Challenge: Roll Your Own Poem, part 3

Of Bloody Marys and Stuff

I once went to a work-type luncheon with, among other people, a nun. She ordered a "virgin mary." I was the only one to laugh (although the nun flashed me a wicked smile--she knew exactly what she was doing). That is funny. right?

(Okay I'll foaf, even though it sounds like it makes an ugly noise.)
I've been trying to foaf, but need to refoaf a little before making a display of my foaffing abilities.

look how impeccably you apply spelling rules....what a woman!
I'm probably in,

but am struggling with trying to write whilst holding my nose and squinting my eyes.

That foaf is one butt ugly word. (not that butts are nec. ugly, of course)
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OT said:
I'm probably in,

but am struggling with trying to write whilst holding my nose and squinting my eyes.

That foaf is one butt ugly word. (not that butts are nec. ugly, of coarse )

^^^^What he said.....this is a chllenge, no question.
Okay....I don't know if I'll come up with something post-able, but if I do, I'll post it.

This is difficult.


Cords, you whiner!

Although, I agree it's difficult to pretend to be inspired by such a screwy word like foaf. I mean, it is almost as if Rybka, our challenger, made it up.

"Hey! Let's all get inspired by this week's word -- Ferdiffle! Yeah!"

Kidding, kidding...

But, if you back off and look for something in the meaning --

It's an abbreviation. Why? Who needs that?

See? There's something already.

It has the word 'friend' buried in there.

Hmmm...buried friends -- something else to dig up.

Well, I supposed it could stand for 'fucking oaf!' I see lots of those when I drive.

Even more whimsy to delve into.

In spite of all the potential, I still don't feel very strongly for anagrams (that's the word, right?), or 'foaf.' I had to do stuff like the above just to find some emotive realm to work within.

My thoughts.
- Judo

PS - Oh yeah, it's submitted. Anybody else? I've noticed very little Forum activity as of late, and the new poems still haven't been done today. Of course, I don't expect them to get done; unless it's Monday. A-hem...
Judo? Isn't it way too early for that yet? I haven't foafed yet, and we're only supposed to submit tomorrow, so it will be posted saturday...

And Cord's supposed to do the new poems today. She warned us it would be later than we're used to ;)
foaf for thought

I foafed my foaf just yesterday;
it's very foafy I must say and
if you foaf outside the box,
you might appoximate a
foaf that goes where no
foaf ever went; unfoafed as
it were--for what foaf can appall?
Tis better to have foafed unwisely
than never to have foafed at all....
Oh? I thought we were supposed to post the foaf thursday, so it could be read on foafday. Oh well, I guess at this point, it's pretty easy to un-foaf. But I warn you, if whoever annoints who around here ever lets me determine one of these titles, you guys won't have more than a couple of days to do it. I hate all this darn settin' around. Humph!

- Judo
premature foafing

Judo (may have) foafed prematurely, and there's all this pre-foaf-day buzz going about. Me thinks you all may be smitten with the word.

You've a big day of foafing ahead of you, so you best get some rest.
foaf up you pillows, go to bed, and let visions of foaf-plums dance in your heads.
It's 2:10 AM. I have classes tomorrow at 9:30. And I see it clearly in my mind: Foaf now, or you'll never foaf at all. *sigh*

I need chocolate.

And thank God for letting me own an espresso machine.

when you foaf through a storm hold your head up

and um

you'll never foaf alone.
has foafed..

.. and never wants to foaf again... neither does this foaf I heard a foaf talking about...

Xtaabay is one of those premature foafers too. :(

I haven't read it, though. Saving them all for tomorrow. Oh, and I've almost-foafed. :D
I'm having foaffing anxiety. I foaffed almost a week ago. It was such a small, unimpressive foaf and I was so traumatized by the size of it that I can't get my foaf up again.
Wasn't there a movie about that?

"How Wicked Got her Foaf Back"

(I'm liking this word too much.It's making me nervous. It's that fish's fault.)
I'm printing my partial foaf and taking it with me to school, so I can finish it en route.
Re: Wasn't there a movie about that?

Angeline said:
"How Wicked Got her Foaf Back"

(I'm liking this word too much.It's making me nervous. It's that fish's fault.)
Would you have preferred "Snafu" or maybe "Fubar"? :D :rose: :D

Regards,                       Rybka
Fishy said:

Would you have preferred "Snafu" or maybe "Fubar"?

As it turned out, "foaf" fit my evil purpose perfectly. :p
Consider it foafed.

And for Angie:

You take the high foaf,
And I'll take the low foaf,
And I'll be in foafdom afore ye.

May you be in Heaven
An hour before the Foaf
Knows yer dead.

Is that a foaf in your pocket,
Or are you just happy to see me?

It's very clear --
Our foaf is here to stay.
Not for a year --
But Foafever and a day.


- Judo