Chasin' Chickens

dancing with socks on a chicken
while the turtle humps a hard hat
watching cows mow the grass
and goats chew a can of spinach
the lizard changes clothes
to match with its mate
while a mocking bird dances with itself
in a mirror, in the backyard
where the dog meows
and the cats grab the bark
the dear come to prance
at the backyard dance
dancing with socks on a chicken
while the turtle humps a hard hat
watching cows mow the grass
and goats chew a can of spinach
the lizard changes clothes
to match with its mate
while a mocking bird dances with itself
in a mirror, in the backyard
where the dog meows
and the cats grab the bark
the dear come to prance
at the backyard dance

did you mean ...where the deer and the antelope play:D
Been to the chicken coop
grabed up a little scoop
of nothing but pure
chicken poop

Used it around
to keep all abound
and let only love
always surround

I watched her long legs take a stance
as he neared
He showed no fear
no emotion
as if he didn't even know she was there
but he knew

She moved backwards
to lure him closer? Perhaps
He bowed up
showing his strength
proudly dangerous

It was her lair
her bed
where she devoured males in delight
then it was obvious
they would fight

I was curious as to who would win
the black widow swiftly attacked
the scorpion lost
and I would have lost the bet
for I thought for sure he would win
a black widow against a scorpion

she wrapped him up in her silk
saving him for a midnight delight
she hung him up like a trophy
in her scattered web
then she curled up in her tathered bed
there was a tart
whom let a fart
and blew apart
a flower cart

she used her smarts
and created an art
flower petal darts
in the shapes of hearts
The henhouse looks deserted. :(

< hiding eggs under the chickens ... lay damn you !!!:eek: >


That'll get'm producing again ~~ Miss you guys ~~ :rose:
moving is for the birds
setting up a new nest takes
more time than taking one down

can't wait until it is all done
too many pets
is like hell on earth
feed me,
water me
give me affection

i don't even have time
for myself
or my lover
two steps forward
one step back

shit, shower and shave
no time to play

work, sleep
eat and
the john...
dare I go on?
flies on a pie
June-bugs in the house
walls with hair-ball mice
a lawn with an ant-hill

ford fairlane, waxed and polished
yet, bug splatters litter the windshield

eyeglasses with a smudge
a carpet and chewing gum
bluejeans and bleach
literary play and critics

a statue of Hans Christian Anderson
riddled with pigeon white remains
She's probably out a egg pickin.
Or chasin' down some darn chicken.

Trying to get at that cock.
With a single rolled down sock.

Dartin across that chicken coop.
Shoes churning up the chicken poop.

Feathers flying and yard birds cluckin'
outreached arms got the dog a barkin.

Rooster crows and flaps its wings.
Just the usual saturday thing.

Lickin my lips for some chicken pot pie.
Got tears of laughter in my eye.

Funniest thing to see the dirt she's kickin.
Chasin' down some ole' darn chicken.

I've chased your chicken
lay-ed in wait.
trying to be
first at the

sun rising
clucks, all around.
rooster crowing

a jig
jarring my conscience
to jump
and run.

come one, come
all. catch that silly
bird. feathers

my memory
jump start, run

amuck. mayhem,
chaos ... as rhyming,
zen-ly chickens
to the perfect
rythem of
poetry hunts
and natures call ~~

silly and fun ~~


I've chased your chicken
lay-ed in wait.
trying to be
first at the

sun rising
clucks, all around.
rooster crowing

a jig
jarring my conscience
to jump
and run.

come one, come
all. catch that silly
bird. feathers

my memory
jump start, run

amuck. mayhem,
chaos ... as rhyming,
zen-ly chickens
to the perfect
rythem of
poetry hunts
and natures call ~~

silly and fun ~~


zen-ly chickens......

I'll have to play with that.....
Moon Pie

My profession is a prison guard and one day I was at the prison commissary (store) getting a few things, when I spot that they have Moon Pies. I thought that it would be a special treat for my little girl so I purchased one banana Moon Pie and took it home.

That evening, after supper I pulled out the Moon Pie and gave it to her. She was very pleased and tore into the wrapper. Being 7 years old, in her cutest possible way, she asked, “Do they come from the Moon!”

“Yep, they sure do!” I replied and my wife nearly pokes me in the arm and tells me not to be telling her that, so I’m merely state that I got it from work. My little girl knows I work at a prison. She took a few bites and loved the Moon Pie. I watched her enjoying the marshmellow treat when I saw the strangest look come across her face.

You could tell she was wrestling with a mental thought when she looked at me and asked, “They have prisoners on the moon?” I died laughing and shook my head ‘yes.’ My wife scolded me for telling her that and once again blurted out, “don’t tell her that.” It took me a couple hours to correct my mistake and convince her that their was nobody on the moon and that the Moon Pies were made on earth.
zen-ly chickens......

I'll have to play with that.....

Sorry, was in the mood to write
and free flowing all over the boards, lol.
What good it did me :eek:

Zen-ly chickens, I keep seeing a chicken in the woods,
atop this enormous egg, trying to hatch that sucker.. :eek:

Woods, as in moss an old, tallllllllllll trees.
A grey and white photo .. poor chick~


Forest in heavenSep

I was saddened when I heard Forest Gump died (He really hasn’t, it is part of the story) and Forest went to heaven of course. When he got to the pearly gates he met with Saint Peter who explained to Forest that he had to answer three questions in order to get into heaven. “Well, alright!” Forest replied.

“The first question is this,” Saint Peter began, “What are two days of the week that begin with the letter ”T’ and what are they?” Saint Peter asked.

“Thats easy,” Forest replied. “Two… today and tomorrow.” Forest answered.

“Saint Peter shook his head and said, “well, that is close enough and continued. “The second question is a bit harder so be prepared to do math,” Saint Peter stated.

“Well, alright,” Forest replied.

“The second question is this, how many seconds are in one year?” Saint Peter asked.

“That is easy,” Forest replied, “Twelve… ” Forest began, “January second, February second, March second…” and so on. Well Saint Peter shook his head and reluctantly accepted the answer.

“Okay Forest, here is the third and final question and you must get this one right, ready?” Saint Peter said.

“Yep,” Forest replied.

“What is Gods name?” Saint Peter asked.

“That is easy,” Forest replied with a big grin. “Andy, Gods name is Andy.”

Saint Peter could hardly believe his ears, “Forest how in the world do you figure Gods name is Andy?”

“Because,” Forest began, “We always sing to him at church. The song goes like this here… “

“Andy (and-he) walked with me… Andy (and-he) talked with me…”

“Andy gave us his only begotten son, amen.”
I used to
chase chickens

outside, all
about. Feeding as they cluck
collecting eggs, checking
shape, color
shaking my boots off as I went
inside. I watched

our rooster "George" chase
my lil girl, round
and about. She screamed
darted to and fro. He
hang, like a bat

upside down in the shed. Not
his pen but
the shed out in the field.

I wonder why, he hung
he roosted
crowed and clucked
day, night

always, going to the shed
upon night fall.

The boys would chase, terrorize
and laugh
he would always chase
my lil girl. She swore he
had it in for her. She tore
up the yard
running and yelling

please momma, please. He will kill me
is crazy! To this day

I have a picture
minds eye:
her running, crying
screaming. George
almost a rooster like smirk
running to the shed
hanging like a bat ~

tip-toe tossed rocks
didn’t do alot
to bring it down

a holiday ornament
kisses, nestled in nature
in the penthouse of a tree top
it was found

twigs, dirt-clods and a screwdriver
thrown up at it
came back solo,
to the ground

objective solved
murdered mistletoe
with a shot-gun round

at my feet

ho ho ho

now lay

the mistle-toe

by Art~
It was a cold winter day when an old man walked out onto a frozen Lake Erie, cut a hole in the ice, dropped in his fishing line and began waiting for a fish to bite.

He was there for almost an hour without even a nibble when a young boy walked out onto the ice, cut a hole in the ice not too far from the old man and dropped in his fishing line. It only took about a minute. WHAM! A largemouth bass hit his hook and the boy pulled in the fish. The old man couldn’t believe it but figured it was just luck. But the boy dropped in his line and again within just a few minutes pulled in another one.

He went to the boy and said, “Son, I’ve been here for over an hour without even a nibble. You have been here only a few minutes and have caught two fish! How do you do it?” To which the boy responded, “Roo raf roo reep ra rums rarm.”

“What was that you said?” the old man asked. Again the boy responded, “Roo raf roo reep ra rums rarm.”

“Look, son” said the old man, “I can’t understand a word you’re saying.”

So the boy spit a wad into his hands and said, “You have to keep the worms warm!”
It was a cold winter day when an old man walked out onto a frozen Lake Erie, cut a hole in the ice, dropped in his fishing line and began waiting for a fish to bite.

He was there for almost an hour without even a nibble when a young boy walked out onto the ice, cut a hole in the ice not too far from the old man and dropped in his fishing line. It only took about a minute. WHAM! A largemouth bass hit his hook and the boy pulled in the fish. The old man couldn’t believe it but figured it was just luck. But the boy dropped in his line and again within just a few minutes pulled in another one.

He went to the boy and said, “Son, I’ve been here for over an hour without even a nibble. You have been here only a few minutes and have caught two fish! How do you do it?” To which the boy responded, “Roo raf roo reep ra rums rarm.”

“What was that you said?” the old man asked. Again the boy responded, “Roo raf roo reep ra rums rarm.”

“Look, son” said the old man, “I can’t understand a word you’re saying.”

So the boy spit a wad into his hands and said, “You have to keep the worms warm!”

lmao !!

Long ago lived a seaman named Captain Bravo. He was a manly man who showed no fear in facing his enemies. One day, while sailing the seven seas, a look-out spotted a pirate ship and the crew became frantic. Captain Bravo bellowed “Bring me my Red Shirt.” The First Mate quickly retrieved the captain’s red shirt and while wearing the bright frock he led his mates into battle and defeated the pirates.

Later on, the look-out again spotted not one, but two pirate ships. The captain again howled for his red shirt and once again vanquished the pirates. That evening, all the men sat around on the deck recounting the day’s triumphs and one of the them asked the captain: “Sir, why did you call for your red shirt before battle?” The captain replied: “If I am wounded in the attack, the shirt will not show my blood, and thus, you men will continue to resist, unafraid.” All of the men sat in silence and marveled at the courage of such a manly man.

As dawn came the next morning, the look-out once again spotted not one, not two, but TEN pirates ships approaching. The rank and file all stared at the captain and waited for his usual reply. Captain Bravo calmly shouted: “Get me my brown pants.”
Three sons left home, went out on their own and prospered. Getting back together, they discussed the gifts they were able to give their elderly mother. The first said, “I built a big house for our mother.” The second said, “I sent her a Mercedes with a driver.” The third smiled and said, “I’ve got you both beat. You remember how mom enjoyed reading the Bible? And you know she can’t see very well. So I sent her a remarkable parrot that recites the entire Bible. It took elders in the church 12 years to teach him. He’s one of a kind. Mama just has to name the chapter and verse, and the parrot recites it.”

Soon thereafter, mom sent out her letters of thanks: “Milton,” she wrote one son, “The house you built is so huge. I live in only one room, but I have to clean the whole house.”

“Gerald,” she wrote to another, “I am too old to travel. I stay most of the time at home, so I rarely use the Mercedes. And the driver is so rude!”

“Dearest Donald,” she wrote to her third son, “You have the good sense to know what your mother likes. The chicken was delicious.”