Celebrities in the Leather Closet?

Carnal Knowledge

Seeing Jack Nicholson's name reminds me of the end of 'Carnal Knowledge' when Rita Moreno was kneeling between his legs and about to give him a blow job.
Kordell Stewart is a submissive. (I bet Navarre will agree with me.)

Dennis Rodman is a pod-person (aka an alien being from another planet.)

Bill Cowher is a Dom (He could be my Dom, anyday.)

MsWorthy said:

................And, Madonna, we know is into it. What do you think? switch or sub? She doesn't strike me as dom/toppy in spite of her *controlling* prima donna image..................

funny You should mention Madonna, Ms Worthy........aside from her music which i enjoy to a reasonable extent, She has always been one of my *heros*........while so many in the world see her as a *slut* type, i have admired her as an incredible talent who has been able to manufacture and capitalize on her unique personna......she is DEFINATELY in control and her own person.

as far as her sexuality is concerned, i have always pegged her as a Domme, particularly when i envisioned her long ago in her relationship with Dennis Rodman......i am sure i would have learned a lot from being "a fly on the wall" watching the dynamic during THAT relationship!!
Anastasia said:
Prince Charles (s) and Camilla Parker Bowles (D)

(Prince Charles and Diana = 2 subs. Saw that divorce
coming a mile away)

King Edward VIII (s) and Wallis Simpson (D)

(I guess I'm a royal watcher)

I think you got Edward and Simpson right but I think your well off the mark with Prince Charles.
You should realise that this is a man who passed All Arms P Company (Parachute Regiment training course for other units wishing to be Airborne trained for those who don't know) in the 1970's with no special treatment. He also commanded his own ship whilst serving in the Royal Navy. So I would suspect either nilla or Dom but probably nilla.

Madonna has recently said that she likes being told what to do by Guy Ritchie if I remember correctly so I think sub.
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redelicious said:
What was that whole deal with Marv Albert? He was into spanking and biting right? I just can't remember if he was Dom or sub . . .

If i remeber right he was being spanked while wearing a teddy- sub
Uh oh Mr Wolf, methinks I see an army of subs on the horizon coming to kick your ass

Mr Wolf said:
I think you got Edward and Simpson right but I think your well off the mark with Prince Charles.
You should realise that this is a man who passed All Arms P Company (Parachute Regiment training course for other units wishing to be Airborne trained for those who don't know) in the 1970's with no special treatment. He also commanded his own ship whilst serving in the Royal Navy. So I would suspect either nilla or Dom but probably nilla.

***Didn't mean to attribute any wimpiness to the good Prince. I just think he prefers his women to be of the Domme persuasion...strictly bedroom, of course ( 24/7 would beg the question: Is Camilla fit to be King?)

Madonna has recently said that she likes being told what to do by Guy Ritchie if I remember correctly so I think sub. [/B]

what was that Willem Dafoe movie where he played the drug dealer? There was a scene where he tape-records this woman's answering-machine message and lies curled in a ball, playing it over and over on a big boom-box. I loved that scene.

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Quint said:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer's cast, with analyses

*Alyson Hannigan (Willow): nilla. Likes the cuddles a little too much. Though if you saw her in American Pie, you kinda wonder.... "Say my name, bitch!" o)

There's a website that I go to fairly often that specializes in the kind of celebrity gossip that is too rough for Entertainment Tonight and the National Enquirer, and that site says Alyson Hannigan is into three ways in real life and she makes no secret of the fact.
Quint... you go, girl!

Oh Quint, what have you DONE to me, girl.... Now I'm going to be shifting in my seat the rest of the night, thinking about being dommed by Giles and Spike...

I certainly agree on those two. When Giles whips off his glasses and smiles that "Come on... I DARE you" smile.... Oh my....!

But as far as other celebs go, I have just two names:

Russell Crowe

Ralph Fiennes

Fanning myself and leaving to talk to my Master.

Happy Day!

P.S. My Master has weighed in with this thought: "Kordell can't really be a good sub; a good sub follows directions, and Kordell apparently can't throw to the check receiver to save his damn life. mmmm Tommy Maddox...." :D
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I suspect, on some level, everyone identifies just a touch with celebrities, especially movie stars. After all, while we watch movies to "get away" we also identify with heros, villains, etc. on, at some level, a personal basis. By the way literotica fans, that is the royal "we" and as my castle servants scurry for cover I need to point out that the vibe we get from various celebs may very well be a mirror of our own D/s needs and/or appetites.

That being said, some things are definite.

Bill Cowher's chin alone will catapult him high into the ranks of Domhood.

Antwann Randle El Rose? what's your call on that.?Kordell? "Sir says run fly pattern right"....

Christopher Judge. DOM!!!!

"Where do you think we go when we die?" "Pittsburgh" "You mean if we are good or bad?"

Calvin and Hobbes.
Unregistered said:

That being said, some things are definite.

Bill Cowher's chin alone will catapult him high into the ranks of Domhood.

Antwann Randle El Rose? what's your call on that.?Kordell? "Sir says run fly pattern right"....

Christopher Judge. DOM!!!!

"Where do you think we go when we die?" "Pittsburgh" "You mean if we are good or bad?"

Calvin and Hobbes.

~~~~~~LOL Yes Bill is, oh my god---- What a Dom.......

Antwann is a sub- My take at least.

When I die, I don't want to go to Pittsburgh. I want to go to lunch with Einstein and DaVinci and a few others......

Mr Wolf said:
Anastasia said:

Madonna has recently said that she likes being told what to do by Guy Ritchie if I remember correctly so I think sub.
Yeah, and he's directing her in a remake of Swept Away--an Italian non-consent love story with a serious D/s tinge to it.

Curioser and curioser, n'est-ce pas?
No one has mentioned the mighty CHRISTOPHER WALKEN.

What the @#$%%!! is the psychosexual deal with that guy??

Jimmy Page - Dom.

According to a show about groupies I saw on VH1, he once had one of his female groupies bascially kidnapped and held in a hotel room for some amount of time (on the order of days to weeks, I can't remember exactly)
DaddyScott said:
Jimmy Page - Dom.

According to a show about groupies I saw on VH1, he once had one of his female groupies bascially kidnapped and held in a hotel room for some amount of time (on the order of days to weeks, I can't remember exactly)

Wow that takes some big balls. LOL

DaddyScott said:
Jimmy Page - Dom.

According to a show about groupies I saw on VH1, he once had one of his female groupies bascially kidnapped and held in a hotel room for some amount of time (on the order of days to weeks, I can't remember exactly)

I'm not sure that makes him a Dom... he was a serious alcoholic and drug user. It could just be that he flipped out. LOL.

rosco rathbone said:
No one has mentioned the mighty CHRISTOPHER WALKEN.

What the @#$%%!! is the psychosexual deal with that guy??


He is just frickin creepy, D/s or not . . .

A Desert Rose said:
Kordell Stewart is a submissive. (I bet Navarre will agree with me.)

Dennis Rodman is a pod-person (aka an alien being from another planet.)

Bill Cowher is a Dom (He could be my Dom, anyday.)


LMAO at Kordell Stewart(AKA George Blanda) reference. (I bet Navarre agrees with ya too) :rose:
Hmmmm, I was just thinking about Kevin Spacey. I see him more as a Dom, but I bet he can switch.:D