Chasin' Chickens

it rained
.........the day
he passed away

liquid bullets
......pelting the earth
a flood of angel tears

to soften the soil
....where they lay him
his eternal bed of rest

thunder rumbled
.................high in the sky
heaven's elevator has arrived
Mrs.Claus stepped inside the Erotic Toy Department to see if Rotic; the erotic elf, was on schedule and ready. She browsed the shelves with a sensual stroll till she came upon an un-tagged dildo.

Rotic, the erotic elf was not shy, he took it from her and made sure that the batteries were inside. Mrs. Claus sat down and spread her legs, Rotic couldn't help but say...

"Now I know why Santa says... Ho Ho Ho." Rotic let a little tiny giggle be exposed.

He watched Mrs. Claus as she became the master of her baiter, fishing for her hole with a candy cane vibrator. "A little to the left... no, more to the right," Rotic gave her directions, while Mrs. Claus pressed it slowly, deep inside.
9 foot 'Pink' flying dildo

The Literotica Winter Story Contest is underway

This Illustrated... poetic ...TALE
Just might tickle your CHUCKLEBONE but most of all...
kicks off the holiday season <bigrin

Rotic: The Erotic Elf II

Happy Holidays!!
a solid stiff dildo
stimulates so swell
but knuckles that buckle
sound orgasmic bells

fingering a feline
into a frolicing frenzy
rapidly rubbing
with riviting results

grasping, gripping,
grouping fingers
passion pulling, petting
pressing the pink to pur

practice makes perfect
prolonging the pulsation
feeling flesh feverishly
clipped from... 'sensual metaphors'

We went duck hunting yesterday morning and it was so foggy that you could not see 6 ft in front of you. I choose to hunt with a conoe (motor boats are great in their purpose... but with ducks they tend to go where man in a motor boat can not... any way! The fog was so thick it was almost impossible to tell where you were going, we found ourselves land locked twice and eventually made it two miles down river and found where were wanting to go. It was like rowing blindfolded but we made it. After an hour of hunting... others showed up in their boats 'bitching' about how they got lost in the fog and had to wait till the sun come up to find 'Robs lake' by way of the river. I was not only impressed with our ability I was also enlightened to how others handle going through the world blinded by fog... 'disgruntled' instead of keeping a positive tone in their voice when faced with a challenge. Just had to share that after reading your river has no boundaries <grin (~_~)
Indian Names

My Erotic Trail said:
I need a good indian name

such as or better than

two dogs fucking
sitting rock
crazy horse

How about:

running bison
many eagles flying
one tree falling
Last edited:
Unbridled_Passion said:
How about:

running bison
many eagles flying
one tree falling

Hi ya. Just wanted to say ...

Welcome to the poetry boards.
I am looking forward to many writes from ya ...


(yes, I know this is Arts board but I am making myself at home :p )


RhymeFairy said:
Hi ya. Just wanted to say ...

Welcome to the poetry boards.
I am looking forward to many writes from ya ...


(yes, I know this is Arts board but I am making myself at home :p )

Thank you. Don't worry, Art doesn't mind. He says you are very nice. Have an outstanding day!
There I stand
with it in my hand

watching you
walk by
with that look in your eye


there I stand
with it in my hand...

a bridle <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
There I stand
with it in my hand

watching you
walk by
with that look in your eye


there I stand
with it in my hand...

a bridle <grin

A lone man, bridled in passion.
As five pink toes kick, heaving
sides. Prancingly he jumps, stirrups
get two stepped
for red dragon nails breath fire
into loins
that passed the finish line
two seconds ago ...

RhymeFairy said:
A lone man, bridled in passion.
As five pink toes kick, heaving
sides. Prancingly he jumps, stirrups
get two stepped
for red dragon nails breath fire
into loins
that passed the finish line
two seconds ago ...


ever try and lasso a red dragon? <grin

well, I have lasso'd a breast or two <grinin'
giving thanks

she swallows

cream gravy lips
and cranberry sauce knees
asking for seconds ...

bare plump breasts
and tender thighs
'pornucopia' smile
melons squeezed
buns held firmly
sausage in the oven

giving thanks!
My Erotic Trail said:
giving thanks

she swallows

cream gravy lips
and cranberry sauce knees
asking for seconds ...

bare plump breasts
and tender thighs
'pornucopia' smile
melons squeezed
buns held firmly
sausage in the oven

giving thanks!
It sounds like you REALLY enjoy the spoils of Thanksgiving!
How Adam Had It Easy

1. He is the only man who has never been compared to the man she should have married
2. He had no in-laws
3. There were no Jones' for him to keep up with
4. He never got accused of looking at other women
Oh my goodness, Art just murdered some mistletoe! He had to shoot it to make it fall out of the tree. It was too FUNNY!
Unbridled_Passion said:
Oh my goodness, Art just murdered some mistletoe! He had to shoot it to make it fall out of the tree. It was too FUNNY!


Oh my goodness,
murdered mistletoe!
out a tree.


I play with words and this was tooo fun to resist. I can see
a poem there somewhere about your murdered mistletoe.

:rose: ;)

Let's hear it Art .... :p
RhymeFairy said:

Oh my goodness,
murdered mistletoe!
out a tree.


I play with words and this was tooo fun to resist. I can see
a poem there somewhere about your murdered mistletoe.

:rose: ;)

Let's hear it Art .... :p

okay...okay...I admit that one has some write in it so I'll play with it but... that doesn't mean others can't play with it as well <bigrin (~_*)

but hey, after throwing rocks at it for fifteen minutes... I figured out a way to get it out of the tree <chuckleboned... "KABOOM!!!!"
My Erotic Trail said:
okay...okay...I admit that one has some write in it so I'll play with it but... that doesn't mean others can't play with it as well <bigrin (~_*)

but hey, after throwing rocks at it for fifteen minutes... I figured out a way to get it out of the tree <chuckleboned... "KABOOM!!!!"
here is my take on the murdered mistletoe...

Murderer of Mistletoe

Getting mistletoe from the tree
in our front yard,
a minute task
that didn't seem too hard

But it was stuck
way up high
and wouldn't come down
no matter what was tried

After fifteen minutes
he was seeing red
all he wanted was
that mistletoe dead

A shot rang out
and it was done...
he shot the mistletoe
with his gun

The evidence was cleaned
so no one would know
who had murdered
the mistletoe
Unbridled_Passion said:
here is my take on the murdered mistletoe...

Murderer of Mistletoe

Getting mistletoe from the tree
in our front yard,
a minute task
that didn't seem too hard

But it was stuck
way up high
and wouldn't come down
no matter what was tried

After fifteen minutes
he was seeing red
all he wanted was
that mistletoe dead

A shot rang out
and it was done...
he shot the mistletoe
with his gun

The evidence was cleaned
so no one would know
who had murdered
the mistletoe

Murdered Mistletoe

tip-toe tossed rocks
didn't do alot
to bring it down

a holiday ornament
kisses, nestled in nature
in the penthouse of a tree top
it was found

twigs, dirt-clods and a screwdriver
thrown up at it
came back solo,
to the ground

objective solved
murdered mistletoe
with a shot-gun round
Why is it that when you are a child and don't need extra energy, you have plenty to spare, but when you are older and need alot of extra energy, you have none?
I wonder if there is a way to harvest that energy? Oh yea, it is called "RED BULL"!!!!