Chasin' Chickens

RhymeFairy said:
I like this one Art.
Esp. the thought of * the taste of yesterday *
Think maybe this could go a lot of different ways.
Great idea here. Very creative ~ :)


well, that is what I thought but this is all I come up with ...
got any ideas? <grinin'
It isn't her figurines
of piglets and poo
or the pictures on the wall
of bacon on the hoof
that makes me as happy
as a pig in a waller
it's when her hair is in pig tails
so I can ride her longer
why does one consume the liquid of confussion
that which makes them laugh
while they live in a pool of unreleased tears
splurged in blur tones and chuckles
it's human nature to snicker at comical injurys
yet it is hard, to laugh so hard at one's self
unless bathed in the fumes of intoxication.
saturated in the scent of forgetfulness
the invisible chains that bind them from reality
that loosen their hold the following day
waking in the wake of a dreamless haze
rings circle and rotate as a day darkens
retreating to homemade cells
and feasting on life in bottles of...
courage and memories
I am just a bead
among the many
with life I cling
to a yellow tiled wall

refreashing shower


My heart pounds
like a Horse's thundering hooves
while my ears hear
the druming of my soul

My heart is heavy
and aches with pain
I wish I can wash it
away with the rain.

To not give a damn
to start fresh and new
to have never known
or cared about you.
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Honey123 said:
My heart is heavy
and aches with pain
I wish I can wash it
away with the rain.

To not give a damn
to start fresh and new
to have never known
or cared about you.

I felt the passion of your pen...
hope all is well with you Honey!
The Grain

A wooden wall
melts into its grain
and disappears
in the shadow of a black cat
perched ontop of a couch
looking out a window
at trees in a breeze

A red bird flew by
the cat's tail slowly swayed
making curtains wave a short ripple
the lamp shade
cast ghostly shadows
across a wood slat ceiling
being absorbed into the grain
dream catch'er

mystic ovals
with small soft feathers
dangle from her ear lobes
balanced by a seductive smile
with that look
in her deep blue eyes

Her brown locks sway
unlocking the gates of self control
unchained dreams emerge
of an erotic fantasy
running nude along the beach
she's a dream, catch'er
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My Erotic Trail said:
why does one consume the liquid of confussion
that which makes them laugh
while they live in a pool of unreleased tears
splurged in blur tones and chuckles
it's human nature to snicker at comical injurys
yet it is hard, to laugh so hard at one's self
unless bathed in the fumes of intoxication.
saturated in the scent of forgetfulness
the invisible chains that bind them from reality
that loosen their hold the following day
waking in the wake of a dreamless haze
rings circle and rotate as a day darkens
retreating to homemade cells
and feasting on life in bottles of...
courage and memories

Wowzaa Art !!
I love this one. Submit it and see what happens. A thoughtful insight to people and life. Very heartfelt too. *grins lov'in it my friend ~!!!

:rose: :rose:
I see how you have grown
spread your wings
fly ... for your rhyming
is a gift
that does not quiet
meet the eye.Stay behind
your curtain of
candle this world
with a light. A gift
you patiently present
pressing again
alighting our path
with words from passion
filled lips, cocooned inside
a body of basic animal

RhymeFairy said:
Wowzaa Art !!
I love this one. Submit it and see what happens. A thoughtful insight to people and life. Very heartfelt too. *grins lov'in it my friend ~!!!

:rose: :rose:

thanks RF

my brother is a Rev. and is always asking me for poems about AA situations for their news paper / Mostly asking for comical drawings to add to their bi-weekly issues. He works with the drug addicts of the world and I always am fearful that he'll be injured by their unstable lives, yet he does it any way. I would round them up and shoot them all to save the rest of the city from their theft, rape and destruction but he tries to help them and most...MOST end up back on the street commiting crimes to feed their habits then run to the shelter asking for forgiveness and crying about what they did, yet they will do it again. He has more compassion for these people than I do.

I will submit it, but I wasn't sure if it was understandable cause I don't like to write poems where people ask... what does that mean.
Rod in hand
Hoping that it will bend over like a hooker on friday night
and dance like a belly dancer doing overtime
with a wopper of a tail on the other end.
Suddenly you hear a slight swirl in the water
and the lure is climbing to the tip of your rod.
'Nothing', you didn't even get a lil' bite.
Your as dissapointed as a turtle humping a hard hat.
go fish!
we all have anger and frustrations
that we try to contain
like a lizard in a glass jar
watching it change colors
My Erotic Trail said:
her mind
was tangled up in knots
between her knees

mind tangles
knees quake
thinkin' this poor girl
needs ah shake 'n bake ...

Your a nut Art
... have I ever told'a that?

RhymeFairy said:

mind tangles
knees quake
thinkin' this poor girl
needs ah shake 'n bake ...

Your a nut Art
... have I ever told'a that?


yes, you have <grin

I said that while with a friend
and I know there is a poem in it somewhere <bigrin
My Erotic Trail said:
yes, you have <grin

I said that while with a friend
and I know there is a poem in it somewhere <bigrin

men talking of girls
and things. wishing
luck to come
their way. just a chance
to whisper love
into their ears
as shy blushes
upon rosy cheeks
cover both
their faces ...

Just a thought. I can see two men talkin and passing time, while girl watching. Wishing for just a chance ... here's lookin at ya ~

RhymeFairy said:
men talking of girls
and things. wishing
luck to come
their way. just a chance
to whisper love
into their ears
as shy blushes
upon rosy cheeks
cover both
their faces ...

Just a thought. I can see two men talkin and passing time, while girl watching. Wishing for just a chance ... here's lookin at ya ~


laughing, I said it to a freind
but they are not male <grin
in fact I had made the statement after an error they had made
and I mentioned that their...

mind was tangled up in knots
between her legs <grin
"What Do Women Want?"
by Kim Addonizio

I want a red dress.
I want it flimsy and cheap,
I want it too tight, I want to wear it
until someone tears it off me.
I want it sleeveless and backless,
this dress, so no one has to guess
what's underneath. I want to walk down
the street past Thrifty's and the hardware store
with all those keys glittering in the window,
past Mr. and Mrs. Wong selling day-old
donuts in their café, past the Guerra brothers
slinging pigs from the truck and onto the dolly,
hoisting the slick snouts over their shoulders.
I want to walk like I'm the only
woman on earth and I can have my pick.
I want that red dress bad.
I want it to confirm
your worst fears about me,
to show you how little I care about you
or anything except what
I want. When I find it, I'll pull that garment
from its hanger like I'm choosing a body
to carry me into this world, through
the birth-cries and the love-cries too,
and I'll wear it like bones, like skin,
it'll be the goddamned
dress they bury me in.
her mind was tangled up in knots
between her knees
heating frozen strawberries

using bandage for bondage
suckling patches of whipped cream
between joyous screams of ecstasy

writing the alphabet with tongues
vibrant muscles become numb
hearts racing because the mind's on the run
My Erotic Trail said:
her mind was tangled up in knots
between her knees
heating frozen strawberries

using bandage for bondage
suckling patches of whipped cream
between joyous screams of ecstasy

writing the alphabet with tongues
vibrant muscles become numb
hearts racing because the mind's on the run

tangled in knots
tied her up tight
no willing to have
another fist fight

she punches like a man
screams like a banshee
leaves the door open
while she pisses in the can

rides rough shot
over small children and men
swear this lunatic
is sendin' me 'round the bend ...

RhymeFairy said:

tangled in knots
tied her up tight
no willing to have
another fist fight

she punches like a man
screams like a banshee
leaves the door open
while she pisses in the can

rides rough shot
over small children and men
swear this lunatic
is sendin' me 'round the bend ...


...from the ballad of Clamity Jane? <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
...from the ballad of Clamity Jane? <grin


from the Luscious lips of a LilDarlin. She is a Prizefighter
from what I hear. You don't wanna make her mad. You'll
wake up two weeks later with the number 12 tattooed
to your head from her cast-iron ~

RhymeFairy said:

from the Luscious lips of a LilDarlin. She is a Prizefighter
from what I hear. You don't wanna make her mad. You'll
wake up two weeks later with the number 12 tattooed
to your head from her cast-iron ~



Now that was funny <bigirn'
Nose in Her Prose

Her mind was tangled up in knots between her knees, where he was cooking strawberries, using bandage for bondage. Suckling patches of whipped cream between her joyous screams of ecstasy while he wrote a poem with his tongue, sending her mind to join her feelings when he stuck his nose deeply into her prose.