Chasin' Chickens

My Erotic Tale said:
the gusher ~

self induced fire sprinkler system
that puts out the flames of desire
in a gushing spray that wets the area
of heated passion to ensure that
there is not an irreversable inferno

she not a blusher
she's a gusher

Gushing passion filters and trips.
Sprinkles of spray, fan the flames.
Endangering the wantonness, of this
wicked girls dreams. Showering
me with heated, heavenly lust.

Inferno of lusty love calls.
Sampling all the fires fiercesome
glory. Rhythmically, raunchidly,
hula hoop hip dancing, to my
delight. Flames fiendishly growing
steadily stronger.

Evoking loves pulsating pattern,
of slippery sliding, within the
sprinkling sprays, of sultry sudsy
spastic scalding.

Gushing grotesquely, juicy
splurts, spitting out. Tongue
lightiningly lapping at this
liquid euphoria ...

RhymeFairy said:
Gushing passion filters and trips.
Sprinkles of spray, fan the flames.
Endangering the wantonness, of this
wicked girls dreams. Showering
me with heated, heavenly lust.

Inferno of lusty love calls.
Sampling all the fires fiercesome
glory. Rhythmically, raunchidly,
hula hoop hip dancing, to my
delight. Flames fiendishly growing
steadily stronger.

Evoking loves pulsating pattern,
of slippery sliding, within the
sprinkling sprays, of sultry sudsy
spastic scalding.

Gushing grotesquely, juicy
splurts, spitting out. Tongue
lightiningly lapping at this
liquid euphoria ...


Very good my friend ~ Thanks... :rose:
My Erotic Tail said:
Shimmering shoulders
and velvet thighs
entangled hair
and wild eyes

Hungry tongue
for fleshy sweet
Heart's racing
pounding beat

Skin grin and
tickling toes
hot exhale
nose to nose

Bare bottom's
bouncing pose
release cums
then a doze


Had to give this one a bump.
I wanna visit later and bounce if'n ya don't mind.
Sexy hot poem here ~~~!!!

:devil: :heart: :nana:
RhymeFairy said:
Gushing passion filters and trips.
Sprinkles of spray, fan the flames.
Endangering the wantonness, of this
wicked girls dreams. Showering
me with heated, heavenly lust.

Inferno of lusty love calls.
Sampling all the fires fiercesome
glory. Rhythmically, raunchidly,
hula hoop hip dancing, to my
delight. Flames fiendishly growing
steadily stronger.

Evoking loves pulsating pattern,
of slippery sliding, within the
sprinkling sprays, of sultry sudsy
spastic scalding.

Gushing grotesquely, juicy
splurts, spitting out. Tongue
lightiningly lapping at this
liquid euphoria ...


oh my...hehehe...very nice (0_0)
shower songs are better when poking a ponder
mixing with the spray of wetness laid
wiping away the day in rubs across the tum
a tasty tease to other parts rung

twiddle fingers dance in vibrant motions
body that sails across the shower's sheets like an ocean
biting delight and holding hicky tight
to press into wants spackle walled pressed

gushing with passion mixed with rain closet rain
down goes the desire twirling around the drain
Joshua tree
..............................inside of me

............tumble weed dreams
........................................for a desert soul

only to hold
.................cactus pears
....................................just for the prick

sun burnt life
..................blazing bright
........................................under a joshua tree
Some where
...there's a train
.............with a lone whistle blow
...pulling hard to climb
the mountain in us all.

...there's a road
..............I have yet to go
....driving like a mad man
to deaths cross road.

Some where our time
.............we shared a moment a falling star
you, I'll remember
My Erotic Tale said:
Some where
...there's a train
.............with a lone whistle blow
...pulling hard to climb
the mountain in us all.

Some where our time
.............we shared a moment a falling star
you, I'll remember

....a pack of matches
.......................gave me my insight eternities flame
I took flight.

...there's a road
..............I have yet to go
....driving like a mad man
to deaths cross road.

chweing on it....
I hear the crickets in your mellow meadow mind
wondering about the simple things like your destiny's time
locked in a tower of the temple of your soul
is the memory of your years ago
pushing into tomorrow's glow
a day that blooms for you to arose.
Driving this body
.......................with the window down

there's dangerous curves ahead
.........................highway weaving
climbing mountains to heaven

racing through the desert if it were Hell!

taking the bumps in stride
.............................on the ride of my life.

on the edge of the desert
there ...stands a windmill

it blows kisses to the sun every morn

sand deep roots into the earths soul

hoping to dance with the wind

a creek squeek and tin blades grin

trickles the dripping sound of
a windmill's spiral begin
Passing Peanuts

They huddled behind the wall like ninja's
or so they thought cause they was as noisey as a row of ducks
"Hey Jed...JED!" Harlow shouted at the top of his lungs
nearly woke the shreiff and he lives a mile away.

"Hush, ya'll make more noise than a sex starved flock of flying geese."
Jed stuck his head out from between the bars and snickered
he was still drunk and had been in jail for two days already
"stand back," Big Al said as he began walking back wards
unraveling the kite string as he went, nearly tripping
the string was tied to the pin of a handgrenade laid against the jail's wall

well jed was still standing at the window, "Get down it's gonna blow"
everybody ducked including old jed as big Al pulled the kite string
that pin come out of the handgrenede and every one covered their heads
it was deafening quiet for a long time till some one looked up
"that handgrenade was a dud" ... "shit" ..."now what?"

"What ya'll trying to do?" Asked ole Jed, curious as a drunk on saturday night
"we are trying to break you out of jail," Harlow explained rather loudly.
"Well hell, the door aint locked, I been released but didn't have no place to go, so Sheriff Johnson said I could stay here tonight. Why?" Jed explained.
"Peanut died!" Harlow blurted like slapping him across the face with a bass
it got so quiet you could here wind break two blocks away.

with a back and a ho and a back-hoe they got it dug in a field
"What you gonna do for a head stone?" Harlow asked
I swear he was worse than a curious mina-bird
"I aint thought about it much yet," ole Jed said between sorrow swigs
whiskey sippin knee slappin tear yells he let out in spouts, "Poor Peanut!"

"That good enough?" Big Al asked after tractor scratching to cover the hole
"Yeah," Harlow supervised with his finger very well,
I had thoughts of places to put that finger till he said,
"Lets have a toast to ole Peanut!" so we did

"Peanut drank more beer than any man I ever know'd"
"Best friend a guy could ever have," "Here, here"
well harlow aint half bad after all cause his cousin Jimmy come walkin up
with a big neon 'Mule Beer' sign that run on batteries for a headstone

of course he was flicking the light on and off while walking up to us
and Big Al blasted a shot gun off from the tractor,
'he called it his snake charmer'
Well Big Al figured him to be one of them extra-territorial alien people

once Jimmy got the sign planted with out a bullet hole
we all gathered round and popped a top on a Mule Beer
taking swigs, toasts, and passing peanuts, peanuts favorite pass times
"We meet a stranger and turn them into a strange friend,
peanut never met a stranger,"
that was the last words "that I can remeber" of the night
we were passing peanuts
Originally Posted by My Erotic Tail

Shimmering shoulders
and velvet thighs
entangled hair
and wild eyes

Hungry tongue
for fleshy sweet
Heart's racing
pounding beat

Skin grin and
tickling toes
hot exhale
nose to nose

Bare bottom's
bouncing pose
release cums
then a doze


She dozes, dreams away.
While he, wants to play.
Partially parts, sleeping thighs.
Tongue begins a lapping dive.

Hot, tight crevices, he does
clean. Awakening with a smile,
she knows ... his scheme. Wiggles
letting loose, spastic seasonings

Sated ... Satisfied is she.
Rolling him over, answering
his plea. Saddling upon his
horn of need. Bareback riding,
she breaks in, his steed.

Galloping away with the wind.
His spirit runs, seeps into skin.
Guttural whimpers, letting loose.
Loving, his early morning Muse ...
RhymeFairy said:
Originally Posted by My Erotic Tail

Shimmering shoulders
and velvet thighs
entangled hair
and wild eyes

Hungry tongue
for fleshy sweet
Heart's racing
pounding beat

Skin grin and
tickling toes
hot exhale
nose to nose

Bare bottom's
bouncing pose
release cums
then a doze


She dozes, dreams away.
While he, wants to play.
Partially parts, sleeping thighs.
Tongue begins a lapping dive.

Hot, tight crevices, he does
clean. Awakening with a smile,
she knows ... his scheme. Wiggles
letting loose, spastic seasonings

Sated ... Satisfied is she.
Rolling him over, answering
his plea. Saddling upon his
horn of need. Bareback riding,
she breaks in, his steed.

Galloping away with the wind.
His spirit runs, seeps into skin.
Guttural whimpers, letting loose.
Loving, his early morning Muse ...

Sprinkle me with Fairy Dust
generate my inner lust
tantalizing smile is spread
lips that taste the cherry red
My Erotic Tale said:
Sprinkle me with Fairy Dust
generate my inner lust
tantalizing smile is spread
lips that taste the cherry red

on the prowl.
Be forewarned
My friend.

a big stick,
Might work.

Be cautioned
Once again ...

She is in
the form
of one who
Witty wings ...

Lil shiny
halo's, yes
She has those.

she sprinkles
Aplenty ...
Always she is
skimmpyy ...

Oh my,
It's ME ~!!


corny, but kept ya goin huh? ;)


I always had a thing for Cat Woman
lucky Batman
robin got the bird
Alfred masterbated in the batmobile
when the after burners were on
the joker like to poker ...too
riddled by the riddlers silver tongue
frozen stick by Mr. Freeze
looking to the sky and see a bat at night fly
crack that whip batmans cummin
"A You-fo has landed out at Roans Prarie"
it spread through town like wildfire
the whole down shut down and looked like a stampede of hungry hogs
all sixteen of us and the Deputy Sheriff and two dogs that had no idea where we going, but was certain it was worth it with a pack of humans briskly walking to somewhere. where there's humans there is entertainment

"It's thos vixens come to earth I bet." Wally was always hopeful
"Who saw it crash?" I had to ask
"Old Jed said it crashed landed like an egg hittin the skillet"
well we fence hopped the gate and walked out in raons prairie
there in the field was the strangest sight...
stranger than socks on a chicken ....a you-fo

A "U" an "F" and an "O" and Unflyable flying object
any body can make a flying saucer fly, throw it like a frisby
but this thing, I don't know how it flew, through the air I guess
it was with out a doubt, stranger than a mohawk hair-do...

as we stood looking at this smolder heap of wreakage
"I bet it is those vixens come to get Wally." Harlow blurted.
"want me to blast them? They might be those sneaky Koreans" Big Al spat.
"What's it look like?" asked Mr. Tadum
who was blinder than a bat with glasses

well....look like somebody took a hammer to a golf cart then set it on fire
Dragon fly VS. the dust bunny

I didnt see who started it
but the dust bunny had the dragon fly down
wrapped around the dragon fly's head and eyes.
the dragon fly spun in circles with vibrant wings
like a top spinning around and around unable to see

then the dragon fly leaped to the air
flying into everything with the dust bunny holding tight
splat against the wall then the floor then out the door
the dust bunny jumped into the grass
that dern dragon fly come back and swatted the dust bunny
a couple times before taking to the air again
leaving the dust bunny after kicking it when it was down <KO>

on the edge of the desert
there ...stands a windmill

kisses blown each morn to the Sun
pipe deep roots reach to fill

hoping to dance with the wind
a rattled squeak of rusty tin blades

a gust of dust sparks a spin
windmill turning cool water made
fire crackles and creates smoke
that bellows and swirls
forming ghosts that ride gray clouded steeds
swing bl;ades in hopes of p[ainting them red
floating across the ground then taking to the air
and flying over head.
My Erotic Tale said:
Dragon fly VS. the dust bunny

I didnt see who started it
but the dust bunny had the dragon fly down
wrapped around the dragon fly's head and eyes.
the dragon fly spun in circles with vibrant wings
like a top spinning around and around unable to see

then the dragon fly leaped to the air
flying into everything with the dust bunny holding tight
splat against the wall then the floor then out the door
the dust bunny jumped into the grass
that dern dragon fly come back and swatted the dust bunny
a couple times before taking to the air again
leaving the dust bunny after kicking it when it was down <KO>


Cute ... Too damn cute.
I love your sense of humor Art ... just sayin'

My Erotic Tale said:
Get off your ass
and pursue your dream.
Make it your focus
your only thing.
Or it will be nothing more
than a mental image
of wishing.

Is it your dream
that drives you here?
on this huge Earthly sphere,
or are you on a break?
From you pursuit in life!
For wishing is done
while awake
or are you reading
while eating your cake?

Did you get side tracked
from your wanting desires?
Or is this where you want to be?
Sitting there...reading me?
This fuels your fires?

Funny as it may sound
this is where I can be found.
Reading poems and a tale or two
searching for
an inspirational muse.
A line of words
that'll lite my fuse.

I enjoy being moved by words,
certain feelings being stirred.
So what really has accured
is that you have a dream,
But your on a different
path, for now it seems?

Then found yourself
reading these words.
So since you took the time
to read my poems lines.
Let me see if I can move you.
Please don't think me crude.

But ...Get off your ass
and pursue your dream.
Make it your focus
your only thing.
Or it will be nothing more
than a mental image
of wishing.

OK so I Moved ~ :eek:

now what? ;)


Ya have to know
I am gonna bounce off this ~ soon ...

A Yellow Rose:

Dust devils twirl over cactus blooms
Messa and mountains in an evenings glow
the big blue sky starts to draw the shades
silver stars that bloomed over a Yellow rose