Canada from Eh to Zed

You know, I heard it was good but I've never actually seen it. I'll have to check it out.

Do. It's really quite a fascinating study of some of the cultural differences between Quebecers and the rest of the Canucks and it's a gloriously dark comedy as well.
Mmmm Tim Horton doughnuts.....

Hubby is from Canada and we go back to Ottawa to visit the family when we can. He introduced me to Timmy's and I'm hooked. I have never, ever had a doughnut anywhere near as good. I keep dreaming they'll open up a branch here someday.
Mmmm Tim Horton doughnuts.....

Hubby is from Canada and we go back to Ottawa to visit the family when we can. He introduced me to Timmy's and I'm hooked. I have never, ever had a doughnut anywhere near as good. I keep dreaming they'll open up a branch here someday.

Horton's is slowly beginning to insinuate itself into American life. Their doughnuts are marginally better than Dunkin's in my experience (and I grew up with Dunkin just around the block) but that isn't really saying much.
Robin Donuts was the king of doughnuts, baking them fresh in the store. Too bad they are no longer in Alberta. The remaining ones in Saskatchewan are a shameful ghost of what they once were.
I'm thinking about going up to Canada next year, spring. A couple of weeks seeing Vancouver should be nice.

Any place I should be to meet adventurous locals?
I'm thinking about going up to Canada next year, spring. A couple of weeks seeing Vancouver should be nice.

Any place I should be to meet adventurous locals?

Yeah, skip Vancouver, come to Nelson. ;)


(Happy to provide all the Vancouver advice you want YC. Would you want to do some climbing while you're there? What other stuff would interest you?)
Robin Donuts was the king of doughnuts, baking them fresh in the store. Too bad they are no longer in Alberta. The remaining ones in Saskatchewan are a shameful ghost of what they once were.

The old Robin's donuts kicked serious arse.
You know, I see all this hype about “True Blood” and “Twilight” lately and I think, pfft, we Canucks did the vampire thing years ago. We even had 3D blockbusters long before “Avatar”.

Don’t believe me? Watch…if you dare.
Sadly I am not a Canadian. But I love the Arrogant Worms! As chy girl already posted they have movingly patriotic songs like "Canada is Really Big". I would like to also add "We are the Beaver", "Rocks and Trees", and "The Last Saskatchewan Pirate".

Welcome cathrynb! No need to be a Canuck to be part of this thread. In fact, public admission that you love anything from our country is the first step to citizenship. It says so in the manual.

There are actually only three steps. Mostly they involve toques and proper use of superfluous u's.

ETA: "The beaver always gives a dam." :)

Thank you very much!
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Yeah, skip Vancouver, come to Nelson. ;)


(Happy to provide all the Vancouver advice you want YC. Would you want to do some climbing while you're there? What other stuff would interest you?)

If I can find a buddy, can’t go climbing without a buddy. Though I probably won’t have any gear with me, I like to travel ultralight.

See that’s the thing, it all depends on who I meet. I’m flexible, just want something new. But yeah, climbing, sailing, surfing, hiking, clubbing, drinking, chilling, eating, cooking, working, all that ing stuffs. I wanna go Vancouvering, you understand me.

How far is nelson from there?
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If I can find a buddy, can’t go climbing without a buddy. Though I probably won’t have any gear with me, I like to travel ultralight.

See that’s the thing, it all depends on who I meet. I’m flexible, just want something new. But yeah, climbing, sailing, surfing, hiking, clubbing, drinking, chilling, eating, cooking, working, all that ing stuffs. I wanna go Vancouvering, you understand me.

How far is nelson from there?

Ah, Nelson is a bit of a distance. By car, about a 7-8 hour drive, for a local who won't want to stop a dozen times to admire the fucking killer scenery ;)

But the cool thing is that you can do all of that stuff (except surfing - well, kite or wind surfing, yes, surfing, surfing, no) in Nelson and most of it is in walking distance. It's a lot harder to get around the 'Couv

Plan for late spring if possible, for better weather (late May, early June) but even then it can be totally unpredictable. This year we had better weather in February than in June. Think "layers" and remember fleece and Gortex are your friends!

I'll send you some Vancouver info but you should let me know what kind of budget we're talking. (You can pm me with that, obviously).

Even if you're travelling light, you should have room for a harness and some biners, eh?

Ah, Nelson is a bit of a distance. By car, about a 7-8 hour drive, for a local who won't want to stop a dozen times to admire the fucking killer scenery ;)

But the cool thing is that you can do all of that stuff (except surfing - well, kite or wind surfing, yes, surfing, surfing, no) in Nelson and most of it is in walking distance. It's a lot harder to get around the 'Couv

Plan for late spring if possible, for better weather (late May, early June) but even then it can be totally unpredictable. This year we had better weather in February than in June. Think "layers" and remember fleece and Gortex are your friends!

I'll send you some Vancouver info but you should let me know what kind of budget we're talking. (You can pm me with that, obviously).

Even if you're travelling light, you should have room for a harness and some biners, eh?

Psh, screw nelson.

Budget, after plane tickets, what budget? That's something I need to work on. Maybe like 1000 USD. I know taxes are gonna be outrageous,12% I think. The exchange rate doesn't favor me either. But I think I can use my phone, and English is spoken.

How much per day on food do you guesstimate? Eating out vs grocery store?

I don't think I'll take any gear, I can wear a harness, but karabiners I think not. How much is a rental harness , like 5-10, not really worth carrying.
I like this thread.... I shall sit on the Chesterfield with my knitting and nibble on my squeaky cheese.
I like this thread.... I shall sit on the Chesterfield with my knitting and nibble on my squeaky cheese.

Welcome Snowy! Many apologies for my tardiness, I've been busy getting the Huskies ready for the winter and shopping for a new toque. Enjoy your chesterfield!

And it is a chesterfield, not a sofa, for our non-Canuckians.

5 bonus points to Snowy for use of the word "chesterfield". Thank you very much!

Just watched Iron Man 2 last night. Many things exploded and there was a good deal of fighting, which pleased me greatly. There were many memorable one-liners but I do believe this was my favourite...

Justin Hammer: "I'd love to leave my door unlocked at night, but this ain't Canada."

TY! I lived in Arizona for several years and confused the heck out of people by referring to my Chesterfield as such, and not a sofa. Apparently Chesterfields are also a yucky cigarette.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL!! Hope everyone has a wonderful day with family, friends and loved ones.
I am thankful for warm toques and lots and lots and lots of wide open, green and blue (and white) spaces!!

Enjoy your turkey today Canucks!:D
You guys have thanksgiving?

Is it like the US thing or is it one of those harvest festival things?

Hmm... ponders what thanksgiving looks like with Huron natives. Blubber anyone?
You guys have thanksgiving?

Is it like the US thing or is it one of those harvest festival things?

Hmm... ponders what thanksgiving looks like with Huron natives. Blubber anyone?

Even more amazing, YC: they have the fourth of July, too.
Even more amazing, YC: they have the fourth of July, too.

I'm guessing our Thanksgiving is earlier due to the shorter growing season.
And our equivalent of the fourth of July is on July 1 - Canada Day.

*sits with a full tummy of Thanksgiving dinner*
I'm guessing our Thanksgiving is earlier due to the shorter growing season.
And our equivalent of the fourth of July is on July 1 - Canada Day.

*sits with a full tummy of Thanksgiving dinner*

WW, I wasn't talking about your equivalent to our fourth of July. I was just pointing out to YC that you do, in fact, have a fourth of July (on your calendars).

It's a bit of an inside joke. My wife teaches a foreign language and so very often has to answer students who ask if "they have Thanksgiving in Italy or France." One sorry youngster once asked if they have the fourth of July in France. The answer: "Of course. Do you think they use a different calendar?" Took the kid a day or so to figure out he'd been slammed with a smile.

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Is there any pumpkin pie left over?