Censorship? Bias? You decide....

Lance, when a thread is shut down it becomes read only in the system, no one can post to it or edit their posts. This is true for all shut down threads. Risia has no control over his function as she didn’t write the code for the BB, an employee of Jelsoft Enterprises Limited did.
Re: Hey Lance!

I am kinda curious to see the reasoning behind closing the thread and not removing it. I think we can all see that it might be construed to do harm on a submissive. That's bad. I couldn't agree more. If that's the case, why not remove it entirely? I've seen moderators remove email addresses, why not something like this, which in my mind is 10 times more harmful. An email address is just harmful to the dolt who put it up, where as this has much more far reaching implications. If instead the thread is just closed and not removed solely for the purpose of making a fool of Lance, then in my judgement thats just sad. You'd rather risk someone coming under harm just so you can slam Lance.

DRxBlue said:
Hey! Where's PeeBee? i need somthing to wipe my ass on!

Gee DrxBlue... what's up with that dude? When have you seen me side with Lance in his war against the moderators? I've gone to extreme lengths to stay neutral in this entire war. Do I post still? Yes of course. Do I give back when people flame me? Fuck yeah. Did I not jump in and admit my fault when Cym slammed me in the email thread? So what's your problem with me now? Are you mad at me because MsC attacked me and I gave back as good as I got? Am I now to be hated by association? Am I now hated because I made *fun* of this war? Because I think it has been absurb since the beginning and I've continually heckled and laughed at it and made light of it? Because I think you ALL are acting like little 5th grade childern? If that's the case, so be it. Your loss.

Nothing personal PeeBee

You're usually so handy where The Master hangs out. i was looking for something fluffy and soft.

Doesn't really matter though, i've gone into the shit slinging business, purely for the fun of it. No sides! Evryone's a target! There's enough here for everybody. Not much point in wiping my ass after all, is there?

Carry on, neuter boy
Re: Nothing personal PeeBee

DRxBlue said:
You're usually so handy where The Master hangs out. i was looking for something fluffy and soft.

Doesn't really matter though, i've gone into the shit slinging business, purely for the fun of it. No sides! Evryone's a target! There's enough here for everybody. Not much point in wiping my ass after all, is there?

Carry on, neuter boy

Hey that's cool. Different strokes for different folks. But do me a flavor... keep your shit to yourself. Just because you don't care doesn't mean I don't. At least respect that.

Or if you must, we can dance too... just find a topic I care about.

PBW "BRing it!"
If Risia decided to edit or lock your thread in the BDSM forum, then that's her prerogative. She is, after all, the Moderator of the forum, and she has authority to moderate it as she sees fit. That was her decision, and whether or not I or anyone else would've done the same, it is her decision to make.

If you had made the same post in the General forum, where I have been known to moderate on occasion :) , then it is likely the post would've remained untouched, a few people would've laughed, a few people would've called you a dumbass, someone would've brought up Bill Clinton being a commie, and then the thread would've died like most of the rest of them eventually do. What my decision would've been, however, is mostly beside the point, unless you plan to repost that parody there. :)

The BDSM forum is its own corner of the world, and they make & enforce their own rules. I don't subscribe to all of the views that the Moderators of the forum hold. However, I stand by their right to have their own guidelines, and publicly thank the Mods for all the work they continue to put in. If they didn't have some rules different than the gen board, then it would just be another version of the Gen board. It isn't. This board has its own identity and people and rules and stuff.

If you don't like it, you can always come over and harass me and the other meanies on the General Board. That doesn't mean you have to stop causing mayhem - you'll just have to bring your mayhem a few doors down. :)

Now, where's that smilie with the frog sticking his tongue out?
MissTaken said:

Of course, her response on the thread indicates her concerns and that the webmasters do not condone or encourage predatorial behavior.

Perhaps that is enough to cover the liability issues.

Perhaps, leaving the post as is would be in order to respect your right to free speech., thereby allowing others who are amused by that sort of thing to get their chuckle and move on adn at the same time covering some "cyber ass" in terms of liability.

Who knows?
RS knows.
Exactly right, MissT. And thank you for being open-minded enough to see it.

I have to act immediately when I see something that may be an issue. I forwarded the PM to Laurel, so she'd see what I'd done and could change it if I'd done something she disagreed with. It's her site, after all. I'm just trying to protect it, to the best of my ability.

All the rest is bluster.
I had never shut a thread before, and didn't realize posts couldn't be edited. I apologize for the confusion this caused some.

As per Lance's request, the thread in question will be removed.

Forum Moderator
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Re: Re: Nothing personal PeeBee

P. B. Walker said:

Hey that's cool. Different strokes for different folks. But do me a flavor... keep your shit to yourself. Just because you don't care doesn't mean I don't. At least respect that.

Or if you must, we can dance too... just find a topic I care about.

PBW "BRing it!"

Tell ya what..if you stand so close to the "Dookie King" (Lance "Crowned and Anchored" Castrator) you're bound to get your nice white fur messy.

i figure that now that we HAVE "freedom of speech", i'm gonna let the buffalo chips fall where they may.

If i say anything that REALLY hurts your feelings, i'll erase it...OK?
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Re: Re: Re: Nothing personal PeeBee

DRxBlue said:

Tell ya what..if you stand so close to the "Dookie King" (Lance "Crowned and Anchored" Castrator) you're bound to get your nice white fur messy.

i figure that now that we HAVE "freedom of speech", i'm gonna let the buffalo chips fall where they may.

If i say anything that REALLY hurts your feelings, i'll erase it...OK?

Well I'm sorry you can't see that I'm standing over here on my own little mound doing my own little thang. I guess that's what happens when people are narrow minded.

Do what ya gotta do bubba. In the end, it'll be people like you that keep this tiff going. Laterz.

RisiaSkye said:

Exactly right, MissT. And thank you for being open-minded enough to see it.

I have to act immediately when I see something that may be an issue. I forwarded the PM to Laurel, so she'd see what I'd done and could change it if I'd done something she disagreed with. It's her site, after all. I'm just trying to protect it, to the best of my ability.

All the rest is bluster.

I had never shut a thread before, and didn't realize posts couldn't be edited. I apologize for the confusion this caused some.

As per Lance's request, the thread in question will be removed.

Forum Moderator
Re: Re: Re: Re: Nothing personal PeeBee

P. B. Walker said:

Well I'm sorry you can't see that I'm standing over here on my own little mound doing my own little thang. I guess that's what happens when people are narrow minded.

Do what ya gotta do bubba. In the end, it'll be people like you that keep this tiff going. Laterz.


s'the only game in town, kid

How d'ya like it?

Gee...maybe if i practice real hard i can be a really good flamer...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Nothing personal PeeBee

DRxBlue said:

Gee...maybe if i practice real hard i can be a really good flamer...

Maybe in your next life... or if you join the School of Flaming by Lance "I'll teach ya good" Castor.

PBW "I need a frickin coffee break"

I haven't checked, but if you removed the thread, I thank you.

As I said, it seemed to me that if I said something that the Mods thought was in breach or could cause harm....I'd want it removed, not locked and frozen.

Disagreeing with you about whether the words could or could not be construed as harmful was a secondary issue for me.

And be worried about people laffing at me was hardly at issue....my only concern was that if I said something that could reasonably be seen as harmful to a stranger, I'd want it edited out.

That being said, thanks for filtering through all the poop to get to the issue.


RisiaSkye said:
I had never shut a thread before, and didn't realize posts couldn't be edited. I apologize for the confusion this caused some.

As per Lance's request, the thread in question will be removed.

Forum Moderator
Lance please just drop these things okay; it’s tiring, boring and although in the beginning your irreverent attitude was amusing and witty it appear to have degenerated into a need to stir things up on any possible occasion. I don't swear or curse at people but after logging on to read through the posts its really disheartening to come across yet another Lance thread where we go through a whole pile of nasties and namecalling.

- Okay I respect that others have participated in the name calling but in every case you drop the first bomb - whether intentionally to hurt or merely out of mischief please just stop - its the actions of a bored child not those of an adult.

Regarding this topic - if you had issue with the fact that you couldn't edit the post the reaction of an adult would be to PM Risia and if you felt it necessary Laurel and to ask them if there was a reason that you couldn't edit your post. Perhaps also to apologise for posting something that might cause harm (stating that this wasn't your intention) and ask what the reasons where behind locking rather than removing the thread. Then you WAIT. You don't start a thread to stir things up until you have given them an adequate time to answer your concerns - (I would define adequate as 3 days) if they then don't reply - pm them again stating that you would appreciate a reply and if you don't get one you feel you may have to bring your personal issue into the open forum to see if anyone else can answer your questions.

Please lance, let us all have a reason to think you're a reasonable person (if with a mischievous streak) who honestly wants to learn and share experiences here about BDSM. Rather than someone who is solely here for the purpose of upsetting others and 'kicking over the ant heap'

Give it some thought

- oh now i hate doing this covering off - but just in this case I better had - you can't see ym face or hear my tone of voice but its tired and slightly sad not angry, sarcastic, threatening or anyhting else. I am concerned for the board and for people who are having to wade through all of this every day. I am not trying to start or prolong a fight with lance and I am not attacking him personally.
Hi Petrel;

We've never communicated directly before, I don't believe, so "hi".

The things I find to be personally insulting in general by people posting in the Forum are all illustrated in your first direct post to me....

1. Your post assumes me to be in the wrong.

As it turns out, I was in the right about the question of my satirical post being locked instead of removed. It has now been removed as per my request and based on my communications to Risia & Laurel.

2. It assumes I didn't PM anyone first.

That was my first step. When Risia blew me off via PM in reply, I started the thread. Subsequently, Laurel became involved and posted over here as well. My request was granted. The end.

3. It assumes mal fides on my part.

You use the word disheartening, Petrel...I have awakened this morning to find yet another person willing to judge me and my intentions without knowing the facts and without ever speaking to me first, not even so much to say hello. Petrel, I've spent most of my life "front and center" one way or another. It's a big part of who I am and what I do in my life. But please don't mistake extroversion and leadership for bad intentions, as they simply don't always equate.

4. It assumes I take the first swipe.

Please re-read your post to me and ask yourself if you'd consider such a post as a first swipe or dropping of a bomb if one like it had been my first post to you.

5. And it tells me how I should proceed, which assumes I don't already know.

I took care of this matter promptly when it arose yesterday.

6. I hear you saying you care about the Forum, Petrel....with the underlying assumption on your part that my style and perceived presence somehow illustrates that I don't.

It would be incredibly easy for me to make quick assumptions about people here based on what they post. On those few occasions early on when I did so, I was heartily roasted in return...."The BDSM Forum Welcome Wagon", I call it.... In fact, those people never did warm up to me and took every chance to try and hurt me, as have some of their "friends" here since.

In Conclusion:

Obviously, it's up to each of us to decide how we view our fellow participants here.

I'd prefer that people give me the benefit of the doubt or simply treat me properly at all times, but I suppose that's a silly, naiive wish.

When people treat me poorly, I have several choices.

I generally try to use the same tone in return as that which I receive.

If you'd like to make an assumption about me that is valid, you may assume that when someone intentionally hurts my feelings I usually find a way to deliver them 3X the hurt in return. On the opposite side of the coin, people who treat me well generally find me a stalwart friend.



petrel said:
Lance please just drop these things okay; it’s tiring, boring and although in the beginning your irreverent attitude was amusing and witty it appear to have degenerated into a need to stir things up on any possible occasion. I don't swear or curse at people but after logging on to read through the posts its really disheartening to come across yet another Lance thread where we go through a whole pile of nasties and namecalling.

- Okay I respect that others have participated in the name calling but in every case you drop the first bomb - whether intentionally to hurt or merely out of mischief please just stop - its the actions of a bored child not those of an adult.

Regarding this topic - if you had issue with the fact that you couldn't edit the post the reaction of an adult would be to PM Risia and if you felt it necessary Laurel and to ask them if there was a reason that you couldn't edit your post. Perhaps also to apologise for posting something that might cause harm (stating that this wasn't your intention) and ask what the reasons where behind locking rather than removing the thread. Then you WAIT. You don't start a thread to stir things up until you have given them an adequate time to answer your concerns - (I would define adequate as 3 days) if they then don't reply - pm them again stating that you would appreciate a reply and if you don't get one you feel you may have to bring your personal issue into the open forum to see if anyone else can answer your questions.

Please lance, let us all have a reason to think you're a reasonable person (if with a mischievous streak) who honestly wants to learn and share experiences here about BDSM. Rather than someone who is solely here for the purpose of upsetting others and 'kicking over the ant heap'

Give it some thought

- oh now i hate doing this covering off - but just in this case I better had - you can't see ym face or hear my tone of voice but its tired and slightly sad not angry, sarcastic, threatening or anyhting else. I am concerned for the board and for people who are having to wade through all of this every day. I am not trying to start or prolong a fight with lance and I am not attacking him personally.
Lancecastor said:

2. It assumes I didn't PM anyone first.

That was my first step. When Risia blew me off via PM in reply, I started the thread. Subsequently, Laurel became involved and posted over here as well. My request was granted. The end.
Your PM made no specific requests. If you had requested that the post be removed in your PM, I would have done so. You did not. If you like, I can resend you the PM exchange to verify this fact.

I'd appreciate it if posts about me and my actions were at least factual, if not either friendly or at least civil.
RisiaSkye said:

I'd appreciate it if posts about me and my actions were at least factual

Originally posted by Lancecastor

2. It assumes I didn't PM anyone first.

That was my first step.


Petrel assumed I started a thread before PM-ing you.

I corrected her.

I PM'd you first.

That is a fact.

This exchange was about Petrel's erroneous thoughts about Me.

And that's all it was about.

If you want to make this about You & Me.....that's now 100% up to you.


I don't wish to further this. I saw your very civil post on the other thread, and I appreciate its low temperature.

I apologize for being snarky in tone to you. Under the very trying circumstances, I did the best I could to be fair and reasonable. However, I was snippy with most everyone yesterday, you in particular. The tone of those exchanges filtered into my early impressions of today. For that, I'm sorry.

It was a bad day. The matter's been resolved. To me, that's the end of the story.

(Hey, who knew I was a radio station?)

Yes, it was a bad day.

Thanks for the reply. No worries.


RisiaSkye said:

I don't wish to further this. I saw your very civil post on the other thread, and I appreciate its low temperature.

I apologize for being snarky in tone to you. Under the very trying circumstances, I did the best I could to be fair and reasonable. However, I was snippy with most everyone yesterday, you in particular. The tone of those exchanges filtered into my early impressions of today. For that, I'm sorry.

It was a bad day. The matter's been resolved. To me, that's the end of the story.

(Hey, who knew I was a radio station?)
Lancecastor said:

Yes, it was a bad day.

Thanks for the reply. No worries.


How sensitive. So sweet. Lancet you have so many sides I am so interested in discovering the all.