Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

Another picture of your black heart.

First, my apologies. I never replied to your previous comment. Let me make correct that oversight.

Are you calling me psychotic?!?!?


Thank you.
Is Harley a psychopath? She seems a little to controlled for that. I'd say she's a sociopath with some psychotic tendencies. Or in D&D terms she's Lawful Evil.

And I guess... you're welcome?

*he types while stepping back to create 6' of antisocial distancing*

Clearly it's dawned on you that today is Friday Eve and your wonderful smile tells me you're already planning a weekend of mischief (that includes a minor bloodbath based on your last response).

As an aside, I hope to see more pictures like this. The @Amanda330 in the raw. Don't misunderstand. Your edited and filtered images are good but nothing trumps natural beauty in it's purest form.
