Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

Holy Pumpkins!
I didn’t carve them so no holes.😂
brilliant 🤣
Thanks! It felt kind of inspired. 🤣
Those are some nice pumpkins ya have there, darlin. Makes one want to jack...o latern
Haha carve it up. 🤭
My initial reaction….

And your second reaction? ;)
The Great Pumpkins!
Want to sit up with me in the pumpkin patch😘
You have very nice… pumpkins
Well aren’t you sweet 😘
Who helped with the sizing?
A special friend.
You nailed it. Literally squashed the competition 🎃
Haha thanks!
Lucky pumpkins 😏
💕 thanks grant.
My trick or treat is complete 🤤
Hopefully it was more treat than trick😉
Wow! My pumpkin posing princess. 🥰🔥😘
Thanks BG! I did have some fun and like how this pic came out💋
Brilliant 👏
Thank you!
Loving the monster always ends badly for the human 🩸
You are gorgeous! Perfect costume and make up!
I didn’t carve them so no holes.😂

Thanks! It felt kind of inspired. 🤣

Haha carve it up. 🤭

And your second reaction? ;)

Want to sit up with me in the pumpkin patch😘

Well aren’t you sweet 😘

A special friend.

Haha thanks!

💕 thanks grant.

Hopefully it was more treat than trick😉

Thanks BG! I did have some fun and like how this pic came out💋

Thank you!

You are gorgeous! Perfect costume and make up!
Always a treat, PG. The sight had (and still has) me standing VERY tall😉 oh how I wish to be the one holding those pumpkins!