Chasin' Chickens

sugarmountain said:
From time to time I am mistaken,
that is taken for a member of the fairer sex,
a "thank you ma'am' instead of "sir"
when checking out at the register

some times I let it slide, ride through
the misperception, shake it off,
wonder what it is that makes me
a she to certain people.

My hair is neither long nor short,
but in between, I guess it could be seen
a lady's, it is very wavy, but what
about the moustache that I used to sport

it even happened then. I grew it
as a test to see if things would change
perceptually, but still the error occurred
to some I was more he, to other's still a her

I admit I do wear flowery shirts, no reason
to assume I also dress in skirts, ( is there?)
perhaps my sensitivity borders on femininity
and radiates to others a false identity

I've given up making adjustments, accept
that I am doomed to duality, (not necessarily
a bad thing), but when the cashier rang me up
today, I was forced to say- "Hey! Can't you see?"

cute? I found a chucklebone from this poem <grin (~_~)
when I first come to lit as Art Ramble, and I leraned out to get around, a joke came up about an erotic tail, It was voiced as a long third leg. As I took on the new name of My Erotic Tail I found my PM box full of men wanting to flirt with me. I couldn't figure out why they thought I was a girl. One voiced that it was because I had an erotic tail... I mentioned having a third leg long enough to be called a tail. The delima continued till I changed the name to My Erotic Tale. As my list of submissions became longer and longer, I made My Erotic trail for a new year and I assume I will cahnge it again in my fourth year here ... as if I had graduated from poetry 101 @ lit <grin

nice write~
My Erotic Trail said:
cute? I found a chucklebone from this poem <grin (~_~)
when I first come to lit as Art Ramble, and I leraned out to get around, a joke came up about an erotic tail, It was voiced as a long third leg. As I took on the new name of My Erotic Tail I found my PM box full of men wanting to flirt with me. I couldn't figure out why they thought I was a girl. One voiced that it was because I had an erotic tail... I mentioned having a third leg long enough to be called a tail. The delima continued till I changed the name to My Erotic Tale. As my list of submissions became longer and longer, I made My Erotic trail for a new year and I assume I will cahnge it again in my fourth year here ... as if I had graduated from poetry 101 @ lit <grin

nice write~

Letting the beans fall ...
For those of you who do not know, including Art. :eek:

When I first started commenting on your poetry, years ago it was. I had thought you were a woman too. The name of course. That is why we struck up such an easy friendship -I think. Thinking you were a woman allowed me to say things to you out of friendship that I would never in a million years say to an unknown man poet online ... Oh my ~~

I also made this same mistake with a few others * who shall remain nameless, because I am sooo embarrassed by my naivety at the time ~

Confession over ... Moving onto Poetry 101. Is it ~~> way?

:eek: :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
Letting the beans fall ...
For those of you who do not know, including Art. :eek:

When I first started commenting on your poetry, years ago it was. I had thought you were a woman too. The name of course. That is why we struck up such an easy friendship -I think. Thinking you were a woman allowed me to say things to you out of friendship that I would never in a million years say to an unknown man poet online ... Oh my ~~

I also made this same mistake with a few others * who shall remain nameless, because I am sooo embarrassed by my naivety at the time ~

Confession over ... Moving onto Poetry 101. Is it ~~> way?

:eek: :rose:

I won't mention any names but a few tried to flirt with me (thinking I was a woman) and of course I never heard from them again once I made it clear I have two legs and a tail <grin
a wiggle worm
into a hole
it burrows
making the girls
sliding into a portal
with sexual style
wiggling and wiggling
touching all walls
when he emerges
he shrinks
and becomes small
My Erotic Trail said:
a wiggle worm
into a hole
it burrows
making the girls
sliding into a portal
with sexual style
wiggling and wiggling
touching all walls
when he emerges
he shrinks
and becomes small

omg ~!!! :D

I had not seen this when I posted the new word for last night.
You my friend are da Bomb ~!! Sooo funny ~!!! :nana:

No wonder I caught the backlash of the thorn bush ~

RhymeFairy said:
omg ~!!! :D

I had not seen this when I posted the new word for last night.
You my friend are da Bomb ~!! Sooo funny ~!!! :nana:

No wonder I caught the backlash of the thorn bush ~


thanks sweetie
I had a lot more, thought out at work but came home tired and simply stashed these lines for something to work on later... any ideas <grin
Wiggles and wiggles is what a worm do
inching and inching, burrowing it grew
crawling deeply into a dark moist hole
wiggle worms wiggle till they can wiggle no more
stripped of my stripes

Racing stripe print
on Boxers screeching to a halt
at the finish line, naked ankles.

I assumed
she wanted my shorts
but found that they
were merely a hurdle to the cup.

Streaking to the baton
laying rubber, hearts raced on,
the thrill of victory,
and stripped of my stripes.
(our southern border)
Somebody left the back gate open

I watched a Golden Eagle wrestle with a snake
among the cactus, across the River Big
peering over a twisted and fallen barbed wire fence.

The Neighborhood Watch Committee
duct-taped flyers on every telephone pole
where buzzards perch and watch the scorpions scramble,
alerting 'US' that there may be a prowler on the loose.
"Lock and secure your home,"
sure as a Sheriff wears a star we do this already.

"Probably just another lost and wandering alien,
delirious from the heat, fatigue, and starvation
from their long star lit journey, across
the endless desert with nothing
more than desire, and
the rail road tracks to navigate by."

I think most were more concerned with
the Border Patrol's memo: (concerning)
the rattle snake's population explosion this year.
You need Binoculars just to read the
Footnote: Just because there is a drought
does not mean that there are not any 'wet backs'.

There are extravagant graffiti, painted
just above the spray cans littered around a Bush
at the foot of massive boulders
out in the middle of no-where,
an Hispanic gang marking their tree.
"It's elementary, dear Watson!
You invade a rival's boundary
then expect and prepare for retaliation."

En la Casa Blanco es no fiesta!
Dialing 911, sending our soldiers over seas
in the name of freedom, to help
those who suffer from tyranny,
this I understand. I am just astonished
that it took them this long to realize
somebody left the back gate open.

Hopping Space Rocks

a million years
man crawled into existence
walked, ran then flew

forever clinging to their mother
earth, florished, fresh and new

weathered and worn like an old house
mankind looks for a new home

conquering fear
dominating its sphere
like a grasshopper's jump
leaping into the atmosphere

pebbles cast into an endless ocean
reaching into the unknown
but like the moth we have evolved
and tend to be drawn to the flame

one day mankind will be known
as a species that hops rocks in space
The Fox is not so sly

A sly little Fox she slipped from home
Her parents were watching some sitcom
be-bopping to a place to unleash her desires
her heart began racing higher and higher

She knocked on his door and he let her in
there stood an old man with a wicked grin
their clothes were peeled like a banana skin
there in a dark room their passion begin

cool as a cucumber she hummed like a Hoover
between his legs she licked his eclair all over
time was short but their play was long
the grandfather clock sounded, gong

she made it home full of love no doubt
her mother at the door said, "Your clothes are inside out."
Fingers firmly interlaced in hair
pulled like a cord of a lawn mower
it fired her up. Shredding clothes
weed-eater style, humming
as silent as a yard blower.
Fingers raked along the back
as a piercing spade repeatedly
entered soft soil that trim the bush.
Hard wood hoe handle grasp
on a rubber water hose
as a rainbow of passionate colors
spew from the sprinkler's head
showering panty's wet
that lay like pansies in the garden
Slower than a feather falls
faster than a flower grows
illuminations seep into a silent forest
at the speed of a star's dissolving
mid-night black dimmed to blue
like a bloom slightly exposing its colors
before it burst open fully

the echo sound of dew drops falling
in rhythmic melody sounded a hymn
running circles around the growth of a tree's ring
leaves shed their shadow color
evolving at the rate of a mushroom's stance
green and brown unveiled
like a curtain drawn open slowly

a spark of light peeked
over a mountain slowly disintegrating
like a beetle cresting a fallen log
quick as a crawling snail
leaves cast as confetti
in celebration to the birth
of a new day
A Sniper's Dance

From a Hawk's view a sniper sits in the shadows
patience plays roulette with itchy fingers while
cigarettes count moments in smoke swirls, viewing
the world in scope of their desires, planting lead.

'One bullet, one kill'

Painting with their mind before the canvas has been laid
with possibilities. For the enemy is a foot, indulging
in self-confrontations and dueling with stiff muscles.
The allied, an antagonizing watch ticks its song.

'Tick tock tick tock,'

click the safety is off
glue, duct-tape and rope

Patched my first broken heart with glue
it held as well as Velcro in a fire
but it mended well enough to
pump liquid into a life.

Miraculously the body heals itself
and in an alter Spring it sprang
to beat for another. The longer
the relationship the farther you fall
My heart became the result of plummeting..

I bound it with duct-tape
hoping it would hold and heal
it kept coming unraveled.
Perhaps the recovery was long
but once again I could feel.

Then there was another, she not only
broke my heart but she stepped on it as well.
I bound it with rope and tied it well
but the knots come un-done
and it took a long time to repair itself.

I recall those days of a broken heart
and beaten down soul. Now I glow.
And dare I risk another broken heart?
I can not control the way my heart feels
so I am prepared to let my heart beat loudly
for I stocked up on glue, duct-tape and rope.
A Dragon and the Wind!

How do I feel?
With my talons!
I know you meant my heart,

where a dragon thrashes
its tail against the cavity of my chest
constantly, then thrusts itself
in body-slams when I see you.

Its flaming breaths accumulate
causing the heat inside me to grow
pellets of my lust boil from my skin
as the dragon's wings flap wildly
in the coursing red windmill vein.
I become flush as you come closer.

Clear as a thought in a dark cavern
the vortex of my mind swirls like water
when a cork is pulled from a drain
caught in the current of a raging beast's bellow
its beating fists echo within my ears
when you come near.

You touch me
I feel like a Dragon
and your the wind, my love!
I can chase your chicken
down the forbidden path
catch it ... stroke
it. fluffing feathers, nice

small pecks, licks
to soften the
down below, legs kicking
feathers flying
stroking your fancy
to your cocks

My Erotic Trail said:
glue, duct-tape and rope

Patched my first broken heart with glue
it held as well as Velcro in a fire
but it mended well enough to
pump liquid into a life.

Miraculously the body heals itself
and in an alter Spring it sprang
to beat for another. The longer
the relationship the farther you fall
My heart became the result of plummeting..

I bound it with duct-tape
hoping it would hold and heal
it kept coming unraveled.
Perhaps the recovery was long
but once again I could feel.

Then there was another, she not only
broke my heart but she stepped on it as well.
I bound it with rope and tied it well
but the knots come un-done
and it took a long time to repair itself.

I recall those days of a broken heart
and beaten down soul. Now I glow.
And dare I risk another broken heart?
I can not control the way my heart feels
so I am prepared to let my heart beat loudly
for I stocked up on glue, duct-tape and rope.

sweet one here.
Love has a way of making the naughty
... oh so nice~ ;)

Go for it my friend. Thinking you deserve some hot lovin'. Who knows, this time you might not need the bondage thingy, just a hot passion that last ..*****time~
Oh, umm bondage might not mark it off the list yet, she might be into that kinda thing. AND Last I heard biting is the *in thing too. :p

Just givin' ya a heads up ;)
on the newest things~ Something to ponder
over when you visit the water closet ... as you call it, lmao ~


RhymeFairy said:
sweet one here.
Love has a way of making the naughty
... oh so nice~ ;)

Go for it my friend. Thinking you deserve some hot lovin'. Who knows, this time you might not need the bondage thingy, just a hot passion that last ..*****time~
Oh, umm bondage might not mark it off the list yet, she might be into that kinda thing. AND Last I heard biting is the *in thing too. :p

Just givin' ya a heads up ;)
on the newest things~ Something to ponder
over when you visit the water closet ... as you call it, lmao ~



grinin'... I had to hog tie her to keep her from biting me :D
you have become a part of my heart
like a vine of roses grown on lattice.
The blossoms bloom one at a time
like letters,

more buds are present and eminent
curiously yet patiently
I await what they spell
time to lasso time

I cannot lasso time
nor bind it, graph it to a tree
and make it grow
ever so slowly

For it moves like the wind
an invisible force with duel personalities
a gentle breeze or a hurricane gale
forever like a cloud
inching one way, forward
to slow to see it move

I toss my lariat
across the open sky
hoping to rope the nature of things
and for those moments
I watch the oval loop fly,
I find that I am bound, to
time to lasso time
My Erotic Trail said:
time to lasso time

I cannot lasso time
nor bind it, graph it to a tree
and make it grow
ever so slowly

For it moves like the wind
an invisible force with duel personalities
a gentle breeze or a hurricane gale
forever like a cloud
inching one way, forward
to slow to see it move

I toss my lariat
across the open sky
hoping to rope the nature of things
and for those moments
I watch the oval loop fly,
I find that I am bound, to
time to lasso time

catch it in a bottle, be sure
to poke no holes. round wrap legs
like a cyclone let loose or slither out
quiet like it will surely do ...

:rolleyes: just a thought.

I like the imagery of riding the cyclone while trying to lasso your time~ I also like the poem. Feel it needs a bit more, just me. AND you know how silly I am anyway ~ ;)

:rose: :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
catch it in a bottle, be sure
to poke no holes. round wrap legs
like a cyclone let loose or slither out
quiet like it will surely do ...

:rolleyes: just a thought.

I like the imagery of riding the cyclone while trying to lasso your time~ I also like the poem. Feel it needs a bit more, just me. AND you know how silly I am anyway ~ ;)

:rose: :rose:

thanks RF

I agree it needs a lot of work, so I placed it in my work space <grin
now if I could just wittle the time to do it <grinin' (~_~) I need time and a muse :D