Chasin' Chickens

~King of the Pine~

A tall wide Pine
full of moss and vine.
Tree bark flys
as leaves are sent sailing.

A small black bird flutters
in hover
with squawking loud calls.

Scampers a squirrel
in a ring around the rosie
spiral ascent
like candy cane swirls.

The black bird dove
with Kamokazi dives,
pecking and striking at
a fluffy waving long brown tail.

In snickering chatter taunts
a tail in flicking lure,
hop spring then leap
from tree limb to tree limb.

Pine cones fall like handgernades,
its needles, dropping darts,
where ever the black bird would land
the squirrel would shake the limb.

A squawk and flapping
then another dive,
assault in flight
as tiny talons grasp a busy tail
and pulls.

The squirrel was tag teamed
by its enemies,
black birds
and gravity!
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templeminded said:
My Erotic Tale said:
well that don't sound to nice!
yes she is and doing real real good

Bows Humble
I didn't mean anything by it..honestly
the heat has had me zapped so I'm in limbo poets ville <grin>
Mom just come by and said lets go...
I said where?
she said Al had an appointment at 5.30 and he aint home yet
well....there might be a reason?
he aint answering his cell phone?
I said okay let me get my shoes <<< I am always bare foot
amny way I get back to the 8 she says...
never mind he is at home now....

"Now who does that sound like...?" hehehe
aint nothing wrong, had my mind
somewhere other than my body probably

If I had a dream of being a chicken and see through the eyes of
a chicken could there be a portal to see through anothers eyes
and it had a fart <I mean backfire> and sent some one
to being a chicken while sleeping...??? <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
templeminded said:
Bows Humble
I didn't mean anything by it..honestly
the heat has had me zapped so I'm in limbo poets ville <grin>
Mom just come by and said lets go...
I said where?
she said Al had an appointment at 5.30 and he aint home yet
well....there might be a reason?
he aint answering his cell phone?
I said okay let me get my shoes <<< I am always bare foot
amny way I get back to the 8 she says...
never mind he is at home now....

"Now who does that sound like...?" hehehe
aint nothing wrong, had my mind
somewhere other than my body probably

If I had a dream of being a chicken and see through the eyes of
a chicken could there be a portal to see through anothers eyes
and it had a fart <I mean backfire> and sent some one
to being a chicken while sleeping...??? <grin>

:) then all cums, i mean comes to light

my splendid warrior who can be as gentle as a baby
glad all was ok give everyone my love
alan is still ok right?
love ya,

forgot to tell is moving granny to a better place this morning :)
My Erotic Tale said:
Originally Posted by My Erotic Tale
I brought this over here cause every time I went
back and looked at the poem it didn't say what I
wanted it to say and it needs work so
I brought it to my workshop <grin>

ZMP~ different leaves

A tree has many leaves
like when they fall individualy. <--- what about taking the "but" from line 4 and replacing "like when" here?

.....It is not done in an instant
.....but one by one they all leave.

Their rebirth is just as slow
one by one they slowly grow many trees growing leaves
.....color green brightly glows.

When a forest tree falls
an opening is given for another

.....a new sprout reaches high as the others.

Trees don't all topple and fall
at the exact same time,

.....they tumble here and there syncrinized chimes.

Things may seem the same,
till a difference is seen. old tree lay fallen
.....near a two year sapling.

We all will one day leave
from our own family tree

.....the jig saw stays complete
.....with the different leaves.

I saw you'd stuck a fork in it at the end, but thought I'd toss this comment your way anyway! It was an interesting read. Thanks for sharing your eclectic style and wit!

templeminded said:
My Erotic Tale said:
:) then all cums, i mean comes to light

my splendid warrior who can be as gentle as a baby
glad all was ok give everyone my love
alan is still ok right?
love ya,

forgot to tell is moving granny to a better place this morning :)

well good, she needed moved, alan? who knows, heard from him a couple weeks ago he is still in the big shitty!
Hugs all around ...<me>
Zanzibar said:
I saw you'd stuck a fork in it at the end, but thought I'd toss this comment your way anyway! It was an interesting read. Thanks for sharing your eclectic style and wit!


thank you Zanzibar~

fiddle fart with any of them you like <grin>
always welcome a keen eye and creative insight!
chase some chickens anytime ya like <grin>
Macky the Wacky Mockingbird~

Macky the Wacky Mockingbird
Earned his name from a carpenter
who wore his T-shirt around his head
shade from the sun on a rafters ridge

A mocking bird swooped down
pecking at the carpenters crown
knocking his T-shirt off his head
that now lay in the gardens bed

Macky the Wacky Mockingbird
attacking a t-shirt is absurd?
that's why they named the flying blur
and deemed it to be a crazy bird.
Like sentrys dressed in white
in a campoflauge world
walking a field in escort form
snow egrets focus
on every step
of a passing cow
for it's meal to leap
in the wake
another morsel ate
My Erotic Tale said:
Hey S~

feeling better?
:heart: u2
hugs all around
let me know when your story posts <grin>

hey my love, feeling a little better today
still notn where i should be but doing better
story is out :)
love you,
nin- :kiss:
templeminded said:
hey my love, feeling a little better today
still notn where i should be but doing better
story is out :)
love you,
nin- :kiss:


templeminded has her first story posted <<<<<<

going to read and vote <grin>
red neck definitions


if she's mad at ya stop and buy her some flowers or 'jury'
like a ring or something.
If thoughts are ten a penny
I am wealthy in my thoughts of you!
I am rich in the fabric of life
for where I lay
is near your heart.

I have danced with passion
in your arms
fullfilling a hunger
that is deeply instilled
in the loins of my lust
you quenched your thirst.

Sharing a moment with another
is a treasure
highly unmeasured
like the smoke rising
from a fired gun
'What's done is done'
Tangerine titties over a moon pie rear
marmalade smile mixed with almond eye'd glances
lollipop lips part to a lickerish tongue
tootsie roll nipples hung over panties
that looked like multi-color sprinkles.
Earth: Solid zen~

A star spew a spark from itself,
born an ecliptic flame, encircled to spin around it's parent
Inferno fury entangled in rivers of molten lava swirling
Volcanoes spew into cold winds, maturing

Pregnant darkness flowing from chaotic energy,
Steam blooms from liquid fire,
burning womb birthing Obsidian spirits
frozen gems of a first breath.

Red and black planet swirls within itself,
fire fighting form, retreating to the core of it's lair
Smoldering gaseous fumes swirl and rise
valiant winds drift in trails, hardening all but red rivers.

A burning junkyard of Nova wreckage,
turtle's shell cools below a spinning moon,
Water nativity: recycling furnace delivers pools . . . ripened oceans,
Adam's ale breathes life into a cell. (this line needs work or not lol)

Ice began to nip at mountain tops,
as the twirling hot rock shot across the cold stars,
leashed and locked into a spinning that began to cycle.
Liquid pooled and swell under condensated clouds.

Tiny roots float within liquid air,
timeless travel of placenta dreams,
thrust upon open space,
Survival: slender fingers laced into soil planting life anew.
bump bump bump

My Erotic Tale said:
Earth: Solid zen~

A star spew a spark from itself,
born an ecliptic flame, encircled to spin around it's parent
Inferno fury entangled in rivers of molten lava swirling
Volcanoes spew into cold winds, maturing

Pregnant darkness flowing from chaotic energy,
Steam blooms from liquid fire,
burning womb birthing Obsidian spirits
frozen gems of a first breath.

Red and black planet swirls within itself,
fire fighting form, retreating to the core of it's lair
Smoldering gaseous fumes swirl and rise
valiant winds drift in trails, hardening all but red rivers.

A burning junkyard of Nova wreckage,
turtle's shell cools below a spinning moon,
Water nativity: recycling furnace delivers pools . . . ripened oceans,
Adam's ale breathes life into a cell. (this line needs work or not lol)

Ice began to nip at mountain tops,
as the twirling hot rock shot across the cold stars,
leashed and locked into a spinning that began to cycle.
Liquid pooled and swell under condensated clouds.

no need to bump.. look at the last stanza lol...

art .. I think we are on the same page lol.. here is the last stanzaq

Du Lac said:
Earth: Solid zen~

A star spew a spark from itself,
born an ecliptic flame, encircled to spin around it's parent
Inferno fury entangled in rivers of molten lava swirling
Volcanoes spew into cold winds, maturing

Pregnant darkness flowing from chaotic energy,
Steam blooms from liquid fire,
burning womb birthing Obsidian spirits
frozen gems of a first breath.

Red and black planet swirls within itself,
fire fighting form, retreating to the core of it's lair
Smoldering gaseous fumes swirl and rise
valiant winds drift in trails, hardening all but red rivers.

A burning junkyard of Nova wreckage,
turtle's shell cools below a spinning moon,
Water nativity: recycling furnace delivers pools . . . ripened oceans,
Adam's ale breathes life into a cell. (this line needs work or not lol)

Ice began to nip at mountain tops,
as the twirling hot rock shot across the cold stars,
leashed and locked into a spinning that began to cycle.
Liquid pooled and swell under condensated clouds.

Tiny roots float within liquid air,
timeless travel of placenta dreams,
thrust upon open space,
Survival: slender fingers laced into soil planting life anew.
Du Lac said:
art .. I think we are on the same page lol.. here is the last stanzaq

I find humor in how you submitted the next stanza
as I was bumping the poem up to go over it <grin>
just good timing~

Earth: Solid zen~

A star spew a spark from itself,
born an ecliptic flame, encircled to spin around it's parent
Inferno fury entangled in rivers of molten lava swirling
Volcanoes spew into cold winds, maturing

Pregnant darkness flowing from chaotic energy,
Steam blooms from liquid fire,
burning womb birthing Obsidian spirits
frozen gems of a first breath.

Red and black planet swirls within itself,
fire fighting form, retreating to the core of it's lair
Smoldering gaseous fumes swirl and rise
valiant winds drift in trails, hardening all but red rivers.

A burning junkyard of Nova wreckage,
turtle's shell cools below a spinning moon,
Water nativity: recycling furnace delivers pools . . . ripened oceans,
Adam's ale breathes life into a cell. (this line needs work or not lol)

Ice began to nip at mountain tops,
as the twirling hot rock shot across the cold stars,
leashed and locked into a spinning that began to cycle.
Liquid pooled and swell under condensated clouds.

Tiny roots float within liquid air,
timeless travel of placenta dreams,
thrust upon open space,
Survival: slender fingers laced into soil planting life anew.

Colors emerged in the radiant sun
From the ridges high to valleys wittled low
Trees sprout and reaching high
while a carpet of green grass grows over top soil.

I'll tinker with it but theres four more!
She is like Sushi in high heels. Only a little more country like bare feet and pigtails. The patience of puppy like throwing you behind a bail of hay and riding for a whole lot longer than eight seconds. Only letting you up long enough to remove an article of clothing.
Across the dark sky of night
the Stars shine so very bright

Strewn across the high heavens
like scattered gliter they glisten

A Star will fall every now and then
on the horizon it's seen streaking

If it falls softly to the sea
a new star fish there will be

but if happens to fall upon the Earth
then perhaps a woman is giving birth
I have from time to time
got out on the highway
and gone
to the Big City!

I found things strange,
like talking to a menu,
they'd say, "Drive thru!"
They call it fast food
but it taste like
a big shitty!

At red lights,
Poeple wash your windshield
then put a hand out
for a high five
'never seen nothing like it
lands sake a live'
another red light spit sheen
raising my fist
"Don't you dare spit!"
to late ...
'it's kinda spitty'

When a highway sits
like a parking lot
that's when I say,
"I have had enough
of the big shitty!"

I can put my arms out
and practicly touch house to house
living on top of one another
crammed so close together
it's a pitty
the way they live
in the big shitty.

It smells like exhaust
and refried beens
every once in awhile
I see a surviving tree
living in the big shitty.

I see a flock of pidgeons
and it made me smile
finally reached the red light
I've been waiting on
for quite awhile.

Giving it the gas
as I leave
hauling ass
the Big City!
It reminded me of the comedian, it was amusing. Your use of InTeRcApS was strange though as it would not appear that rednecks would use that method of typing.