Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

Can I join you? I mean, I don't know anything about sportsing, but I do have purple jammies!
Dear God MYB!!! Are you TRYING to give me a heart attack?!? :love::love::love::love::love::love::love:
Jammies for FOOTBALL SUNDAY!! 🏈🍻
I can't help but wonder what a real Viking would think about being associated with the color purple? They'd love the gold obviously. Then again, purple has been the color associated with royalty so they'd love it. Regardless, I'm sure you'd make their plunder list. I wonder how you say Midwest Princess in Viking?

Can I join you? I mean, I don't know anything about sportsing, but I do have purple jammies!
Is this like the "What color is her dress?" or "Which is she spinning thing?" on the Interwebs? Because I'd say that might be periwinkle blue which is on the cusp of purple. The same way I'm a Leo on the cusp of cancer. However I never say I'm a crab (only others do from time to time).

Color aside, you look ready to watch the Vikings score a 3-pointer in their opponents net in the first inning of the game.

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Hopefully our fearless leader will post a new them in the morning, but for now, Goodnight my fellow chaotic
I see the mantle of leadership has taken its toll on you Natasha. Good thing Fearless Leader will start running the operation again today. I'm sure he'll finally nab the moose and squirrel!


I wouldn't have guessed you're a stripes person. Of course in this instance it looks like the Doppler effect.

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