Chipbutty wants to know: what is the shape of madness?

i believe the shape of madness is approximately 5' 11" tall african american ? Muslim religion, grayish colored hair with some black in it. pushed a health reform bill thru the houses.. i believe he is true madness in shape and form, some say evil i say madness.. ;)

and I say
black with gray

I have a Mii that looks like him that I constructed just to help keep me motivated when I go for a Wii-jog
oh great, now I am insane thinking about how to escape that thing

From wikipedia

A mathematician named Klein
Thought the Möbius band was divine.
Said he: "If you glue
The edges of two,
You'll get a weird bottle like mine."

He just thinks that's it cause he forgot to look in the mirror. ;)

It can takes many shapes, imo. When I'm in the thick of depression it's massive and gray and slows me down to the point where I'd rather die than deal with the sadness that is life.

Or it can be shifting and jagged and amorphous, which for me is the shape of anxiety. It has the soundtrack of Bach played at 78 rpms. One doesn't hear much about rpms anymore, does one?

But now that I meditate I keep those two buggers under control. :D

meditate-- I read it as medicate here


I recognize both of those shapes and the shadows they cast and the light they block
Wow. That sounds like a wonderful process.

So. Riddle me this. What is the difference between a combination of anxiety/ depression and bipolar, cyclothemia and the lot?

Thank you. I really struggled with it for a while, but then I met this amazing therapist who helped me start meditating again. He also practices something called Narrative Therapy, which was just perfect for me because basically you write your "story." And once it is written, you a) acknowledge and understand that it is fiction as are all "stories;" and b) you see where you can edit and change your story, not the facts but your way of dealing with them. That and meditation were a powerful combination for me. I can see how people succumb to depression and anxiety; they can overtake and overwhelm.

Oh and the best part is that my therapist became my best friend and he's even going to visit us after we move. Isn't life funny? :)
Madness is a centerless circle,
a pointless triangle,
a five sided square,
an inverted sphere,
a wrinkled phrenologist's chart,
of the skull,
whose shape shows its substance.

damn, they are going to have to re-write the geometry books. Let's see if EO or Tzed can come up with a mathematical equation for madness.

(I love the wrinkled phrenologist's chart line)
Holy shit CharleyH

this gave me goosebumps
the last line hit the breaks and the rest of the poem came falling in all around it, just as it should

The garble of a mad lover

"Who are you?"
"This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. I -- I hardly know, sir, just at present -- at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then."

Razors reflect in the mirror,
they cut, slash, and bleed into me
you speak in tongues and I HATE YOU!

...I love you baby, really do,
love you , love you and love you still.

Your tongue is forked, with vicious hiss
don't deny you've built glass windows
to shatter, slice hurt into me

...I didn't mean it, I really...
but you stink like YHWH's angels
and the Shining Star owns me, now

I love you, I love you so much
you fucking bitch, bastard asshole
hate you, hate and hate you always

...leave your door open, keep it cricked
so I can enter in the night
I love you, you belong to me

And you're the one who is confused.
Wow. That sounds like a wonderful process.

So. Riddle me this. What is the difference between a combination of anxiety/ depression and bipolar, cyclothemia and the lot?

I dunno. I've only ever experienced depression and anxiety. I don't know much about the other schtuff. I never understood how "bipolar" is different from them either, not really.

I've talked to many therapists over years (going back to a few years after my sister died when I was a teenager), and many tried to get me into cognitive therapy. The notion there is that there's something wrong with your thinking and you need to think differently. I never understand how you turn your thinking off and on like some damn faucet. But the narrative therapy where you get to write and edit stories made great sense to me. I really think mental health is all about finding the thing that works for you, so narrative therapy and meditation are just right for me.

C'mon you other poets. I know I'm not the only (occasionally) crazy one here. Oh far, far from it. :)
I have a feeling our Tzed was the anon. poet who submitted that to Wikipedia
No, no. That's not me.

I'll have a hack at the concept, though
I'm real but (gosh!) non-orientable,
Like Möbius strip or real projective plane.
As flagon, I can hold my drink. Double.
Um, actually—I'm boundless. Math. Insane.​
and then return you to your regular programming.
I dunno. I've only ever experienced depression and anxiety. I don't know much about the other schtuff. I never understood how "bipolar" is different from them either, not really.

I've talked to many therapists over years (going back to a few years after my sister died when I was a teenager), and many tried to get me into cognitive therapy. The notion there is that there's something wrong with your thinking and you need to think differently. I never understand how you turn your thinking off and on like some damn faucet. But the narrative therapy where you get to write and edit stories made great sense to me. I really think mental health is all about finding the thing that works for you, so narrative therapy and meditation are just right for me.

C'mon you other poets. I know I'm not the only (occasionally) crazy one here. Oh far, far from it. :)
"Bipolar" describes how some of us fluctuate between periods of depression (which pretty much everybody understands) and extreme highs, where everything seems to be connected and you seem to be personally operating on, like, some supercharged intellectual high.

I don't have this, at least clinically, though I have had at least one friend who did, and who committed suicide in his down phase. I have been diagnosed (once, a long time ago) with clinical depression, though.

I think your take on therapy is exactly right. Different therapies work for different people. My best therapy is to walk. A lot. It increases, among other things, serotonin levels, which works for me.

So, when I get down, I try to walk. And walk and walk and walk.

If nothing else, it makes me tired of being depressed. :cool:
"Bipolar" describes how some of us fluctuate between periods of depression (which pretty much everybody understands) and extreme highs, where everything seems to be connected and you seem to be personally operating on, like, some supercharged intellectual high.

I don't have this, at least clinically, though I have had at least one friend who did, and who committed suicide in his down phase. I have been diagnosed (once, a long time ago) with clinical depression, though.

I think your take on therapy is exactly right. Different therapies work for different people. My best therapy is to walk. A lot. It increases, among other things, serotonin levels, which works for me.

So, when I get down, I try to walk. And walk and walk and walk.

If nothing else, it makes me tired of being depressed. :cool:

Thank you. :rose:

I agree about the walking thing, too. I should have added that to my personal list along with meditation and narrative therapy. Walking or (for me) working out makes such a difference in the way one feels. Physical activity is key to mental health.

ETA: On reflection the only time I've had that supercharged intellectual sort of high you describe is years (many years) ago when my doctor prescribed something called "mood elevators" for my menstrual cramps. The pills were basically "speed," and I liked the way it made me feel (well until I came down from it) way too much. It felt great and horrible at the same time. Whenever a drug has had that effect on me, I've generally run as far as I can in the opposite direction, but I can see why people get addicted.
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damn, they are going to have to re-write the geometry books. Let's see if EO or Tzed can come up with a mathematical equation for madness.

I've given some "thought" to this.

The equations would need to be complex so both real and imaginary can be properly considered.
One solution has to be the wave equation.
Some elasticity tensors could be good to include to properly characterize stress-strain relationships.
I'm disappointed no one really mentioned madness in a positive way. Tesla was a genuine mad scientist, couldn't have done what he did without his madness. Goya was painting all over his walls, totally out of his mind, the best stuff. Nietzsche wrote his most imaginative, confrontational philosophy a year away from complete mental breakdown brought on by syphilitic madness. The band Madness was okay, this is Madness in their best shape:
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I've given some "thought" to this.

The equations would need to be complex so both real and imaginary can be properly considered.
One solution has to be the wave equation.
Some elasticity tensors could be good to include to properly characterize stress-strain relationships.

hope you're paying attention at the back now you understood all that didn't you?
hope you're paying attention at the back now you understood all that didn't you?


i understood the individual words but the whole kinda gets distorted when i try to understand it. i'm sure YOU can explain it to me, UYS :p

i understood the individual words but the whole kinda gets distorted when i try to understand it. i'm sure YOU can explain it to me, UYS :p

it's the angle of the dangle for the dongle in the dell when the fingle hits the fangle and disrupts the bloody hell
The shape of purple is preferred
having none of the straight lines of green.
forcing white to shatter into smithereens
and black to concave polygon in fright.
Orange cowers wrapping it's trapezium
tightly into pinks isosceles triangle
and red gives up all hope
prostrating his tomahawk frantically,
in an attempt to divert purple
from penetrating with it's cuisinaire rods.