Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

A fun collab I really enjoyed doing.
I don't typically speak for the masses AD but I'm pretty sure a lot of folks would enjoy doing a "collab" with you that involved a bed and a smile like that.

So... do y'all remember 10 years or so ago when keyhole or peephole overlays were a big thing? Well, here's my reuse/recycled submission. Photo is new but the overlay is old.
I recently learned JAF that many PIs have a peephole reverser. I don't understand the optics involved but when put up to the peep hole it turns the viewee into a viewer. This picture and that realization makes we want to apply for my Private Dicks License.

As I live an breathe! A fellow Bostonian (or at least a BoSox fan). Mind if I come over and pahk my cah, stroll up the wahkway next to your yahd and ask for a glass of wahta?

I wonder if the Fenway camera operators dream of finding someone in the bleachers at a crowded game dressed like that?

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I recently learned JAF that many PIs have a peephole reverser. I don't understand the optics involved but when put up to the peep hole it turns the viewee into a viewer. This picture and that realization makes we want to apply for my Private Dicks License.

Private Dicks abound, there's no license needed for that. It's the public dicks that make me wary and call for an adult. 🤪
Beautiful, and a nice look back. I love the straps. You are a gorgeous woman.
Thank you, darlin'! The peephole overlay turned a "meh" photo into a slightly more thought provoking one.
Private Dicks abound, there's no license needed for that. It's the public dicks that make me wary and call for an adult. 🤪

Thank you, darlin'! The peephole overlay turned a "meh" photo into a slightly more thought provoking one.
Do not even sell yourself short! That was a phenomenal pic that you took to a new level.
Love your smile there, you look like you’re having fun! Also, gonna be honest and say I’m a little jealous of your collab partner.
Thank you! And well it was really fun.
Comicbook Heaven ... Awesome job. Now the story needs to be written.
May involve some wet pages.
The look on your face says it all !!!! Nice work
Thank you
Love this!
I don't typically speak for the AD but I'm pretty sure a lot of folks would enjoy doing a "collab" with you that involved a bed and a smile like that.
Hahahaa! Well I haven’t been asked so can’t really say.
Hahahaa! Well I haven’t been asked so can’t really say.
Well then once again I'll speak for the masses, would you like to be part of a collab that once again involves a bed and a smile?

@talikat has a thread devoted to paired pictures that I'm sure she'd love to see get a post or three.

It's not like any of us will find ourselves kicking around the Last Frontier anytime soon for an in-person photo collab so PFH (post from home) will have to do for now.
