Christian BDSM

Sweet said,

//I read the Rabbi's essay, and the main thing that I disagree with is that the individuals body does not belong to him/her, but to society. This idea really pisses me off on a personal level. I am a person, not a property. If we were to come to believe that our bodies are not our own, how much further 'our minds are not our own' and there we are back to state sponsored religion.//

Thanks for reading the thing. It's not that good, but surprising from a liberal who's sympathetic to gay rights. OTOH, gays have some acceptance now--mainstream TV-- whereas SM deviants to not.

SM deviance is harder to understand, because of the nearness of injury and the possibility of death.

I can see why you want your body to be your own; I do too. But I also think that 'consent' can take you only so far. That there are cases where it's wrong to do to another's body what you have their consent to do.

Also, if your body is your own, can you sell it (put it) into slavery?
(rl or erotic)?

sweetnpetite said:
I read the Rabbi's essay...[snip...]
If he is considered liberal, I'm just glad I'm not Jewish. I had a hard enough time when I was a christian. Organized religion really doesn't like people who think for themselves. ("my mind is not my own")

The rabbi, if I may offer my opinion, is full of shit. It's as plain as that. His arguments are specious. To suggest, as he does, that casual sex ultimately ends up in people shoving gerbils up their asses is just ludicrous. To make the statement that what happens in the bedroom is society's concern is just nonsense.

The one saving grace is that his opinion carries absoilutely no weight in Judaism. A Rabbi is not a priest. He's an expert in Talmud. He's no closer to God than anyone else, and his opinion is no more valid than anyone else's.

dr m

/To suggest, as he [rabbi] does, that casual sex ultimately ends up in people shoving gerbils up their asses is just ludicrous. /

OTOH, it's changed since you've been at lit., why do I now hear squeaking noises when you enter the room?

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No amount of baby-powder can totally obliterate the squeaks and creaks of latex and leather. It's part of their appeal.
