Chasin' Chickens

From Adam and Eve love sprout from seed
so many have searched to fill love's need
How many shared the joys and blessings
that come from love with shared feelings

How many broken hearts lay abreast
in the earth's bed for eternal slumber
Did each beating heart feel love's nest
the generations of an eternal number

How many loved a one sided love
where their passion had no reflection
Their soul burned for the touch of
another mirroring this infatuation

I can account for only one in time
My Love, My Favorite Valentine
If ever a sound did catch my eye
the piercing cry of a wild wing shrill
this call that pulls at me deep inside
above grass the trees and rolling hills
Echoes off mountains and the plains
outstretched feathers hugging the wind
the circling hawk above claiming it's domain
around and around hunting and searching
calling out boldly that he fly's here
the shrieking siren cry that instills fear
a sporting warning to all it's prey
soaring scout on a thermals wave
the cry that spears across fields and stocks
a raptures shriek voice the call of a hawk
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loves kinda crazy with a spookey little girl like you


shall I say how spookey <grinin'>
I saw a squirrel run up a tree noisely
and then spring to a neigboring tree
through the air and clung to a branch
as it landed high in the tree

then snap ...
and the squirrel limb leaves bark and moss
came crashing down, thud

then the squirrel hoped up and run up the tree
sat on the lower limb and ...meditated on it
I guess <grin>
I wasn't who I thought I was

I was Evil Bo Weavel
the thunder roared
jumping bikes
over propped up boards

I was Dale Earnhardt
when I was sixteen
life was fast cars
and driving was keen

I wasn't who I thought I was ...
if you know what I mean

I went to a tournament
feeling like Bruce Lee
I had been practicing
and felt sharp and mean

I found myself
concious, barely
my opponent 'was'
more like Mr. Lee

I wasn't who I thought I was ...
if you know what I mean

I got married
and settled down
home, cars and family
and the bills I found

You said I wasn't
the man you married
the American dream
had him worried

I wasn't the man I thought I was ...
if you know what I mean

I was Earnest
one pen-ship night
Socrates on his
mental flights

But I find myself
each early morn
looking in the mirror
a day reborn

I wasn't who I thought I was ...
I looked in the mirror and screamed!
Damned if I do and ...
well, I'm just damned if I do!

I have found this to be true!
As I turn the corner
who knew ...

I ran into you!

"What are you do-ing?"


"What do you want to do?"


"Want to do something?"


"Here in the Alley? How kinky!"

She bent over and pulled up her dress
I was an ... excited mess

Nothing between me and her but this thong
my man hood was feeling strong
I gripped her hips and told her to, "Hold on!"
That was wrong ...

seemed like an eternity
before she let go of the electric fence
and we fell free!

You see, I'm damned if I do ...
but then I'd be damned if I didn't
there is only one thing
that divides you and I

I'ts sharp white points
fangs and teeth rowed

blocked at the waist by
evenly spaced timber guards

in white uniforms bright
down the street and behind

smiling eyes giggle
as my foot then advances

past the wooden lances
of the soldiers in a line

as I push the gate open
at the picket fences
looks you don't see

she walks by
caught his eye
smiles are ...sly

she walks along
knowing his eyes are on ...

but she didn't see
eyes under a distant eve
what could be ...destiny!

a feeling in the breeze
a glance over a shoulder
at the look she didn't see

He's alone driving by
waving high
at a girls smile

unaware that behind him
was the woman he married
the look he didn't see

screeching tires
smoldering steam
"I didn't see you'"
she screams

arguement in the street
car seats and little feet
the look's you didn't see

telephone rings
It's him again
<eyes roll>

"I'm not going to make it!"
reciever down finger up
the look he didn't want to see

tri-cycles pacing
hearts racing
a mother un-easy

hops and puddle jumps
life's trials & little humps
and the looks you didn't see
loving you

gives me a reason
to live
and to look forward
to another day showered
in your essence
loving you
at night
never felt
so right
you tame the beast
that lives down deep
with only your love
loving you
fills my days
in so many ways
keeps me in
a shadow haze
a world only
of you and me
loving you
keeps me alive
Hey Art

Left you some ammunition over in the EDITORS forum
go get 'em tiger.

I think it's over 'HOSS' negative peolpe will be negative,
pompus will be pompus, except it!

need me, call!
Ninja Nookie said:
Hey Art

Left you some ammunition over in the EDITORS forum
go get 'em tiger.

I think it's over 'HOSS' negative peolpe will be negative,
pompus will be pompus, except it!

need me, call!

Okay thanks Nin~
loved your poem today ...(~_*)
How many Trumpets blast
to save Helen of Troy's Ass
we will not even begin to count
the mutltude of bodies mound

Coladeral damage inflicted in fun
wine's breath while taking flesh
a soldiers reward
the new village's girl

Is love and lust tipped in scales
what will this day in time tell
poem #1

Love is the element that bonds us to each other
we have one day anually to express this to our lover
love blossoms or dies every single day.
since the first day of time, this pattern was lay.

Each year is different than the one before
this is my topic that to you I implore
For this year is different than any other
we are at war sending our sisters and brothers

It is love that they fight for home and country
putting their life on the line for you and me
this is a love that is so very very strong
it is for them I sing a Valentine Song

I hope no lives are lost when the lovers day chimes
for they should all be concidered on Valentines

(My Hat's off and heart open for our soldiers)
poem #2

Trumpets blared
for Love
so many times

But none
are as special
as our own Valentine

You see two lovers
and a smile
will soon rise

but there is nothing
like the look
from a lover eyes

When the day comes
and it is
Valentine days time

I hope that everyone
is with their
perfect Valentines!
Give me a penny
I give you a smile
I get many
and I might make a dime

toss them into pile
and they become heavey
hauled them to the bank
in my old chevy

toss them in a well
is like tossing them away
but make a wish
it may come true, one day
hobo dog came a drift one day
tongue hangs out a bit to long
so we called him ZIPPER dog
now zipper was sharp
and caught on to the lunch bell ring
but there was something
about the sound of a train whistles blow
that sent ZIPPER into a howeling solo
sand falls
mounds and forms
times short measure long
Measure humanity?
Knowledge our butter fly
turned catapillar again
burried head
deep in the sand
hour glass sifting
mound to a point
of no return?
I have Higher hopes
but read the signs
mother natures crying
dinasour size tears
what will be
in another 10 million years?
What's in a number
make it more.
another species ...
and humans explored?
Was this in school,
the part where I snored?
So who else turns the hour glass?
Waiting for the last
spec of sand to fall
"Who will be the last grain"
sand falls
mounds and forms
time measured
Who will be the next to measure,
who'll turn a thought when I'm gone?
Life is short sing a song
be it old new or even the blues
we're not going to live forever
but we must get along together
it is better
eyes wide with surprise
things will come and things will pass
like forgetting to turn the hour glass
My Erotic Tale said:
sand falls
mounds and forms
times short measure long
Measure humanity?
Knowledge our butter fly
turned catapillar again
burried head
deep in the sand
hour glass sifting
mound to a point
of no return?
I have Higher hopes
but read the signs
mother natures crying
dinasour size tears
what will be
in another 10 million years?
What's in a number
make it more.
another species ...
and humans explored?
Was this in school,
the part where I snored?
So who else turns the hour glass?
Waiting for the last
spec of sand to fall
"Who will be the last grain"
sand falls
mounds and forms
time measured
Who will be the next to measure,
who'll turn a thought when I'm gone?
Life is short sing a song
be it old new or even the blues
we're not going to live forever
but we must get along together
it is better
eyes wide with surprise
things will come and things will pass
like forgetting to turn the hour glass

Du Lac slowly smiles... ty for the read.. :eek:
If you could take a pencil
and stand it up
on it's point
and balance it.
Some one
would come along
AND their wake
would be enough of a gust
to make the pencil

You would get ,,,
or be understanding
till they did it again.
By now your own nerves
are so frazzled
you can't get the pencil
to balance again
and that is ...
still their fault?

The only alternative
would have been
the understanding
who knew it wouldn't last
but enjoyed its uniqueness
while it lasted.
things that make you hmmmm

My Erotic Tale said:
If you could take a pencil
and stand it up
on it's point
and balance it.
Some one
would come along
AND their wake
would be enough of a gust
to make the pencil

You would get ,,,
or be understanding
till they did it again.
By now your own nerves
are so frazzled
you can't get the pencil
to balance again
and that is ...
still their fault?

The only alternative
would have been
the understanding
who knew it wouldn't last
but enjoyed its uniqueness
while it lasted.

Insightful Art... taking an impossibility and making it possible... to reflect on a deeper lesson... understanding that it wouldn't last... lush lost and laughing in the unique moment...
nice ..
Du Lac said:
Insightful Art... taking an impossibility and making it possible... to reflect on a deeper lesson... understanding that it wouldn't last... lush lost and laughing in the unique moment...
nice ..

thanks Du
some one rubbed me wrong yesterday and that was my RANT
my vent my ensight to myself that its me not them <grin>
they are mere wind passing by with words grunts belch fart
or what ever noise they make...lmao


yes Nin a pencil would be unbelieveable but it had the writer
part of me, the pen is mightier than the swird well okay pencil