Chasin' Chickens

My Erotic Tale said:
thanks Du
some one rubbed me wrong yesterday and that was my RANT
my vent my ensight to myself that its me not them <grin>
they are mere wind passing by with words grunts belch fart
or what ever noise they make...lmao


yes Nin a pencil would be unbelieveable but it had the writer
part of me, the pen is mightier than the swird well okay pencil

Someone rubbed you the wrong way ART????? OMG who would have thunk it? My visions of you are destroyed now lol.... :nana: hehehe loved your ranting.. so rant away babe.. and watch the irriation fade.... we all have our ways.. like I always say.. mine is wishing them Great Sex.. hehehehe... and it seems to work!
at least on my end of receiving and putting out there what you give to others lol..
Du~ :rolleyes:
in brilliant moon light
night sky spray diamonds
sparkle still water
around one rock
in a vast sea of blue
mystic hue

A fingers swirl
ripples her thoughts
reflected by the depth
a concious tail entranced
by a stormy tale
back with a sigh she lay
magnificent mermaid

Long golden hair
teaseing trailing braids
on rock bare she layed
Pieces sharade
female sushi live
collective beauty
of the deep blue

heart tied and tangled
swimming so many realms
from the sailors of distant helms
to mermen with fishy film
and then there is ... him!

Captain Soo Kim

A splash of her tail
sends water sprayed
fell into a frustrated daze
sucking her finger in memories rage
sling of sea-weed
hair flare
in the distance
a bull-horn blar

A swish of a tail
a smile prevail
pupils gleemed two more stars
a spurt arm dive
and silent water splash

away the mermaid dash
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If there were only one flower
left in this world
with no possible means
of pollination
it's obvious demise
a certantiy
yet it's blooming unfolds
with out worry of it's end
greeting each ,moment
as if it just began
the last flower sung
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My Erotic Tale said:
in brilliant moon light
night sky spray diamonds
sparkle still water
around one rock
in a vast sea of blue
mystic hue

A fingers swirl
ripples her thoughts
reflected by the depth
a concious tail entranced
by a stormy tale
back with a sigh she lay
magnificent mermaid

Long golden hair
teaseing trailing braids
on rock bare she layed
Pieces sharade
female sushi live
collective beauty
of the deep blue

heart tied and tangled
swimming so many realms
from the sailors of distant helms
to mermen with fishy film
and then there is ... him!

Captain Soo Kim

A splash of her tail
sends water sprayed
fell into a frustrated daze
sucking her finger in memories rage
sling of sea-weed
hair flare
in the distance
a bull-horn blar

A swish of a tail
a smile prevail
pupils gleemed two more stars
a spurt arm dive
and silent water splash

away the mermaid dash

Art I really really really... LOL.. loved this one.. wow great work
My Erotic Tale said:
If there were only one flower
left in this world
with no possible means
of pollination
it's obvious demise
a certantiy
yet it's blooming unfolds
with out worry of it's end
greeting each ,moment
as if it just began
the last flower sung

I like this little poem a lot. It speaks of faith, and strength against adversity. But... somewhere it seems to change tense. Or something. I'm not an English major, nor any sort of expert. Maybe this will fix it...?

If there were only one flower
left in this world
with no possible means
of pollination
it's obvious demise
a certantiy
still its bloom will unfold
with out worry of it's end
greeting each ,moment
as if it just began
the last flower song

and changing sung to song just makes it sweeter (to me).
BooMerengue said:
I like this little poem a lot. It speaks of faith, and strength against adversity. But... somewhere it seems to change tense. Or something. I'm not an English major, nor any sort of expert. Maybe this will fix it...?

If there were only one flower
left in this world
with no possible means
of pollination
it's obvious demise
a certantiy
still its bloom will unfold
with out worry of it's end
greeting each ,moment
as if it just began
the last flower song

and changing sung to song just makes it sweeter (to me).

awesome...thanks Boo
You might be a blue collar poet ...

You could be a blue collar poet
if your poem was the winner of
the county fair poultry contest

You may be a blue collar poet
if you have ever sprayed your poem
in graffeti on the town water tower

You might be a blue collar poet
if most of your shirts are blue
and have collars on them

You might be a blue collar poet
if your poetry is 'sick'
or meter tetters

You could be a blue collar poet
by giving your twins ryhming names
like Billy and Willy or Marcy and Darcy

You may be a blue collar poet
if you recite your poetry to farm animals
before reading it to your love at the local Dairy Queen

You might be a blue collar poet
if you use your words in such a manner
that it confusses the reader like ...

red-neck ... and not mean a hicky
faint ... fey aint wrote a poem in years
Shakespeare ... shakes a pear tree to get them pears
William ... will ya hum read my poem?
edgar allen poe ... edgar and allen is po'
e e cummings ... (we best leave that one alone)
mayonaise ... man naise a lot of poems listed
poppyseed ... oh no, Poppy seed us online
lesbian ... less being more
poetry ... poultry (thanks fohen)

Yes ...You might be a blue collar poet
and not know it!
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I watch a bird no bigger than my thumb
hop along the banister of my home
Under the porch eave it took refuge
from the wind, rain and lightening

I open the window and offer it warmth
it darted into the sleet and rains swarm
I only wished to extend a helping hand
It's the little things we don't understand


What would I do if a mountain of blue
split wide open while I was standing there
an arm bigger than a tree reach for me
I have no doubt I would flee

as I settled back and watched the rain
a little bird appeared and it was the same
nervously hopping along a window seal
I sat with a mezmerised smile very still
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My Erotic Tale said:
I watch a bird no bigger than my thumb
hop along the banister of my home
Under the porch eave it took refuge
from the wind, rain and lightening

I open the window and offer it warmth
it darted into the sleet and rains swarm
I only wished to extend a helping hand
It's the little things we don't understand


What would I do if a mountain of blue
split wide open while I was standing there
an arm bigger than a tree reach for me
I have no doubt I would flee

as I settled back and watched the rain
a little bird appeared and it was the same
nervously hopping along a window seal
I sat with a mezmerised smile very still

I am un sure rather to have 2 stanzas or 4
The jig is up
the fishings down
nine men sitting
all around

I walked up
and said "How do?"
then began fishing
with my Scooby-do

Knee slappin' laughs
and breathless gasps
as I continued
to reel and cast

"Ain't that for kids"
one bloke bloked
"My young'uns got one"
another joked.

It was two foot long
old, not new
kid color purple
and Scooby-do

Then the pole bent
all eyes were glue
the line jerked more
splashing water strew

"Lucky" they said
till my stringer grew
catching more fish
with my Scooby-do

"What kinda lure
you got there,"
I just smiled
casting thru the air

Ten men fishing
but I was the only one
who caught fish
when the day was done

I went fishing
the very next day
I didn't recieve
any wordy play

Every one had
fishing poles new
yep, they was fishing
with Scooby-dos

My Erotic Tale said:
I held you in my mind today
you are so far far away

romantic there Art.. short sweet and so filled with longing ... I like little poems like this.. to leave one to wander into the next realm...

I laughed like hell on the Scooby do... fun poem and a great lesson..
write Art write you have the dance of the pen lately..
My newest....


Hollow Angel

Tossed obtuned reflexes,
Straining life, shallow breathing
Hollow angel barking fallacies.

Snow edged potentials
buried deep within

Spring calls to dying forces
Tiny flakes entomb
the soul

Hallowed Patron
of wisdom

Turbid vizard
Who are you?
Do you know?

Sepulchred psyche, lost. . .
sterile heart
Teeming ego.

Death becomes you
dauntless surrender
procures. . .

dlt © March 1 2005​
wow way cool
how did you get the pic in the post?
I saw image insert but a line come up to type not
a selection as I'm use to?

well thats very nice Du~
bLuE cOLlAr pOeT

Add to ... share and enjoy country poultry
I mean poetry ...


You might be a ... bLuE cOllAr pOeT
and not know it!

You could be a blue collar poet
if your poem was the winner of
the county fair poultry contest (thanks fohen)

You may be a blue collar poet
if you have ever sprayed your poem
in graffeti on the town water tower

You might be a blue collar poet
if most of your shirts are blue
and have collars on them (thanks Nin)

You might be a blue collar poet
if your poetry is 'sick'
or meter tetters

You could be a blue collar poet
by giving your twins ryhming names
like Billy and Willy or Marcy and Darcy

You may be a blue collar poet
if you recite your poetry to farm animals
before reading it to your love at the local Dairy Queen

You might be a blue collar poet
if you use your words in such a manner
that it confusses the reader like ... (he he he poets?)

red-neck ... and not mean a hicky
faint ... fey aint wrote a poem in years
Shakespeare ... shakes a pear tree to get them pears
William ... will ya hum read my poem?
edgar allen poe ... edgar and allen is po'
e e cummings ... (we best leave that one alone)
mayonaise ... man naise a lot of poems listed
poppyseed ... oh no, Poppy seed us online
lesbian ... less being more
poetry ... poultry (thanks fohen)

Yes ...You might be a blue collar poet
and not know it!

feel free to add any country charm or wit <grinin'>
I am trying to make this poem better so any advice will
be considered, enjoy !!!
strong as perfume
but not

highway stripes
of black and white

passing by
holding my nose
closing windows

killer smell
from a cute tail
Fishing with Scooby-Do

My Erotic Tale said:
The jig is up
the fishings down
nine men sitting
all around

I walked up
and said "How do?"
then began fishing
with my Scooby-do

Knee slappin' laughs
and breathless gasps
as I continued
to reel and cast

"Ain't that for kids"
one bloke bloked
"My young'uns got one"
another joked.

It was two foot long
old, not new
kid color purple
and Scooby-do

Then the pole bent
all eyes were glue
the line jerked more
splashing water strew

"Lucky" they said
till my stringer grew
catching more fish
with my Scooby-do

"What kinda lure
you got there,"
I just smiled
casting thru the air

Ten men fishing
but I was the only one
who caught fish
when the day was done

I went fishing
the very next day
I didn't recieve
any wordy play

Every one had
fishing poles new
yep, they was fishing
with Scooby-dos

My Erotic Tale said:
You might be a blue collar poet if you happen to know
when Dr. Seuss' Birthday is <grin>

How can I not... living in Springfield Massachusetts.... home of Dr. Seuss...
Horton hears a who... lol. my fave
Du Lac said:
How can I not... living in Springfield Massachusetts.... home of Dr. Seuss...
Horton hears a who... lol. my fave

learn something new every day...
thanks Du~

gonna post it on the Dr Seuss birthday thread <grin>
they came
marched across time
left their steps in petrified print
then they went

it came
slow at first
then burned a hole in the sky
then it reside

It come
a crawling shadow
spread a dark blanket everywhere
then it left

they came
from the heavens
cold white and falling for awhile
slowly disappeared

It come
spell of warmth
linger a time of hot and sizzled
then cooler

another come
to walk and run
learn struggle frolic and live
then their gone

It come
with the wind
a leaf of many colors and beauty
then blown away

Tulips burn in mankinds bog
Sandhill nuptials

dlt copyright March 2005​

hey art can you help me learn how to insert pics for illustrated poetry.. on my blog and my msn groups I alway use artwork to go with my poems.. I would like to do that here also..
Re-twisting my day

You assured that your safe?
walking so fast paced
getting your dos done

I believe you
as I believe a rock will float
I say that 'humble'

in a blink of an eye
a fire port can barrel metal
for nothing more than your sunglasses

a shade dim
to darken their soul
to late to ask why

Is it a gift or torture
knowing you won't make it to see
your child reach three

I bumped into a Praying Mantis
and we shared a moment of silence
then I walked away

Now I grab the day
by the neck and twist
the life out of it

Then kiss it good-bye
like a monkey vine to vine
from one to another

Why do I hone my sword
if I pray not to use it
in case I have to

It's not that
I want my sunglasses that badly
it's just that I would like to kill a few more days
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