Challenge: put the Erotic back in Literotica

Ode to my sweet muse...

My Provocateur

A secret


So polite
And precise

That my body reads
His provocations
As caresses

Clever, soft strokes
Of a single fingertip
Rendering me slick

And reducing me
To a simple suspect

Inciting me
To illegal acts
And wicked misdemeanors

Provoke me
I sigh,

there is nothing
like the feeling of smooth baby soft thighs
wrapped around your waist

open and v'ed
and you in the drivers seat
and she embraces you
draws you into her want
her need

like a spider

you feel them like gloved hands
stroking your ribs
for your completion

thighs are
in nylon
who show us the way
to redemption
Re: referee'in anna's orgy

Maria2394 said:
hey all you prospectice smut posters, I mean eroticians :D my surgery has been pushed back to Monday the 25th, which, oddly enough, is the day miss anna has instructed for the orgy poems to appear, and since i hope to be in total lala land that day after i get home, i am pretty sure someone else will have to review all the lovely erotic poems you guys are whipping up, spanking out, and whatever, and besides, its not like I am an expert on erotica, in fact, i have very few erotic poems posted, in other words, when it comes to erotica, I suck ( interpret that however you wish)!!! sorry if anyone particularly wanted me to review their stuff, ( I have to convince my ego I am worth something) :rolleyes:

anna, didnt your last 2 challenges fall on my day? you must love me , or maybe you still want my tomatoes?? :D just kidding......

oh anna is not hard to get along with, just worries too much and is easily misunderstood. she is harmless.

um and as for sucking at erotica, miss thang, I do seem to remember a certain story (um no tail, only head) or something along those lines, I think my first story at lit that still gives me something to dream on good god girl

quit it
you write hot hot as the hottest around

now shush and write me some smut

Re: Re: referee'in anna's orgy

SeattleRain said:
oh anna is not hard to get along with, just worries too much and is easily misunderstood. she is harmless.

um and as for sucking at erotica, miss thang, I do seem to remember a certain story (um no tail, only head) or something along those lines, I think my first story at lit that still gives me something to dream on good god girl

quit it
you write hot hot as the hottest around

now shush and write me some smut


seattle :heart: I might just write some , I cant believe you remember that story, I took all my stories off after they started appearing on granny porn sites and stuff with animals and even worse. I even put a note to that effect on my profile page, and you know the person I wrote them for just didnt appreciate my devotion, so I guess I took them off to hurt him and I am ashamed to admit that. I am my own evil twin sometimes.
funny thing about alter egos, I have actually gotten emails, FB from people who, when they found out I was normal jean, they said, wow, I like your stuff, but I like normals better...hmm, how do I take that? and when a certain poet learned I was mia moore, i think that took something away from my poems that I posted as her ( in his eyes, cause he never said anything about mias stuff after that), just weird, I dont understand it and dont really wanna... it really is quite flattering, but frightening somehow... :D

i didnt mean to be mean to miss anna, you can lock me in the closet and spank me, if you wanna :)
Re: Re: Re: referee'in anna's orgy

Maria2394 said:
seattle :heart: I might just write some , I cant believe you remember that story, I took all my stories off after they started appearing on granny porn sites and stuff with animals and even worse. I even put a note to that effect on my profile page, and you know the person I wrote them for just didnt appreciate my devotion, so I guess I took them off to hurt him and I am ashamed to admit that. I am my own evil twin sometimes.
funny thing about alter egos, I have actually gotten emails, FB from people who, when they found out I was normal jean, they said, wow, I like your stuff, but I like normals better...hmm, how do I take that? and when a certain poet learned I was mia moore, i think that took something away from my poems that I posted as her ( in his eyes, cause he never said anything about mias stuff after that), just weird, I dont understand it and dont really wanna... it really is quite flattering, but frightening somehow... :D

i didnt mean to be mean to miss anna, you can lock me in the closet and spank me, if you wanna :)

yeah the whole pseeudonym phenonomononomonon is beeee-zar. you aren't mean to miss anna, just playful :) and I think I will be "using" the closet soon as she realizes I have been out here fucking around. :devil:
The_Fool said:
I was going to add a link cause I did like this poem but I forgot. Rather foolish of me...:D

The Carpenter

I remember that poem! I LOVE it and I can't believe no one else left a comment, dammit!
Erotic or not?

What do you think? What IS erotic, really?


First the sighs of seething sap
causes burgeoning buds to unfurl in the sun
flooding the world with sudden green
and boughs reaching in redemption
after winter’s wrath
wrap themselves
in a fresh and feathery habit of fronds.
Buds bundled still,
bide their time
dreaming of glories to come
and the kisses of hummingbird,
butterfly and bee.

Later when the petals spread their colours
singing with a new passion
vines twine together in tangled abandon
flowers droop pollen laden
and dewed with nectar.
Perfumes spice the humid air
and fruit forms
the legacy of kisses bestowed all summer long
by drowsy bees
searching out the hidden places
probing deep to consummate the union.
Re: Erotic or not?

Tristesse said:
What do you think? What IS erotic, really?


First the sighs of seething sap
causes burgeoning buds to unfurl in the sun
flooding the world with sudden green
and boughs reaching in redemption
after winter’s wrath
wrap themselves
in a fresh and feathery habit of fronds.
Buds bundled still,
bide their time
dreaming of glories to come
and the kisses of hummingbird,
butterfly and bee.

Later when the petals spread their colours
singing with a new passion
vines twine together in tangled abandon
flowers droop pollen laden
and dewed with nectar.
Perfumes spice the humid air
and fruit forms
the legacy of kisses bestowed all summer long
by drowsy bees
searching out the hidden places
probing deep to consummate the union.

I think you have a pretty good idea..... ;)
Originally posted by annaswirls …
Can we try to make October 25th an all erotic poem day?

Can we try???

Post on the 24th to show up for the Poem Orgie on the 25th? :devil:

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poems having unprotected sex

neonurotic said:

thanks Neo for the reminder!

I just posted mine and hope it made it through...and I hope it has good company..

was that your elbow poking me?

I just submitted mine: It is just after midnight here, so I don't know if it will post on Monday or Tuesday. The title is Answer The Phone.

I will return and add a link after it is posted. Looking forward to reading everybody's work tomorrow night! (No baseball tomorrow you know...)
I'm not certain I've worked on these enough, but I guess that's what feedback is some extent, anyways. <g>

I was out of town until late yesterday, however, so not being submitted until this morning.

Look for "The Gift" and "Desire Discovered" and I'll bring by a link when they show up.

Re: poems having unprotected sex

SeattleRain said:
thanks Neo for the reminder!

I just posted mine and hope it made it through...and I hope it has good company..

was that your elbow poking me?

Even though I bumped this to the top, I was still a late comer because I didn't see a perverted coffee poem on the new list this morning.

My poem will show up tomorrow ;)

- neo
Lauren Hynde said:
Thank you. Dripping can also be arranged, if needed be. :devil: :D
I don't doubt that you're a pro when it comes to dripping. lol
Color coded coitus

A mountain of gold, orange and red leaves
an impression
intense love grown cold and dead
a Thanksgiving day in a forest the same
when my passion was stirred at the sound
of your name
how you clung to a tree as I pushed into you
and your heat clutched my candle
ignited my fuse
we exploded as fireworks shot into the sky
fell back to the earth and embraced
with a sigh
but like fireworks our love seemed to pass
in a flash
leaving only the memory
buried in ash.
My poem is up and posted Answer The Phone.

no votes yet.....*sigh*

Tungtied2u, I really like the rhyming scheme here:

we exploded as fireworks shot into the sky
fell back to the earth and embraced
with a sigh
but like fireworks our love seemed to pass
in a flash
leaving only the memory
buried in ash.

is it something standardized or did it just work that way?
Even though...

the posting date has been and gone, I like to think that this challenge will always stand since I prefer erotic poems to pornography.

I know what you want.

Your whispers swirl
into the confines
of my ear, change
words, heard
ideas, thought.

Your touch brushes
over the galaxy
of my skin, share
with me
instant knowledge
of our
constant need.

Don't compromise in this.
Back down and we will never
realize how close
our minds can come.

I want to be one, with you.

Your pulse pounds
through the maze
of your veins, beat
in time
to our urgent pace
then, skip
and change back to slow.

Be one, with me.
Fingers ride the top edge
back and forth
across worn
bleached-out denium

Dip down into
the skin side

slack jawed
cotton mouth

This is c r a z y

thumbs open
a button-fly prison