Chasin' Chickens

Rippled water was slapping lightly
against a log, close to shore.

One end sloped into the river,
the other end raised, upward.

A row of turtles bask in the sun
on this log was room for no more.

A turtle swam up to this log
and crawled up the sloped side.

Each turtle inched up to make some more room
each pushing more to allow the new.

Bumping upward, till the turtle at the top
nudged to a dive, in the water it plopped!

Rippled water splashed loudly
near this log close to shore.

Up to the log this turtle came swiming
Starting back up, the sloped end.
My Erotic Tale said:
Across the dark sky of night
the Stars shine so very bright

Strewn across the high heavens
like scattered gliter they glisten

A Star will fall every now and then
on the horizon it's seen streaking

If it falls softly to the sea
a new star fish there will be

but if happens to fall upon the Earth
then perhaps a woman is giving birth

this is awesome......loved it!
and you :)
nin- :kiss:
My Erotic Tale said:
I have from time to time
got out on the highway
and gone
to the Big City!

I found things strange,
like talking to a menu,
they'd say, "Drive thru!"
They call it fast food
but it taste like
a big shitty!

At red lights,
Poeple wash your windshield
then put a hand out
for a high five
'never seen nothing like it
lands sake a live'
another red light spit sheen
raising my fist
"Don't you dare spit!"
to late ...
'it's kinda spitty'

When a highway sits
like a parking lot
that's when I say,
"I have had enough
of the big shitty!"

I can put my arms out
and practicly touch house to house
living on top of one another
crammed so close together
it's a pitty
the way they live
in the big shitty.

It smells like exhaust
and refried beens
every once in awhile
I see a surviving tree
living in the big shitty.

I see a flock of pidgeons
and it made me smile
finally reached the red light
I've been waiting on
for quite awhile.

Giving it the gas
as I leave
hauling ass
the Big City!

now that's one shitty city :D
had to take corey back to tyler yesturday
still no answer as to what problem is
have to have him back in one month :confused:
love you,
niner niner niner :D :kiss:
templeminded said:
had to take corey back to tyler yesturday
still no answer as to what problem is
have to have him back in one month :confused:
love you,
niner niner niner :D :kiss:

Oh, Poo Bear~
I killed Martin~

featherless flight
like a clod of sod

found on the ground
with a hungry mouth

A nestless baby bird
in the high grass

carefully captured
with no hands

Several bird nests were
which one is it's home?

Carefully calculating
four nests
only one had babies

"In you go little bird"
then momma come home

Pecked at the baby bird
killing it, or did I?
My Erotic Tale said:
I killed Martin~

featherless flight
like a clod of sod

found on the ground
with a hungry mouth

A nestless baby bird
in the high grass

carefully captured
with no hands

Several bird nests were
which one is it's home?

Carefully calculating
four nests
only one had babies

"In you go little bird"
then momma come home

Pecked at the baby bird
killing it, or did I?

made me think of "lone star"
Zmp~ Mind the Stone~ that sharpens the Mind~

I dabbled in a thought
that was about my life,
found my self wrestling
with-in my own mind.

Like sawing at wood
with a dull knife
I just couldnt focus
on this turmoil inside.

So I closed my eyes
and drew a deep breath
drawing on all that I
have learned untill now.

Then released it slowly
like an unraveling knot
I pushed as much of me
out of the air that I could.

I drew a deeper breath
that drove into my mind
like a blade across stone
the thought that grinds.

I pushed the air out
that forged before me
like the minds hone,
mentally sharpening.

My eyes still closed
another breath I drew
like a newborn's first
I open my eyes, new.

Facing the world
in which I have grown
I see more clearly
when I Mind the Stone.
Earth: Solid zen~

A star spew a spark from itself,
born an ecliptic flame, encircled to spin around it's parent
Inferno fury entangled in rivers of molten lava swirling
Volcanoes spew into cold winds, maturing

Pregnant darkness flowing from chaotic energy,
Steam blooms from liquid fire,
burning womb birthing Obsidian spirits
frozen gems of a first breath.

Red and black planet swirls within itself,
fire fighting form, retreating to the core of it's lair
Smoldering gaseous fumes swirl and rise
valiant winds drift in trails, hardening all but red rivers.

A burning junkyard of Nova wreckage,
turtle's shell cools below a spinning moon,
Water nativity: recycling furnace delivers pools . . . ripened oceans,
Adam's ale breathes life into a cell. (this line needs work or not lol)

Ice began to nip at mountain tops,
as the twirling hot rock shot across the cold stars,
leashed and locked into a spinning that began to cycle.
Liquid pooled and swell under condensated clouds.

Tiny roots float within liquid air,
timeless travel of placenta dreams,
thrust upon open space,
Survival: slender fingers laced into soil planting life anew.

Leaf-lets grew and lay over leaf-lets,
a line in the sand at the water's surface.
Microscopic breaths in deep blue seas.
Tiny imprints track across a white beach.

okay I like this better <grin.
'Angers' song

A river of emotions came flooding over me,
contained only by the dam of self control.

All of the thoughts I was trying to say
bottled up in the neck of the mind's word filter.

My heart pounds strong
My fist curls to a knot!

I don't even recall what the exact words were,
it was more the way that they were thrown at me.

Why do I humble to
a boasterous, unsettled minds arragance
allowing their idiocy to spin and dance.

Compassion for ignorance?
My body weight shifts towards my right!

Verbal arrows target missing their mark.
Did you expect me to stand and say nothing?

I tossed the arrows back and they found their mark,
I believe your words yell from a cold and confussed heart.

I turn and walk away!

I felt a hand grasp my shoulder along with sharp toned words
... and I smiled ...
For you can not hold a storm, perhaps I forgot to warn.
As lightening struck him, during Angers song!

"Call 911!"
'Lone Star'
The lone legged Mocking Bird!

The founder scene was the drive thru, Dairy Queen

A baby bird hobbled and wobbled across the hot pavement
out the car door I went!

The State didn't want their State Bird
they said to say, "it's final words."

For a wing was broke and a leg too,
there was nothing any one could do.

The leg was hanging by a thread of dead skin
the vet said, "do some snipping."

Wrapped the wing and made it a home, open to
the whole living room.

My wife bought crickets from the bait shop
my son caught grasshoppers from around our lot.
I knew where the best fishing worms lived,
to the Mockingbird, supper was fed.

To much surprise, the Mockingbird survived
it found balance with one and a half legs.
It hopped every where till it's wing healed.

Now a name we must give!
The State bird of the Lone Star state
our minds state could relate
call it fate and to this date, my wife named him,

"Lone Star"
the lone legged mockingbird.

He sang to our lives for quite awhile.
He like to land on the black labs back
or in a soft crash land into a baseball cap.

We finally built a cage the size of a wall
the door was left open unless company called.
For Mockingbirds are fearless and territorial.

A part of the family he became
I still think about him to this day

Lone Star
The Lone Legged Mockingbird
I sleep in peace at night
due the Knights Hearts
of many a Sentry.

Across a line in time
freedom now chimes.

Soil soaked with the blood
of the fallen soldiers
who died
for those who now live.

In their memory
I bow my head humble
on Memorial Day
Our Flag

A waving fabric of time

Pilgrims that sailed
the oceans swells
like the ripples
in a flag that sails.

The blood that shed
in flowing red
for independance to rein
against a red coat blaze.

The blue shines for the Union
and the turmoil that brew
No shine in the white
in dead confederate eyes.

Forging west the wind blow
Indians over throwed
and cast to the side
for an empire to rise.

That nation reached
across the seas
there is where our soldiers bleed
Germany, Japan, Vietnam
Korea, Somalia and Iran
France, Iraq, Afganistan,
many soldiers fell in foreign lands.

Like distant stars above
they shine when remembered
and placed on a flag
that waves freely
that stands for Freedom.

Our Flag~
Last edited:
How many boots
in how many steps
paved an independant way

How many marched
and how many sailed
so that freedom reigned

Brothers and sisters
make our countries
sentries that stand today

For those we lost
in shed of blood
remembered on this day
If our lives are a time line
from birth till we die

there seems to be
certain spots we
wish to recall

a knot is tied
that marks the time
we want to remember
I will be
a stone one day
but for now I will be
the living clay

Like a drop I may
dry up in the sun
but for now I will
with the river run

I may be
a star one day
but for now I will
light my own way.

A leaf in the wind
blowing away
as I hold to a tree
till my leaving day.

Just another flower
under the sun
beauty is in living
until I'm done.

Like the wild grass
reaching high
spred my seed
then I lie.

I may not see
tomorrow's sun
but until then
I'll see it come!
My Erotic Tale said:
I will be
a stone one day
but for now I will be
the living clay

Like a drop I may
dry up in the sun
but for now I will
with the river run

I may be
a star one day
but for now I will
light my own way.

A leaf in the wind
blowing away
as I hold to a tree
till my leaving day.

Just another flower
under the sun
beauty is in living
until I'm done.

Like the wild grass
reaching high
spred my seed
then I lie.

I may not see
tomorrow's sun
but until then
I'll see it come!

Aunty Muse claims this is only worth a 3...
yep he is back <grin>
I found it even funnier
... he only commented on my poem ?
Big full moon glides across tall pine trees
like brushing a crystal ball.

A counter sinc balance
as the sun falls.