Can you explain how Trump can be re-elected?

As a non-american person, I just don't get it....
And I've spoken to many European or non-american and they don't understand either.
How a man with so little respect for women or anyone different than him, not to mention his law troubles, can be re-elected?
Please explain to me in a respectful way

In the end though, it's the economy and illegal immigration. The two hot button issues. And American voters trust Trump more on both issues.

The lawfare was just a distraction to try and get him out of the way. The pussy grabbing was just pure sensationalism and irrelevant.
As a non-american person, I just don't get it....
And I've spoken to many European or non-american and they don't understand either.
How a man with so little respect for women or anyone different than him, not to mention his law troubles, can be re-elected?
Please explain to me in a respectful way
Americans are simple and are easily duped by slogans.
In the end though, it's the economy and illegal immigration. The two hot button issues. And American voters trust Trump more on both issues.

The lawfare was just a distraction to try and get him out of the way. The pussy grabbing was just pure sensationalism and irrelevant.
Remember how much George Washington used to love grabbing them by the pussy?
As a non-american person, I just don't get it....
And I've spoken to many European or non-american and they don't understand either.
How a man with so little respect for women or anyone different than him, not to mention his law troubles, can be re-elected?
Please explain to me in a respectful way

This is a great question.... you've gotten some good answers already. I'll add my two cents.

First of all your question asks why he wasn't elected even though he has little respect for others.... my basic answer is that the majority of voting Americans don't care about respecting others. What they care most about is their own interests and what they feel emotionally. The economy is the #1 issue trump voters care about, and they expect the economy to do better during his term (not necessarily an educated expectation, but a strong one).

The majority of voters also don't care about issues of human and civil rights. They are perfectly content living their own life and minding their own biscuits and gravy. It's a very small town mentality. And they are offended that issues of racial and gender inequality, or sexual/gender rights are so strongly supported by the government. They don't identify with these issues and so they see it as the left leaving government agenda giving unfair privileges to "other" people. They don't care and in fact don't want to it to matter.
These proud people who want to earn what they get and/or don't want others given unfair advantage or special treatment. Civil and human rights become synonymous in their minds to an infringement on their own rights and values.

Also people like to feel good. Trump makes them feel good in the sense that he is anti establishment and projects power and confidence - in psychological terms, people subconsciously IDENTIFY with him and have a fantasy fulfilled in which they themselves are strong, rich, assertive and can do anything they want to do.

There are other reasons too. COVID and people's deteriorating respect for the establishment.

But mostly it's peoples' perceptions of the economy 🤣 and that they couldn't care less that he is only out for himself and highly degrading of others (not just women, minorities, political opponents, but anyone he sees as not contributing to his power or permitting his pursuit of his own interests).

.......... and the economy.
Half of Americans have IQs of less than 100 and read at a sixth grade level. Combine that with the racists, misogynists, homophobes and Christian religious fanatics (some overlap with the first group) and there you have it.
Nice job of stereotyping over half of the population. You really are a rude, nasty, blinded by hate myopic little man.

By the way, I voted for Trump, and I am college educated. I am not racist, misogynist, or homophobic (since I am openly bi on the forums), and other than weddings and funerals I havent set foot in a church in decades.
Inflation was probably a more important factor than anything else.

But not as big as the Democrats pretending it totally wasn't happening or a thing.
You are a liar. There is a real American left, and its existence matters, and it is to the left of the Democrats, and its influence in that party is negligible.

Every day with this lie.
Half of Americans have IQs of less than 100 and read at a sixth grade level. Combine that with the racists, misogynists, homophobes and Christian religious fanatics (some overlap with the first group) and there you have it.
This is a prime example of why the Democrats lost. This attitude.....I hope they keep talking down at anyone who knows what a woman is. Need it for 2028.
As a non-american person, I just don't get it....
And I've spoken to many European or non-american and they don't understand either.
How a man with so little respect for women or anyone different than him, not to mention his law troubles, can be re-elected?
Please explain to me in a respectful way
You probably have or had a friend who always dates people with huge red flags. You’ve probably pointed out some of these red flags to this friend and they said something like, “oh I know, but I love them”.

Right now America is that friend.
Nice job of stereotyping over half of the population. You really are a rude, nasty, blinded by hate myopic little man.

By the way, I voted for Trump, and I am college educated. I am not racist, misogynist, or homophobic (since I am openly bi on the forums), and other than weddings and funerals I havent set foot in a church in decades.
Then why would you vote for Trump?
You are the worthless animal who won't stop lying about all this. The Democrats are not the left -- if they were, they would win a lot more often than they do.
I'm not the one lying about it.

You try to redefine the left to your personal feelings about things, and that's not what the left is.
As a non-american person, I just don't get it....
And I've spoken to many European or non-american and they don't understand either.
How a man with so little respect for women or anyone different than him, not to mention his law troubles, can be re-elected?
Please explain to me in a respectful way
His "law troubles" are based on false charges coming from political enemies. The majority of people clearly see that. The other social accusations against him are little more than name calling. But people voted for him because his program of running the government makes more sense to them. Most people want the border secured. Many other common sense issues too. It just seem puzzling to people that listen to fake news and think it is real.
His "law troubles" are based on false charges coming from political enemies. The majority of people clearly see that. The other social accusations against him are little more than name calling. But people voted for him because his program of running the government makes more sense to them. Most people want the border secured. Many other common sense issues too. It just seem puzzling to people that listen to fake news and think it is real.
He was convicted 34 times in open court with a jury he had a say in picking.
As a non-american person, I just don't get it....
And I've spoken to many European or non-american and they don't understand either.
How a man with so little respect for women or anyone different than him, not to mention his law troubles, can be re-elected?
Please explain to me in a respectful way
Monsieur/Madame :Was President De Gaulle and the Fifth Republic a mistake and a failure? Surely he saw the faults of his predecessors and had a vision of the future. I do not know much about his relationship with Yvonne or any other woman. What I do know was that to be a leader you need a high degree of arrogance to succeed, to know what you are doing is right for your country.

Certainly Algerie Francaise and the OAS and the 1968 movement were obstacles along the way,but they were signs of a changing world that were overcome without the need for a Sixth Republic.

Trump, Vance,RFK et al are embarking on a journey that is similar to De Gaulle’s in 1958 and who today can be sure that the Trump renaissance will not be relevant in,say, 2050.

As an English man I do know that De Gaulle was absolutely correct in saying NON to the United Kingdom’s entry to the Common Market. So much waste of time and effort over the last 51 years. Friends yes, Partners never.!