Chasin' Chickens

My Erotic Tale said:
The Portal to the Vixen Planet

Not much faster than a herd of turtles,
a spotlight climbed in to the night sky
I argued it was not a portal to the vixen planet
but they wouldn't speak of it,
they just got the ladder and tried to climb up to the moon.

The trampoline was the second trial
after the 26 feet didn't make it.
They called for the local VFD for a fire truck ladder
but they would not come,
they said they had a pussy tree'd
I have to admit the moon seemed a bit brighter
hanging over the tops of trees, inviting

Well Bud Waswiser got the bright idea
to take a canon from the civial war historical park
and shoot old jim bob to this protal
holding a rope to throw down to the rest of us.
I promise I didn't even volunteer for that honor
I think jim bob was drafted, anyway

The canon was fetched with Jill's 4 wheel drive
and jim bob sank into the hole of this firing device
and Bud hollard, "Wait." well every body stopped.
"Raise the canon, the dang protal is moving higher.
Well that meant raising the canon straight into the air.
they lit the fuse and it sizzled with sparks spews

The puff of smoke bellowed way before the boom
if jim bob was shot out it was faster than a full clothed eye.
but he wasn't in the canon we checked
he must have went straight through the hole in the sky
the portal to the vixen planet, lucky dog!

The Portal to the Vixen Planet, Pt II

They forgot to tie the rope to Jim Bob
so there was a lot of dust kicking and thumb twiddlin'
Well, Jill saw it first and made a big deal out of it
I always figured her to be a tad brighter than a light bulb
but this just confirmed it.

"Look over yonder," Jill hollard out of her over-alls
pointing her finger and waving it towards the meadows pond
Wally started running, like one of those desert oasis to a thirsty man.
but there in the middle of that pond was another Portal
yep, two of them, one in the sky and one in the pond.

We probably looked like the Oklahoma land rush racing for soil
when we got to the edge of the pond Wally tossed a stone at the Portal
and the rock went straight into it and disappeared.
"Don't do that, you might hit one of those Vixens on the head."
Well that was good thinking on Jills part.

After much debate Wally volunteered to wade out to it.
wally made it to the Moon's reflection, held his nose and ducked under water.
Now I know that was the moon sitting on the top of that water
but they had me convinced there was a worm hole to earth
for a lack of anything better to do on saturday night
we searched for the portal to the Vixen planet

Well wally never surfaced and jasper paniced
dialing 911 twice cause it was a double emergency
I couldn't believe it and my eye lids stayed open
and low and behold they had the sheriff, VFD, WALLY'S Dad
and the ambulance all come to see this Portal to the Vixen Planet

Explaining the canon was easy but producing Wally was a task
We explained that we were on a quest
to find this hole left by a space worm that is a portal to another planet.
They laughed so hard it was contagious.
and that's when it happened.

It was getting late and the portal had rested just on top of the barn.
Big bright oval resting on the leaning tin roof
Bud Waswiser yelled, "Look!" Well, what were we to do, not look?
There on the top of the barn stood wally and he was holding Jim Bob
The Moon was bright behind them as Wally waved and whistled.
Ever since that night we have been trying to get back into
the Portal to the Vixen Planet.
Originally Posted by My Erotic Tale

I killed love again today
it tried to spark itself alive in a thought
I pushed it back and shut the door and locked it
the dragon that weaves a dream come true
holding and sharing with the new
that dawns a day where, they walk away
I killed love again today


Org. Posted by RhymeFairy

don't kill all that's new. protect it,
share it, let it grow firm, tall.
out reaching shadows disappear.

live wires of smoldering sensuality,
caress ... coming to fruitation. sun
shining down, filling love with warm
honey dew. wrapping you in its rippling
rays. comfort renewed, spreading through.



I know you posted this poem
on the thread * Free Thoughts*
I just wanted ya to have it here too. :)
So I am sharing ~ * grins*

Thank You for your friendship ... and

do not Kill Love no more, ya hear ~!!! :catroar:


I am working awfully hard, to keep it going around here.

Has anyone else noticed a sudden flood of SAD poetry?
I swear I about Boo-Hooed all evening reading the new poems ~

RhymeFairy said:
Originally Posted by My Erotic Tale

I killed love again today
it tried to spark itself alive in a thought
I pushed it back and shut the door and locked it
the dragon that weaves a dream come true
holding and sharing with the new
that dawns a day where, they walk away
I killed love again today


Org. Posted by RhymeFairy

don't kill all that's new. protect it,
share it, let it grow firm, tall.
out reaching shadows disappear.

live wires of smoldering sensuality,
caress ... coming to fruitation. sun
shining down, filling love with warm
honey dew. wrapping you in its rippling
rays. comfort renewed, spreading through.



I know you posted this poem
on the thread * Free Thoughts*
I just wanted ya to have it here too. :)
So I am sharing ~ * grins*

Thank You for your friendship ... and

do not Kill Love no more, ya hear ~!!! :catroar:


I am working awfully hard, to keep it going around here.

Has anyone else noticed a sudden flood of SAD poetry?
I swear I about Boo-Hooed all evening reading the new poems ~


well your making me cry with tears from such kind words <grin>
my poetry posted was funny <laughing> portal to the vixen planet
part II coming <grin> the ending...for now

thanks Ryhme I adore your writes as much as your smiling words <grin>
Riding Buffalo

Toto saw things differently
from all the other braves.
Walking across the meadow's
golden grain's alluring sway.

His journey took him very far
and his stomach sang a hunger song.
He raised his arms up to the sky
"great spirits, my hunger is strong!"

Toto kept walking into his day
and by the river he saw a bear
catching fish and feasting shore side.
Toto was frieghtened and scared.

In stealth he left and come across
a small bird pecking at black berries.
"Shooo away, you will get thorn pricked."
The bird took flight from Toto's worry

Some bees had made a hive in a log
that lay in his path walking along
The honey poured out in plenty
Toto pushed it back into the bees home.

He came across a buffalo grazing
assuming that this crature was lazy.
Toto took to its back in a one leg swing
Riding Buffalo, his new name, they says crazy.
To Du the Doddle Dee Du song

I was wrong it is the diddle dee Du did doodle song
but why the skip and doddle to be fondle mind fonder
Distant thunder rumble rumbler to Dew drop plunder
I scramble to catch them in buckets running hither
or am I wrong, still a Du will Du a little diddle
Doing the Du diddle dee Du did doodle song <grin>

The Du-odle Song,
color my world
nice ... bright
taking loves hand
for the longest flight

leading the way
to temptations temple
tasting the colors
bright ... simple

long slow kisses
tender ... free
moving in closer
bringing you .... to me

red for pure passion
we hold tight ... close
green for dazzling growth
all is abloom ... the smile, of a rose

yellow for heartfelt happiness
cheer ... hot
blue for many many memories
we capture ... have got

orange for the all consuming joy
bringing to each other ... boundlessly exciting
brown is poetry
slow simmering growth ... igniting

black is the stuffy sadness
having it to balance ... good ... bad
white for purity
all that is so pure ... all we have

you color my world
invade my heart
shown me things
from the start

love is pure
lusty ... giving
you are what makes
my life worth living ...

Extraterrestrial Hunting

Jelly Joe said they was extra-to-arrest-erial type people
but they was more like female Leprichauns if you ask me
with some very long legs and very little clothes on
they crawled up from the man hole cover in the road
like it was a trap door into the next world or something

Me, Jelly Joe and Skinny Denny watched these sex-pistols
put the man hole cover back in its place and look around
"How do?" Skinny Denny said, cause that's what he always says first
they asked if he had any 'gas' and Denny said yes
they took him to the man hole cover and they all left together
me and jelly joe watched with stump-dified amazing-ment

"What in tar nation did Denny say he had gas for?" I asked Joe.
"Gas? No, they asked if he had any 'Cash'." Jelly joe said back to me.
well that almost explained it all except we never saw Skinny Denny
at least not for the rest of the after noon to ask him,
after all we was exter-to-arrest-erial hunting and Skinny found them.
My Erotic Tale said:
To Du the Doddle Dee Du song

I was wrong it is the diddle dee Du did doodle song
but why the skip and doddle to be fondle mind fonder
Distant thunder rumble rumbler to Dew drop plunder
I scramble to catch them in buckets running hither
or am I wrong, still a Du will Du a little diddle
Doing the Du diddle dee Du did doodle song <grin>

The Du-odle Song,
* Grins *

I had written this one a couple of weeks ago.
Thinkin it fits right in with your song ~

The Dance ~

blow those bouncin bubbles
smack that fluff of tail
swing your prancin partner
jump back lil blue Bell

circle around, slowly sensually
dip down, dragin your dude Dewy
whirl that skirt, skiddy de do
pounce'm real soft, off your lil kaboo

slide up close, real personal like
shimmy an shake those hips lil Blue
softly spank her lil dainty derriere
fluff it up, as you shake her down there

here comes the crunch my carnival pals
throw your arms around, all of them gals
kiss'r right smart, make her toes curl up tight
if ya curl'm right, she might go home with ya t'night

RhymeFairy said:
color my world
nice ... bright
taking loves hand
for the longest flight

leading the way
to temptations temple
tasting the colors
bright ... simple

long slow kisses
tender ... free
moving in closer
bringing you .... to me

red for pure passion
we hold tight ... close
green for dazzling growth
all is abloom ... the smile, of a rose

yellow for heartfelt happiness
cheer ... hot
blue for many many memories
we capture ... have got

orange for the all consuming joy
bringing to each other ... boundlessly exciting
brown is poetry
slow simmering growth ... igniting

black is the stuffy sadness
having it to balance ... good ... bad
white for purity
all that is so pure ... all we have

you color my world
invade my heart
shown me things
from the start

love is pure
lusty ... giving
you are what makes
my life worth living ...


I just love that snappy AV
and the words of a very touching write...Thanks
for giving us a moment to reflect our lives worth living
bows humble...thanks Ryhme (~_*)
RhymeFairy said:
* Grins *

I had written this one a couple of weeks ago.
Thinkin it fits right in with your song ~

The Dance ~

blow those bouncin bubbles
smack that fluff of tail
swing your prancin partner
jump back lil blue Bell

circle around, slowly sensually
dip down, dragin your dude Dewy
whirl that skirt, skiddy de do
pounce'm real soft, off your lil kaboo

slide up close, real personal like
shimmy an shake those hips lil Blue
softly spank her lil dainty derriere
fluff it up, as you shake her down there

here comes the crunch my carnival pals
throw your arms around, all of them gals
kiss'r right smart, make her toes curl up tight
if ya curl'm right, she might go home with ya t'night


very cute <grin>
toe curling good time read ...hehehe
thanks Ryhme
I always enjoy coming home and kicking the creative juices
to flow with a cute lil write to read.
ZMP ~ bones over stones

A long walk through a life asleep and awaken
self forged and tempered by bone over stone
in time measured by growth sprouts and era
a gray sponge to knowledge and memories
slicing through the air, slowly we go
following the direction of our insight
contemplated thoughts like an ant in the universe
accumilation of all we know, did and dream
brushing souls like the wind over a flower
till our last breath is taken for affinity
bouncing afar.

taking a breath,
letting it sink,
soft ... low

filmy smudged
long forgotten

weedy sticks,
fallen over.
torn toys,

chipped paint,
used to be white.

so white ...

papers afloat,
in what was
the garden.

ashen heap,
the barn.

hinged gate
as if to say
Welcome ...

My Erotic Tale said:
ZMP ~ bones over stones

A long walk through a life asleep and awaken
self forged and tempered by bone over stone
in time measured by growth sprouts and era
a gray sponge to knowledge and memories
slicing through the air, slowly we go
following the direction of our insight
contemplated thoughts like an ant in the universe
accumilation of all we know, did and dream
brushing souls like the wind over a flower
till our last breath is taken for affinity

Oh this is beautiful Art ~ a real treasure, I love it!... :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
bouncing afar.

taking a breath,
letting it sink,
soft ... low

filmy smudged
long forgotten

weedy sticks,
fallen over.
torn toys,

chipped paint,
used to be white.

so white ...

papers afloat,
in what was
the garden.

ashen heap,
the barn.

hinged gate
as if to say
Welcome ...


I'm lovin this too RF... :rose:
My Erotic Tale said:
To Du the Doddle Dee Du song

I was wrong it is the diddle dee Du did doodle song
but why the skip and doddle to be fondle mind fonder
Distant thunder rumble rumbler to Dew drop plunder
I scramble to catch them in buckets running hither
or am I wrong, still a Du will Du a little diddle
Doing the Du diddle dee Du did doodle song <grin>

The Du-odle Song,
Giggle giggle... so cute Art your mind expands and contracts like a heart beating ... great fun!
du~ :)
RhymeFairy said:
bouncing afar.

taking a breath,
letting it sink,
soft ... low

filmy smudged
long forgotten

weedy sticks,
fallen over.
torn toys,

chipped paint,
used to be white.

so white ...

papers afloat,
in what was
the garden.

ashen heap,
the barn.

hinged gate
as if to say
Welcome ...



I miss the snap in your posts
but it has a lot of balls <grin>
Du Lac said:
Giggle giggle... so cute Art your mind expands and contracts like a heart beating ... great fun!
du~ :)

thank you Du~
I enjoyed writing that one, so much fun with words <grin>
seranade made it~
My Erotic Tale said:
thank you Du~
I enjoyed writing that one, so much fun with words <grin>
seranade made it~

YW dear friend... be well and happy... here through out the next week on and off to keep me informed on the revisions... and the zen fire poem
My Erotic Tale said:

I miss the snap in your posts
but it has a lot of balls <grin>

My friend they are Pearls
As in Pearls of Wisdom
from this Lil Fairy to the world, and beyond ~

* Grins* :eek:

:devil: :p
country chemistry

When Polly sat the jar of pennies on the counter
and started to count them out
I thought the clerk was going to remove the towel from his head
and wipe his tears.
There must have been twenty dollars worth.
"One, Two, Three ...four."

I figured at this rate I could go home
and sleep eight hours and come back
and Polly would still be counting out pennies.
Luck would have it the clerk had a coin counter
and Polly was due almost eighteen dollars and sixty two cents.

Now this clerk didn't find one thing wrong with polly
going and getting eighteen dollars worth of M&Ms
A stack so HIGH they fell over at the counter several times
till the clerk put them in a bag, gave polly his change
and we were on our way.

Polly started opening the bags of M&Ms one by one
while I headed to our destination.
he sorted them out very carefully putting them in various bags.
"Were here," I said as I drove up to a house to pick up our dates.
"Almost done," polly said

"Now remember, the girls get the bags on the right
and we get the bags on the left."
"Okay, I hope this works?" I said
"Of course it works, girls get horny eating green M&Ms.
and their bags have nothing but green ones in them."
Luminous pearls dipping
low, sizzling in, an outta
the hole. Curve forming,
to curves. Nice n tight,
glistening juices, round
the bite ...

RhymeFairy said:
Luminous pearls dipping
low, sizzling in, an outta
the hole. Curve forming,
to curves. Nice n tight,
glistening juices, round
the bite ...


oh that's a peach of a pearl