Choose My AV!

Give me a few descriptors to work with, and I'll see if I can find anything that will defeat your pickiness...:p

as Aus, who knows me so well, put it:
For Vail. Think dark, demanding, fluffiness. If there is something that is a study in absolute dichotomies it'd be her.
Cherry, dunno if this is appropriate for an AV, but your remark made me think of it (if I haven't shared already)

as Aus, who knows me so well, put it:
For Vail. Think dark, demanding, fluffiness. If there is something that is a study in absolute dichotomies it'd be her.

Hmm...I know you grew tired of the bunny rather quickly, but this one seemed to fit the criteria.


*continues searching*
Adrian Pasdar... *sighs happily*

Though.. I have to admit I had more of a crush on Zachary Quinto. That evil role just hit him like a glove.
Vail... just wow, love it! :heart: you naughty little kitten. ;)

Fr33k, you found a picture that so reminds me of Vail. Wickedly cute in a devilish sort of way.
A petting session :D

So it appears. *continues smirking*

Ok, so I know this is odd, but I'd like to see what people can come up with for my AV. My handle's so abstract, I figure it's mostly up for interpretation. So, surprise me.