dark shadows within is where the pleasure lies, and it only needs to be tapped.

To the second test I got:

You answered "yes" to 36 of 100 questions, making you 64.0% BDSM pure (36.0% BDSM corrupt); that is, you are 64.0% pure in the BDSM domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 34%, based on a comparison of your test results with 12641 other submissions for this test.
The average purity for this test is 71.3%.
RisiaSkye said:

It seemed to me that this test was heavily sub-biased. Dom/mes would come out awfully pure, I think.

I came out very corrupt.

The Wierdness Factor

My results....

You answered "yes" to 55 of 100 questions, making you 45.0% BDSM pure (55.0% BDSM corrupt); that is, you are 45.0% pure in the BDSM domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 45%, based on a comparison of your test results with 12641 other submissions for this test.
The average purity for this test is 71.3%.


Looking at the test, perhaps only a really kinky Switch could ever be truly Corrupt or Pure...

I like the Wierdness Factor....sounds like something you could really brag about at a club: "Yeah, baby, I've got a 45% Wierdness Factor."
Here is the result of your Bondage/Dominance Sadism/Masochism Purity Test.
You answered "yes" to 73 of 100 questions, making you 27.0% BDSM pure (73.0% BDSM corrupt); that is, you are 27.0% pure in the BDSM domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 54%, based on a comparison of your test results with 12641 other submissions for this test.
The average purity for this test is 71.3%.

I guess being a switch and in a Gorean relationship for 5 years solid makes me a little more exposed. :rolleyes:
At least I'm less pure than the average!
You answered "yes" to 40 of 100 questions, making you 60.0% BDSM pure (40.0% BDSM corrupt); that is, you are 60.0% pure in the BDSM domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 38%, based on a comparison of your test results with 12641 other submissions for this test.
The average purity for this test is 71.3%.
Though actually, the only people who would get really low scores are switches. I'm a bottom through and through (I was allowed to play at being a top once to learn more about what that's like; I lasted about 20 minutes and did an awful job.), so there were a lot of questions I'll never get to check "yes" for.

I must have missed the link to that first test, can somebody give me a pointer?
Etoile said:
At least I'm less pure than the average!

Though actually, the only people who would get really low scores are switches.

That is not true in my case, cause I scored lower than you and I am not a switch. I am a dominant through and through However, I am not a sadist, and that seems to lower the scores.

Your score was lower, yes, but not as "pure" or "corrupt" as I'm sure you consider yourself...or I consider myself! The nature of the test is such that switches - or those who have switched from top to bottom or vice-versa at some point - will get to check off more items than other people who've always preferred one role. Ah well, that's the nature of that kind of test I guess. The ones about regular sexual purity are easier to get low scores on, because the subject isn't about polar opposites!

But still, it's fun to check those kinds of things out; tests like that are amusing if not terribly accurate. :)
Tests like this are amusing and are not terribly accurate, yes indeed.

In my case, i got a fairly high score - or low - whatever. I'm percieved by this test to be fairly impure, in any case. However, i'm a masosub. No switchiness in me, boys and girls, and i'm not a bottom. I'm a sexual submissive and have been so for all my sexual life.

I'm not sure what it is that enables a person to check off more boxes beyond the obvious: the greater the variety of stuff one has done, the more boxes can be checked. I know for sure, though, that "greater variety of stuff" does not equal "being a switch".

Anyway, it's just for fun.
You answered "yes" to 56 of 100 questions, making you 44.0% BDSM pure (56.0%
BDSM corrupt); that is, you are 44.0% pure in the BDSM domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 47%, based on a comparison of
your test results with 12641 other submissions for this test.
The average purity for this test is 71.3%.

Hmm... In my case, I think my score would have been higher if I were switch.

I kinda like it! It has a nice ring to it! Rolls off the tongue!

Ebony <looking for new victims to corrupt>

The page just will not display for me :mad:

I will have to speak nicely to this heap of plastic and metal and maybe it WILL cooperate later?

willow :rose:
That's probably the best thing to do, Willow - computers know when you're mad at them! ;)

But seriously, it's not a very complicated page, so it should display fine on most browsers. Good luck!
You answered "yes" to 27 of 100 questions, making you 73.0% BDSM pure (27.0% BDSM corrupt); that is, you are 73.0% pure in the BDSM domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 31%, based on a comparison of your test results with 12641 other submissions for this test.
The average purity for this test is 71.3%.

Not at all sure what it means tho! lol

willow :rose:
WillowPuss said:
You answered "yes" to 27 of 100 questions, making you 73.0% BDSM pure (27.0% BDSM corrupt); that is, you are 73.0% pure in the BDSM domain.
Your Weirdness Factor (AKA Uniqueness Factor) is 31%, based on a comparison of your test results with 12641 other submissions for this test.
The average purity for this test is 71.3%.

Not at all sure what it means tho! lol

willow :rose:

It means you've still got a lot of amazing discoveries ahead of you!;)