Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

Also @Wriggle as he tags @MandaPandaa post
I don’t think the south owns that. We used to call them PJs up north too in my childhood. Especially the onsies with the feet that made you rock and roll slide across the kitchen floor like no other!
I wear those as an adult during the few days of cold weather we get. You can sometimes see me sliding by the window
Our neighbours across the sea have no sense of humour about their simplified version of English sometimes
I like to think of it as streamlined English. Dropping unnecessary "u" in words like colour and neighbour. However, keeping the characteristic confusion that that defines English, such as through, trough, though, dough, plough...
I like to think of it as streamlined English. Dropping unnecessary "u" in words like colour and neighbour. However, keeping the characteristic confusion that that defines English, such as through, trough, though, dough, plough...
I jest of course.
I am a big believer that if you can understand the context and concept, it is valid language.