Challenge: Cowboys

my favourite title and overall poem was H's, but not for any of the categories he has listed

and what's 'pass'? is that for not wanting to specify? :confused:
.. ty ty [pass] = hurry up and start another challenge
enjoyed P's poem, though it's rhyme scheme was abab, cdcd, ee. didn't know we were 'sposed to go that route, not that it would have helped me any i'm sure :D
Not 'splaining it again Lucy..
I like different entries for different reasons: in some I like the rhyme better than the poem and others I love the poem but not so much the rhyme(s). Sorry if I'm an indecisive Gemini, but I'm gonna take a pass (#5). Great challenge, Harry!
Confused utterly but I'll go for Tzara's Tanka as best and for the worst rhyme all the poems (and there were several!) that rhymed Bronco with anything that ended with an 'anco'!!
It was. I specified 10 lines this time looking for that a,b,a,b, a,b,a,b, c,c. gig,

Hiya MrT.

Not that I have a vote or anything, but the above rhyming scheme is no where in the OP rules...was it implied in some way I am not able to see?
It was. I specified 10 lines this time looking for that a,b,a,b, a,b,a,b, c,c. gig,

Hiya MrT.

Your OP says nothing of the sort as to rhyme scheme rules, unless I am mistaken as to the intent of this post.

To my mind, seeing there was no rhyme scheme specified, any would do.
Your OP says nothing of the sort as to rhyme scheme rules, unless I am mistaken as to the intent of this post.

To my mind, seeing there was no rhyme scheme specified, any would do.

Harry bringing out his inner Trump?
Booze House

Texas, weekend,
Saturday night,
cowgirls are peeking
'neath the brims of a low turned hats,
eyes daring and hopeful, naughty, salty,
lined up casually for their spot on the mechanical bull.

They all look like winners,
that little princess from Barstow,
might take the whole thing.
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It was an opportunity, no more than that. Enjoyed yours. Hiya Cass

Thanks Harry...:rose:

However I am still confused. What opportunity are you referring to? How was anyone here supposed to know that part of the judging criteria was your late indicated rhyme scheme? I am not eligible to be voted for or to vote, but since the poet selected is based on vote rather than last one to post, the criteria for judging needs to have been laid out at the beginning.

Seems my mind reading skills are lacking this week. :rolleyes:
Thanks Harry...:rose:

However I am still confused. What opportunity are you referring to? How was anyone here supposed to know that part of the judging criteria was your late indicated rhyme scheme? I am not eligible to be voted for or to vote, but since the poet selected is based on vote rather than last one to post, the criteria for judging needs to have been laid out at the beginning.

Seems my mind reading skills are lacking this week. :rolleyes:

as H is outside right now, i'll answer this quickly and he'll correct me if i'm wrong: it wasn't really a part of the judging criteria, just something he thought people might optimise with. i didn't know either and who says you can't throw in your vote? the rules seem pretty relaxed with H :D
Thanks Harry...:rose:

However I am still confused. What opportunity are you referring to? How was anyone here supposed to know that part of the judging criteria was your late indicated rhyme scheme? I am not eligible to be voted for or to vote, but since the poet selected is based on vote rather than last one to post, the criteria for judging needs to have been laid out at the beginning.

Seems my mind reading skills are lacking this week. :rolleyes:

He's a man ......... when have they made sense :)
Well a week off felt good after the rules changed just a bit. This challenge will be 10 lines long and the winner will be selected by popular vote of contestants who create the best rhyme with (Bronco) in their poems without using that word. Challenge ends 150 hours from this time post. :rolleyes:
A sonnet is 10 lines long.
There are poets here that like to write sonnets.
no sonnets were written except maybe by Annie
Poems that are 10 lines long were written in this challenge
one of the poets that wrote a poem is the next challenge host.
not me, pass
ETA: not Angeline, pass, Not Tzara family obligations.
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This challenge will be 10 lines long and the winner will be selected by popular vote of contestants who create the best rhyme with (Bronco) in their poems without using that word. :rolleyes:

as H is outside right now, i'll answer this quickly and he'll correct me if i'm wrong: it wasn't really a part of the judging criteria, just something he thought people might optimise with. i didn't know either and who says you can't throw in your vote? the rules seem pretty relaxed with H :D

It all does seem rather fluid, but since I did not post within the 150 hour time frame, I am not a contestant and therefore have no vote this round.

He's a man ......... when have they made sense :)

Really? you gonna give all men a pass like that???
Celebrate the mystery that is man :rolleyes:
throwing a party at my house. Bring your own booze.
He's a man ......... when have they made sense :)
We can at least spell: M-A-N. :rolleyes:

Yes, that is Jimmy Page playing an oddly stickered Telecaster and doing his violin bow thing on it. And you have to love those 1967 era dancers, who look like they're vaguely restless attendees at a Harold Wilson rally.
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everywhere I thought
Fourteen lines is a standard sonnet. English or Shakespearean is abab cdcd efef gg. Italian is abba abba cdecde (though the sestet, the last six lines, may vary, e.g. cdcdee or etc.).

Your ten-line version is kind of a truncated sonnet. Which is OK. There are a lot of variations on the sonnet in English.
Fourteen lines is a standard sonnet. English or Shakespearean is abab cdcd efef gg. Italian is abba abba cdecde (though the sestet, the last six lines, may vary, e.g. cdcdee or etc.).

Your ten-line version is kind of a truncated sonnet. Which is OK. There are a lot of variations on the sonnet in English.

Which makes my confusion that a 10 line poem that rhymes should "obviously" be a sonnet even more understandable methinks.

Harry you can curl up on my couch with your blankie after the big celebration of the mystery of man. I will be wearing red.
Just start a new one already. Having a proper OP that details out these things may be too much to ask for.

However, on the bright side, though it's taking some time, my mind reading skills are improving. You all are totally screwed once I get that down.:rolleyes: