Chasin' Chickens

Unbridled_Passion said:
Why is it that when you are a child and don't need extra energy, you have plenty to spare, but when you are older and need alot of extra energy, you have none?
I wonder if there is a way to harvest that energy? Oh yea, it is called "RED BULL"!!!!

can you imagine what would happen if you had the energy of a young'n and the knowledge of an elder <grin
a solid stiff dildo
stimulates so swell
but knuckles that buckle
sound orgasmic bells

fingering a feline
into a frolicing frenzy
rapidly rubbing
with riviting results

grasping, gripping,
grouping fingers
passion pulling, petting
pressing the pink to pur

practice makes perfect
prolonging the pulsation
feeling flesh feverishly
A police recruit was asked during the exam, "What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?" He replied, "Call for backup."
under a mime faced moon
two souls embraced
warmth of the sun
where bodies lay

twinkle stars
in terrestrial eyes
wrapped in a milky-way
shadows and fireflies

in the darkness
smiles shine bright
high-lite of the day
in the twilight of the night
Morning Beauty

The sun's warmth
kisses the earth,
awakening the morning beauty

Early birds get their worms
while turtles climb on logs
to bask in the alluring rays

Dewdrops melt off grass
and flowers face upward,
opening their petals to revel in the sun's light

Children with sleep-filled eyes
make their way downstairs
as smells of breakfast fill the air

Butterflies take flight
and Mother Nature smiles
admiring another beautiful day
Unbridled_Passion said:
The sun's warmth
kisses the earth,
awakening the morning beauty

Early birds get their worms
while turtles climb on logs
to bask in the alluring rays

Dewdrops melt off grass
and flowers face upward,
opening their petals to revel in the sun's light

Children with sleep-filled eyes
make their way downstairs
as smells of breakfast fill the air

Butterflies take flight
and Mother Nature smiles
admiring another beautiful day

morning (~_*) beauty ...
When times are bleak
and it seems like everything
is going wrong,
just sit back and think...

Is it really all that bad?
Chances are it isn't
and simply put,
it could be worse.
Unbridled_Passion said:
When times are bleak
and it seems like everything
is going wrong,
just sit back and think...

Is it really all that bad?
Chances are it isn't
and simply put,
it could be worse.

<grin... life is 90 percent maintenance (~_*)
curiously I ponder... does that include sex?
from the one word thread...

oh how I long for warmth
from winter's nipping teeth
and anticipate the sun going down
when there's heat under the sheets (~_*)
Unbridled_Passion said:
of course there is the chicken that crossed the road to get to the hen house.

chucklebone tales make me smile (~_*)

I always did like the squirrels that run across the road on that insurance commercial.
Unbridled_Passion said:
I met the love of my life
in a chicken house

With all of the breasts and thighs
how could he resist?

legs? <grin
feather... <bigrin
the buffet? <chucklebone

in the back of the Hen House...(o_o)
traffic jam

I do not quite like
traffic jam
its bitter flavor
rather smoggy
and it is slower than molasses
'ketch-n-up' on anticipation
chewing on nails
slamming on the brakes
bottle necked
sit back an relax
take another bite
into the traffic jam
Unbridled_Passion said:
I am a pro
or so I am told
of smoking big cigars

I try my best
give up some rest
no complaints so far!

on the first day of christmas my true love gave to me
...a pair of lips on a pair of knees
