Challenge: put the Erotic back in Literotica

WickedEve said:
Glad you posted that link! How did I miss that poem? Is it new? Love it, neo.
Thank you. The poem is new to you ;)'s raining, posted last month. I haven't submitted any new-new poems for awhile.

- neo
I have to confess that I missed it before too. That's what's so nice about this board and linking poems. We should do it more often.


Edited to add - I loved it too neo. :rose:
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Requiem to Polarization

Molecules spin in solitary stasis
awaiting inertia
electrical impulses to draw them,
propel them into fevered pitch
pry them from the purgatory
of unattachment
attract them to unknown excitement
positive /negative collision
sucked in, swallowed
magnetic inspired interface
racing into oblivion
as yin bangs yang
explodes in an atomic submersion
two becomes infinitely one
pulsing, stretching
streaming screaming genesis
life’s spark shoots the moon
swoons in post climactic embrace
slippery sloppy
slush puppy
puffy pointy peaks
of please please
push to unleash
a street beat
bashing of raw
lashing of raw
rowdy rampage
magic meat
flee fly flow
fetter by feet
tickled taunted
tortured by
slippery sloppy
slush puppy
set to implode
implied to erode
this erotica code

You stole in on a wired wind
bent me with words
soft and seductive
put your tongue to my ear
transfixed me with images
erotic and sensuous
lithe limbs stretched out
and drew me in

I find myself enveloped
thrice folded, creased
and confused
Infused with burning urgency
ignited and obsessed
by just the idea of you

The possibility
that someday
WE would come to pass
Past reason or realistic expectation
was the promise of US
entwined, as sweat rolled off our bodies
slicked our skin
and eased the movement
of hip against hip
chest along breast
into one body
one mind
one purpose
Abstract O

The locomotive energy
collecting in the staging ground
that’s parallel to thighs
is geometrically triangulated,
and being so gives rise
to a silky corporeality
that accrues incrementally
with functional liquidity

which digitally or otherwise
exacerbated and particularly
thermodynamically applied
with fricative forces
of both gravity
and stimulated load
catalyzes neural-firing
and in essence

I explode.
Angeline said:
Abstract O

The locomotive energy
collecting in the staging ground
that’s parallel to thighs
is geometrically triangulated,
and being so gives rise
to a silky corporeality
that accrues incrementally
with functional liquidity

which digitally or otherwise
exacerbated and particularly
thermodynamically applied
with fricative forces
of both gravity
and stimulated load
catalyzes neural-firing
and in essence

I explode.

All I can say is...

All aboard!

Re: Requiem to Polarization

tungtied2u said:
...Molecules spin in solitary stasis
awaiting inertia
electrical impulses to draw them...
Angeline said:
...thermodynamically applied
with fricative forces
of both gravity
and stimulated load...

Is there gonna be a test on this stuff later?

I have been in a writing funk over the last few weeks (still in so much pain, when will it end?) so I came to "the perfect ten" thread and decided to put random shorts up. Anna, I can only hope these aren't too short for you and stand up to your--ahem--erotic standards... :D

You kiss me
And my toes
Drip passion's heat

Baby, you taste so good.

damp towel
strokes my core
your adroit tongue

lips, heart, wall



Is Yours

Let me cum



trusting You
i find joy
in pain




body, mind
a sexual sacrifice
i'm Yours
Re: Quickies...

average gina said:
I have been in a writing funk over the last few weeks (still in so much pain, when will it end?) so I came to "the perfect ten" thread and decided to put random shorts up. Anna, I can only hope these aren't too short for you and stand up to your--ahem--erotic standards... :D

first of all gina, I have no standards when it comes to eh hem erotica, just make me wiggle, and your baby you taste good did that!

and you should know, the shorter the better, well poems that is.

keep on writing, it is the best um I was going to say antihistamine, what do you call the pain killers?

I must

okay I gotta try
Re: Re: Quickies...

annaswirls said:
keep on writing, it is the best um I was going to say antihistamine, what do you call the pain killers?

I must

okay I gotta try

Analgesics...although, I think of writing more as euphorics...since when it's running right, there's no better high...and the first misfired phrase will slap me sober in a heartbeat...<g>

(should be trying to myself)
To Kiss

To kiss
to kiss you
press lips
fall into your mouth
run tongue along tooth and gum
explore and gain entry
into the land of wonder that is you

your softness
your aggression
your teasing
your wanting
your solitariness

to be in the company of your essence
frolic and feel welcome
to be as one

this is more than a kiss
this is bliss
to kiss
to kiss you

Does this qualify?

Not really a poem...

I listen to the fountain raining into my garden the ripples....and see you looking back at me.... the crescent moon hangs over your shoulder.......suspended in the circles as they radiate outward.....carrying the glow of your soft smile.......

carrying you to me......across time and distance....floating....a phantom presence......with me and still waves washing upon a shore and then flood me with ecstasy and then retreat.....

and as your words wash over me... saturate me.....soak into my pores.....immerse me in the depth and delicacy of your perception....I become view myself and you and life from a fresh perspective......

the black asphalt roads become ribbons of color, rhythms upon which to wind my way as I sing you my thanks for transforming me.

the waves of your affection bouy my step.....lift me from troughs...ride me on crests......carry me to distant shores....ripe for exploration......

you are a foreign land....full of wondrous beauty.....forbidden fruits.....kaleidoscopic colors .....tantalizing textures......holding the promise of discovery.....

and pluck the strings of my spirit......with nimble knowing notes that vibrate to my core.....

how did you know where to poke and prod me? get me to come out of hiding.......and lay myself before you......naked and vulnerable......

you reached into my chest ....squeezed my heart.....commanded my focus.....and breathed light into my life.....

you are my pulse........ the beat in my breast...the rush through my veins and arteries....

you are my bliss.....
Stir me in the night
with your desire
in the billow of my fingers
you bend
the shores where we lay


Remember my skin
in the fold of the sheets
you caress

Stir me in the night
with your body
deliver me from sleep
where I slide

And little by little
push away the night
find lustful valleys
deep within my heart.

And October 24th it is. :D
we will tango
all wrapped in diaphonous trappings
and scented hours drip
upon you lips

we move as through water ,touching
just here..
moving..ever so little
our lips brush
wintergreen kisses
that become a hunt
for your release

skin on skin
just slide
look at me
my eyes
see inside
see me burn
see my want

reach down
take me
guide me

and now we dance my love
slow intentional movement
nuzzle and nip
painful and slow
sharp signals of
hold back
make it last
hold you there
deny you
you nails spur me
but I wait

your damp and frantic
grinding pushing hoping
I give you
what you've worked so hard for
a screaming
You can shatter me
on command. Just say it
with a kiss or a spank.
I am a word slut, ready
to roll with the right ones
if they're smart, delivered
hot on skin. I want
to feel your fricatives.
I want your voice
to sussurate on me.

Read to me. Read in me.
Put a book between us.
We can rub pages, kiss
words into mouths.

Channel Yeats for me
baby because I want him
too, but don't ever leave
because I want you
even more.
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referee'in anna's orgy

hey all you prospectice smut posters, I mean eroticians :D my surgery has been pushed back to Monday the 25th, which, oddly enough, is the day miss anna has instructed for the orgy poems to appear, and since i hope to be in total lala land that day after i get home, i am pretty sure someone else will have to review all the lovely erotic poems you guys are whipping up, spanking out, and whatever, and besides, its not like I am an expert on erotica, in fact, i have very few erotic poems posted, in other words, when it comes to erotica, I suck ( interpret that however you wish)!!! sorry if anyone particularly wanted me to review their stuff, ( I have to convince my ego I am worth something) :rolleyes:

anna, didnt your last 2 challenges fall on my day? you must love me , or maybe you still want my tomatoes?? :D just kidding......
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Re: referee'in anna's orgy

Maria2394 said:
... its not like I am an expert on erotica, in fact, i have very few erotic poems posted, in other words, when it comes to erotica, I suck unless its a toe poem ( interpret that however you wish)!!! ...
Since when is "sucking" a pejorative in reviewing erotic poetry? Don't sell yourself short, Maria; your erotic poetry makes my toes curl!

Good luck with your surgery.
Look Closely

Don't you see what I want
as I bend over
to recover my stockings
from the arm of the chair?

From the arm of the chair
your fingers curled around
while your muscles
clenched into tight knots.

Clenched into tight knots
because you pushed deep
inside the personal, where
no other man has ever touched.

No other man has ever touched
my heart so carefully,
nor let me taunt his sated need
as I ask the hated question.

As I ask the hated question
I can sense your interest
when I bend over.
Don't you see what I want?
Dinner show

The third in our threesome
is bi with a cum fetish

Even though I'm straight
my voyeur appetite is sated
while watching them 69

She eats meat
and he has cream pie
Re: referee'in anna's orgy

Maria2394 said:
hey all you prospectice smut posters, I mean eroticians :D my surgery has been pushed back to Monday the 25th, which, oddly enough, is the day miss anna has instructed for the orgy poems to appear, and since i hope to be in total lala land that day after i get home, i am pretty sure someone else will have to review all the lovely erotic poems you guys are whipping up, spanking out, and whatever, and besides, its not like I am an expert on erotica, in fact, i have very few erotic poems posted, in other words, when it comes to erotica, I suck ( interpret that however you wish)!!! sorry if anyone particularly wanted me to review their stuff, ( I have to convince my ego I am worth something) :rolleyes:

anna, didnt your last 2 challenges fall on my day? you must love me , or maybe you still want my tomatoes?? :D just kidding......


I will take Monday for ya' this week. anna says sorry about overloading you with challenges, Lauren got stuck with all the purple ones, and that was months ago and our kitchen still is not done.

I think anna is in a nunnery. Her muse is frigid and won't put out the hot stuff. I am trying to take over.

My tomato plant is finished. I do want your tomatoes. You are one fine gardener. We only grow what thrives on neglect and incompetance.

Take it easy and good luck with your surgery!

think these belong here instead

cindarella comes running at the strike of 12


and she is running to you
did you forget your lunch

it may be glass but that is no
damn baby you want me to polish that up for you

with a slide of chair wheels over shine

noon time kiss
under the desk



with your cock in my mouth
you are thin trim
and always take out the trash
become this perfect vision

strong hand
rough hand
slides up the back of my neck
pulls into hair


in my mouth baby
you are anything I want

you make coffee
and know how hard
to pinch and press

you read me poetry
that makes me want to either
fuck something

become a better something else

mostly the fucking

when your cock is in my mouth
you are whoever I want



I cannot stop writing poems about sucking cocks
or thinking about it at least

doc can you help me
I just cannot seem to stop
this cock sucking scenerio

in my mouth in my mind in my words,
it is a problem

please doc,
is there something,
something you can give me?

Re: Re: referee'in anna's orgy

SeattleRain said:

I will take Monday for ya' this week. anna says sorry about overloading you with challenges, Lauren got stuck with all the purple ones, and that was months ago and our kitchen still is not done.

I think anna is in a nunnery. Her muse is frigid and won't put out the hot stuff. I am trying to take over.

My tomato plant is finished. I do want your tomatoes. You are one fine gardener. We only grow what thrives on neglect and incompetance.

Take it easy and good luck with your surgery!


Thank you Seattle :rose: that means a lot coming from you. And puhleeze dont tell anna this, but you sure are a lot more fun and easier to get along with than she is :D ( I dont think she likes me at all, whine, whine :D) Let her stay there for a while, okay? ;) And hey, I didnt feel stuck with the poem challenges, just sort of worried that I couldnt do them justice, especially all medicated like I know I will be.

And its outpatient surgery, i will be fine, and like Eve had some kick ass poems after her surgery, I hope my doc uses the same stuff on me, I remember the last time..I think thats when normal jean was ushered ino the world :eek:

ps, I really still do have tomatoes and flowers on my plants, and I cut them way back and they are growing again, and I read that you can bring them inside for winter so i have an extra room and a grow light I plan on putting to use really soon..I would gladly share them with you, woman!!!! be good, well,as good as you can be that is, I read those c*** sucking poems, and I just bet your doc has something he can um, give you :devil: