Christian BDSM

Since the thread was expanded by its founder to include other religions, and because "Judaeo-Christian" traditions have been alluded to, perhaps this essay would be of interest. I would imagine traditional Christians would generally agree.

[[Rabbi Boteach, a well known rabbi in Oxford England, is known for a degree of tolerance re homosexual practices (some of them) amongst Orthodox Jews. In the following essay, however, he draws a line, and gives reasons why consensual SM practices (at least those involving injury) are deviant, 'unnatural' and (presumably) should be illegal, where none of these points apply to homosexual acts. --- note by 'pure']]

The Jewish Guide to S & M
by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach,
Director, Oxford University L_Chaim Society,
Weekly Essay, 7 November, 1996

WARNING!!!: This essay isn't necessarily for the faint-hearted. So, if you fear offense please delete it now.

Upon the publication of my book, the Jewish Guide to Adultery, friends of mine quipped that in time I would be forced to write a sequel entitled, The Jewish Guide to Incest, or better yet, The Jewish Guide to Sadomasochism. Little did I know that two years later a television company would ask me to debate the issue live with actual members of the Spanner case.

I panicked, not because I shied away from debating so controversial and explicit an issue. Hell, anything to get on TV. But rather because I have always confused the initials S&M with M&S, or - for those of you unlearned in the ways of we off-shore islanders - Marks and Spencers, Britain_s leading retail clothing chain. But such Freudian slips are commonplace among Jews since we get a far more intensely pleasurable thrill from shopping than anything remotely sexual. Jews believe in shopping and eating, not in sex. And nothing will ever change that - hopefully.

S&M, once firmly in the closet - literally - is in the news again. The Spanner case has brought it back. The 15 men who were prosecuted for meeting regularly to mutilate each other_s genitals in the name of sexual sensation and delight are appealing to the European High Court of Human rights to overturn their convictions at the hands of the British court system which sent a number of them to prison.

If anything positive has come from my brief foray into investigating the Jewish attitude to S&M, it is to give me some fantastic ideas on what to do for a party for friends in celebration of my birthday next month. We could do like the men in the Spanner case, squealing in pleasure while we hammer nails through our scrotums, pour boiling hot wax on each other_s organs, sandpaper our testicles, and pierce each one another_s genitals with every imaginable gadget.

No joke! All this actually happened. Lucky for us, they even videoed their exploits for posterity, although never with the intention of public viewing and it seems that the police were the only ones fortunate enough to witness such fun.

But even these exploits are blase_ and boring by the standards of creativity adopted by some of the men I have spoken to through the proposed television programme. A young man named Eric enjoys lighting firecrackers in his bottom, and John likes hanging weights, and an occasional saw and other pieces of hardware, from his male appendage. [...]

These acts, which would strike the mainstream populace and demented and depraved, are all defended by one central argument. Once upon a time the existence of G-d was largely proven by the argument from design. Today, the liberty for man to pursue any perversion he pleases is licensed by the argument from consent, or to be more precise, informed consent. What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom is beyond the letter of the law. [...]

But for consent alone to be used to defend these actions is manifestly absurd. Judaism cannot countenance the mutilation of the body under any circumstance bar one: when such actions are undertaken for expressly for medical purposes and the prolonging of life, such as in the case of surgery under the knife, and the like.
My arguments in response to declarations of consent are as follows:

I. If consent is the sole criteria by which we afford full license to adults to pursue any activity so long as it is in the privacy of their own bedroom, then we must also allow incest. What a brother and sister, or mother and son, do in the privacy of their own bedroom is their business.

Most would retort that incest is different since it will lead to a child being born with an arm growing out of its scrotum. Agreed. Brothers and sisters procreating together will destroy their genetic pool. So we will have to legislate that a immediate family can only copulate if the female agrees to be sterilised previously, or if she is on a reliable contraceptive.

And why stop there? Why not allow necrophilia? Two lovers can have a pact whereby the other agrees that their body can be used for sexual fun even after death. Just think about it. Now Jeffrey can take his departed lover Paul_s body to parties and raves with him for everyone to share and have fun with. Why shouldn_t Paul be allowed to party beyond the grave? [...] so long as Paul agrees first. Some donate their bodies to scientific research. So why shouldn_t others donate their bodies to sexual experimentation?

Cannibalism should also be legalised. What right does the state have to interfere in two friends devouring each other_s remains, so long as there was informed consent? [...]

II. It is simply not true that our bodies belong to us and we can do with it as we please. Every free democracy on earth (with the notable exception of a province in Australia) forbids suicide and/or assisted suicide. If you try and jump off the Brooklyn Bridge (what an awful way to go, far healthier to flush yourself down a latrine) you will be arrested by the Big boys in blue, New York_s finest, a.k.a. the police.

Similarly, every decent society on earth deplores adultery, and for reasons that are not only religious. Even complete secularists condemn infidelity. And why? Because you are hurting your spouse. [...] he [adulterer] belongs to someone. His body is not his own. The same applies to society. We all belong to, and are responsible for, one another. And individuals cannot harm themselves with impunity.

III. Sadomasochism is a real sexual deviance. Now, I hear you already accusing me of typical religious prudishness and intolerance. But hear me out. I do not believe that homosexuality is a deviance and utterly reject the natural-law argument which says that the human body is constructed for heterosexual intercourse. On the contrary, the human body is constructed for heterosexual reproduction.

But what percentage of heterosexual sex actually involves copulation? Is kissing natural? Is that really what the mouth was made for? Was the tongue made to slither down someone else_s oesophagus? Let_s face it. Heterosexuals get up to some pretty weird stuff themselves. Furthermore, throughout history homosexuality was just as common, and in many cases more common, than heterosexuality, as Professor David Greenberg shows in his monumental and most comprehensive study, The Construct of Homosexuality.

Rather, homosexuality to me is prohibited not because it is a deviance, but rather because G-d prohibits it. The objection to homosexuality that can be made is strictly on religious grounds. G-d forbids it in much the same way he forbids a Jew to drive on Shabbos or eat a cheeseburger, notwithstanding how natural and intuitive these acts may be. Adultery is natural, especially for a man, but G-d still labels it a sin. In fact, I argue that a sexual deviance is a contradiction in terms. The essence of human sexuality is to do that which comes naturally and automatically, and for many, to have sex with someone of the same gender is an intuitive gravitation and orientation.

But sadomasochism is a real deviance because it is not intuitive. Rather, it is all about sexual experimentation, and is much like a heterosexual man who has sex with a man, not because he wants to, but simply because he wants to try something new and know what it is like. The average person is not driven genetically to hammer his scrotum to wood, and this act cannot be compared how a man or a woman are driven to adultery.

Rather sadomasochism, which has little historical precedent, is entirely a modern consequence of the loss of depth in human sexual relationships and the separation of sex from love. When two people who love each other have sex, with every experience they come to know each other better and deeper.

This is why the Bible and the Hebrew language have no expression for sex other than "knowledge," as in, "And Adam knew his wife Eve." A couple who are in love progress vertically in their relationship as each sexual experience, especially the truly pleasurable ones, elicit stronger and deeper feelings for one another. They draw closer and closer to the point where they become one flesh.

But sex without love is entirely different. To be sure, it is thrilling while it lasts, but leaves the individual feeling empty and vacuous when it is over. The participants therefore are forced to expand, not vertically, but horizontally. Instead of discovering deeper dimensions of each other_s personalities and warmth, they must simply try newer and newer adventures. They cannot repeat the same general retinue, albeit with modifications, over again because, since there is no love, this quickly becomes boring and stale. Rather, they must try something totally new. And once that_s done, they must expand their horizons, until they go totally off the deep end - like lighting incendiary devices from their anus or sticking gerbils in places that are worse than any cage.

IV. Finally, sadomasochism desensitises us to violence. When people partake of activities that are severely injurious to the human body, and call it a pleasure, they forfeit an ability to distinguish between that which is wholesome and good, and that which is agonising and hurtful. Violence, even of the self-inflicted variety, should never dignified no matter what label it carries. The measure of a healthy society at any given time is what it does with its sexuality.

[...]What two people do in the privacy of their own bedroom is of course society_s business. This was the excellent point that Frances Lawrence made in her recent, much-applauded manifesto. Even what a child watches on TV in the privacy of his own bedroom has a direct impact on society, she argued, because it desensitises him to enormity of the act of plunging a knife in his headmaster_s back.

As a Rabbi who hails from a religious tradition that has always glorified the sexual act between married adults, I am not a sexual prude, and opposition to sadomasochism should never be construed as prudishness. Rather, it is in the spirit of a profound respect for the loving bonds that sex can foster between two adults that these lines are written to ensure that the sex that we practice always lends our relationships intimacy and our bodies dignity and depth, rather than depravity and desolation.

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Rhino's opino:

//A PURE (ick...not the same one) sacrifice was required in our stead.//

Too bad God forgot to mention this 'requirement' to anyone in the OT.


PS. I am not ready to be sacrificed; not for the likes of you, anyway, ;)
rhinoguy said:
DR. in OT the people (jews) were forgiven and blessed multiple times over.. the also forgot and fucked up over and over...and still got second chances. (as ALL peopl too). God is forgiving....but as People, chosen or not...we are unable to fufill all the laws perfectly...we sin, we forget.

That it part of the continuing saga... the reason... the need for a Christ....a savior. By the LAW (God's) we are fuck ups and should be damned, unholy in his sight.

A PURE (ick...not the same one) sacrifice was required in our stead.


Case in point when they escaped the clutches of pharoh and moses was due to lead them to the promised land. When he was up on the mountain getting the 10 commandments the people were down there losing faith and melting all the gold they'd gotten to make a golden calf.:rolleyes:
We all still sin and come short of the glory of god. Thank god for grace.
destinie21 said:
Case in point when they escaped the clutches of pharoh and moses was due to lead them to the promised land. When he was up on the mountain getting the 10 commandments the people were down there losing faith and melting all the gold they'd gotten to make a golden calf.:rolleyes:
We all still sin and come short of the glory of god. Thank god for grace.

God leads them out of Egypt, doing miracles right and left, and at the first sign of trouble in the Wilderness they all decide He's not much in the way of a deity and they'd be better off with a golden calf...

I mean, what's wrong with these people?

//God leads them out of Egypt, doing miracles right and left, and at the first sign of trouble in the Wilderness they all decide He's not much in the way of a deity and they'd be better off with a golden calf...

I mean, what's wrong with these people?//

this story proposes a clear reason why God turned to the Gentiles,
inspring Paul's misionary work with them, and why Paul used Abraham (pre-Jew) an example, more than Moses (Jew).
scarlet vixen said:
//God leads them out of Egypt, doing miracles right and left, and at the first sign of trouble in the Wilderness they all decide He's not much in the way of a deity and they'd be better off with a golden calf...

I mean, what's wrong with these people?//

this story proposes a clear reason why God turned to the Gentiles,
inspring Paul's misionary work with them, and why Paul used Abraham (pre-Jew) an example, more than Moses (Jew).

As I recall, Jesus was a jew.

But enough of this. If we've degenerated to the point of using religion to show how God loves us better than anyone else, we've lost the abilioty to discuss anything rationally.

I'm with Rhino: include me out.

dr_mabeuse said:
As I recall, Jesus was a jew.
Dear Dr M,
Yes, but as Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys said, "They ain't makin' Jews like Jesus anymore."
What I said, just above, please ignore. This is a good topic. It should not get sidetracked, though it's happened many times

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scarlet vixen said:
This is a good topic. It should not get sidetracked, though it's happened many times
Dear SV,
I think the subject has been flogged, run over, derailed and generally abused to the point where the only defensible course of action is to let it expire. I'll to stand with Rhino and Dr M.
hi dr.,

do what'ya like, but I thought the rabbi's piece on gay and sm was quite worth a read. that's why i dug it up. silly me.

Pure said:
hi dr.,

do what'ya like, but I thought the rabbi's piece on gay and sm was quite worth a read. that's why i dug it up. silly me.


Well, it's his opinion. But he says:
But sadomasochism is a real deviance because it is not intuitive. Rather, it is all about sexual experimentation, and is much like a heterosexual man who has sex with a man, not because he wants to, but simply because he wants to try something new and know what it is like. The average person is not driven genetically to hammer his scrotum to wood, and this act cannot be compared how a man or a woman are driven to adultery.

Rather sadomasochism, which has little historical precedent, is entirely a modern consequence of the loss of depth in human sexual relationships and the separation of sex from love. When two people who love each other have sex, with every experience they come to know each other better and deeper.
This is pure sophistry and opinion masquerading as fact.

It's not hard to argue that hammering one's scrotum to wood is not "intuitive", but what about love bites and slaps? Hair pulling? Who draws the line at what's "intuitive" and what's not. It's just reductio ad absurdum.

His second paragraph is pure speculation and personal opinion.

I'd also point out that a Rabbi's opinions are only opinions. They carry no official weight in Judaism.

That is too often the case, Dr. M. Religious leaders tend to spout either, doctrine or personal opinion as truth. The good rabbi did it as you quoted, but turn on you TV on Sunday morning and listen to the Christian Evangelists. They are doing much the same thing.

After reading the Koran it's clear that that book, which represents fully 1/3rd of all religion, can be interpreted an any number of ways and almost any issue including sexual issues.

For a week, I have been googling and reading. During that time I have found nothing in Judaism, Christianity or Islam that precludes any kind of sexual activity what so ever between married partners other than the admonitions in Leviticus about cleanliness and menstruation. I understand from my brother-in-law, who is a college professor and expert in Islam, that there are like admonitions in that religion too, though I did not find them.

The Siks and Hindus have no restrictions at all other than a strong admonition to do everything in "balance with nature", whatever that means.

The native Americans of the Pacific Northwest and Central Plains had none as far as I could find. In fact, it appears that among most of these cultures the women were looked upon more as chattel than anything else. Slaps, beating and mistreatment were common. Among the Aleut's they even traded wives from time to time.

Thinking along the lines of much older cultures, sex was a fairly common ritual. I would point to the practice of the Mayan kings who regularly pierced their scrotums with a stingray spine and drew a knotted or thorny rope through the incision. That's getting fairly close to BDSM.

The latest interpretation of the Lotus Flower in Pharaoh's Egypt is now firmly connected to beer. The lotus crushed in beer was thought to be a powerful aphrodisiac. The proliferation of these two symbols in tomb carvings and paintings would indicate a huge preoccupation with sex. The exact practices, of course, are unknown but would not rule out BDSM.

In Rome, Caligula routinely tied his wife/sister and suspended her while he whipped her as a prelude to sexual intercourse. There are many examples in this culture.

As least in the research that I've done, I can find no common thread over the past 3 to 4000 years that would preclude any BDSM activities as long as the couple is married. In fact some cultures encouraged sex and even sexual deviance.
dr. m.
//It's not hard to argue that hammering one's scrotum to wood is not "intuitive", but what about love bites and slaps? Hair pulling? Who draws the line at what's "intuitive" and what's not. It's just reductio ad absurdum.

His second paragraph is pure speculation and personal opinion.

I'd also point out that a Rabbi's opinions are only opinions. They carry no official weight in Judaism.//

I appreciate your having a look, and agree with a couple of your points, esp. re 'intuition'. Thanks.

There is a range of opinion among Orthodox rabbis, but he's known for being 'liberal' (i.e., among these conservatives).

I wasn't aware that the religious views being sampled had to be from the authoritative, official world spokesperson(s) of that religion. But if so, I'd ask for uniform application of this standard
as regards Christianity and BDSM.

Hi Jenny,

//For a week, I have been googling and reading.//

That's great, Jenny. Exemplary, even.

It's interesting to see the results of your search. I think that, while sex and religion (and culture) is an impossibly broad topic, some of what you say or found sounds valid; for instance:

//The native Americans of the Pacific Northwest and Central Plains had none as far as I could find. In fact, it appears that among most of these cultures the women were looked upon more as chattel than anything else. Slaps, beating and mistreatment were common. Among the Aleut's they even traded wives from time to time.

Thinking along the lines of much older cultures, sex was a fairly common ritual. I would point to the practice of the Mayan kings who regularly pierced their scrotums with a stingray spine and drew a knotted or thorny rope through the incision. That's getting fairly close to BDSM.//

As far as using Caligula to represent Roman practices, hmmm.

Returning to the area of Christianity that I and probably you know best, it seems your case is largely based on 'negative evidence'; NOT finding prohibitions, and of course, limiting yourself to MARITAL sex. The latter, of course, is going to yield the fewest limitations and leave aside a number of deviations--e.g. homosexual practices, which we know Xtianity (trad.) Judaism (orth) and Islam do not approve of.

But, taking Xtian marital sex as the area, I wonder if you are aware how many states have or had laws against the 'crime against nature', sodomy, and applied this to married and heterosexual couples as well as others? Not much enforced now, of course, but would it not be a reasonable inference that those US (state) laws were put there by Xtians.?

Overall, though, I have no problem with your point that sex and sexual rituals have a positive part is many ancient cultures. I agree also that limiting oneself to slaps, pinches, love bites, and hair pulling, you're going to find lots of (pro) examples; I believe that's in the Kama Sutra and other Indian guidebooks.

*** Speech by Republican Dan Feder: views of the Christian American 'silent majority' on sexual issues, focussing on gay and SM topics.


Thanks for sharing all your research work; the effort is certainly admirable because it's somewhat unusual in these parts.

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Scottish Episcopal Bishop on SM

Interview in _The Scotsman_ 10 July 1999

Richard Holloway, primus Scottish Episcopal Church (since, stepped down)

Q: You once said: 'There are complexities in human sexuality that it behoves us to understand and not merely to condemn.' That is a compassionate position which a great many people would understand and sympathise with, Christian and non-Christian alike. Where does that leave you on the business of moral absolutes? Are there any moral absolutes nowadays?

A: I don't think there are moral absolutes, and if there are any they are likely to be so general as to apply only in a very broad way. Sexual consent is an important principle, I would say almost an axiom, almost an absolute, which is why rape is always absolutely wrong. Obviously the young cannot give consent, and this makes pederasty and paedophilia tragically impossible. There can never be an allowable sexual relationship there, although it undoubtedly remains one of the mysteries of human sexuality.

But given those overarching moral principles, there is still an enormous sexual repertoire which can be mutually fulfilling and consenting, and I think that we should mind our own business and not meddle with other people's lives. This should be the case even if we are personally repelled, as indeed I am by certain aspects of sado-masochism, for example. Mutually consenting sadomasochism, however, stops short of the heavier kind of wounding of people, and so I believe it is up to the people involved. I have no appetite at all for it myself, it's a mystery to me, but it does seem to be a part of some people's experience. I find it aesthetically displeasing, but that does not give me the right to try and outlaw it. There has been a lot of crucifying of people in the name of this kind of busy involvement in other people's sexualities. I would prefer to allow freedom within an understanding of constraint and appropriateness. Between consenting adults, I do not think that you can say confidently "you can do this, but you can't do that"

It is really up to the adults themselves.
[end excerpt]
ad nauseum.

Religion is by definition no more than relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity.
Every religious guide Ie: the bible the Koran the torah ect can be held to question. We can only veiw our dieties on a strictly human level. Therefore every one of the aformentioned"documents" and many more would be held up to interpretation and suposition if at one time a group of leaders in the religion go ahead and decide that they will adhere to a few rules they then become doctrines. I know for a fact that their are Christian doctrines that have nothing to do with the bible. So we could discuss this and beat it to death and in the end all we've done is add our own opinions and suppositions to the melting pot.
I stated before I'm not surprised at the correlation between BDSM and Christianity because of the reasons I stated. But I certainly can't decide whats right how the hell would any of us know that ?
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//I know for a fact that their are Christian doctrines that have nothing to do with the bible. So we could discuss this and beat it to death and in the end all we've done is add our own opinions and suppositions to the melting pot.
I stated before I'm not surprised at the correlation between BDSM and Christianity because of the reasons I stated. But I certainly can't decide whats right how the hell would any of us know that ?//

Well, opinions are exchanged and 'added' on a zillion threads without resolution. It's not that odd, or you wouldn't do it yourself.

As to 'what's right', if you mean "What is the right/correct position of Christianity [or Judaism, etc.] on BDSM practices?" --no, we couldn't find it or 'know' it, but the original question was a simple (?) one of fact:

What have the major religions had to say about sex, sexual indulgence and kinky stuff?

It can be answered very straightforwardly, being no different from asking, "What has the Republican party had to say lately about same sex marriage?"

Anything in the marriage bed is sacred - per the song of soloman in the bible. My hubby and I can get outrageously kinky with our fantasies - ropes, whatever. Sometimes some denominations say that you should only have sex for procreation, but in truth the bible doesn't say that. God gets rather huffy about adultery, but the songs of soloman get pretty hot. *fanning herself* God made sex for enjoyment - the bible says so :) But some men didnt want their wives to think sex was fun and some wives didnt want their hubbies to touch them more than once a month, so some of the words and meanings got a bit twisted over history.
I read the Rabbi's essay, and the main thing that I disagree with is that the individuals body does not belong to him/her, but to society. This idea really pisses me off on a personal level. I am a person, not a property. If we where to come to believe that our body's are not our own, how much furhter 'our minds are not our own' and there we are back to state sponsered religion.

If he is considered liberal, I'm just glad I'm not Jewish. I had a hard enough time when I was a christian. Organized religion really doesn't like people who think for themselves. ("my mind is not my own")