Chyoo Tips and Tricks

I never thought to make a stylesheet for someone else's website. Got a clue where to put that css in Firefox?

Anybody have a clue of where IE looks for that info?
Anybody have a clue of where IE looks for that info? seems to be a pretty good source:

Or there's Microsoft's accessibility tutorials.

Both pages have similar how-to descriptions, once you have your CSS:

On the Internet Explorer menu bar:
Select Tools.
Select Internet Options.

In the Internet Options dialog box, on the General tab:
Select the Accessibility button.

In the Accessibility dialog box, under User style sheet:
Select the Format documents using my style sheet check box.
Select the Browse button.
Navigate to, and open, a saved style sheet.

To save the settings and close the Internet Options dialog box:
Select OK twice.
I <3 my new custom CSS. (Did I say that already?)

My latest experiment with story maps is to highlight the current thread (the one being read before you pressed "Story Map") as well as any new threads. The current thread gets large text and a yellow background.

.red p {
font-size: 18px ! important;
color: #ff0000 ! important;
} {
font-size: 18px ! important;
background-color: #ffff7f;

Did I say I loved my custom CSS? I guess I did. But I'll still need Firefox and Greasemonkey if I want to be able to adjust the thread-reading text width.

Adding more than 4

Could someone post a really clear description of of how to add more than 4 threads? The explanation earlier in the topic is confusing and spread across several replys. When I tried to use it, all of my threads ended up in the thread I pushed 'add' in, instead of the target.
Go to the story map. Click on a thread.

The address in your address bar will have a number at the end, like this:

The second to last five digit bit is what you want, in this case it would be 34937. Copy that number.

Go to a thread that isn't full yet. Hit "Add new thread". In your address bar you will see something like this:

Notice how that has a five digit number at the end also? Replace that five digit number with the number from the thread you wanted to add to. Write your new thread and post it.

I think that should do it.
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Ah, thanks Torg. I edited my earlier post so that the correct procedure would all be in the same thread.
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Does this trick to add more than 4 threads also work for adding a thread to a (temporarily, I hope!) locked thread? I'm about to fiddle with it myself, but figured I'd also ask in case anyone knows how to do that.
Sweet! It does work for adding a thread to a locked thread! That's pretty awesome. Though I guess if the initial thread gets denied, all the subsequent ones would be lost, which would really blow.
5th thread

I've been trying to add a 5th thread to a story, and it keeps getting added to the thread I clicked add from, even though I think I am following the instructions about replacing numbers.

I copy the second to last 5 digit number from the thread I want to add to.

Go to another thread, click add.

Replace the last 5 digit number with the one I copied.

Add text, submit.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
I've been trying to add a 5th thread to a story, and it keeps getting added to the thread I clicked add from, even though I think I am following the instructions about replacing numbers.

I copy the second to last 5 digit number from the thread I want to add to.

Go to another thread, click add.

Replace the last 5 digit number with the one I copied.
Navigate to this new URL you have just created. This pops up an add thread page which looks much like the one you just saw, but you are now adding to the page you wanted to add a 5th thread to (or 3rd or 4th for more restricted stories) rather than the one you pushed "Add" on.
Add text, submit.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Try what I suggested? (change the URL and *go* to it before adding any text).

-- Z.
So when you say navigate to it, do you mean open up a new page and copy the new, cobbled together URL into it?
So when you say navigate to it, do you mean open up a new page and copy the new, cobbled together URL into it?

I mean put the new, cobbled together URL into the address bar and press ENTER, or the equivalent, whether or not a new browser window or tab is involved. You don't need the original "addedit" page for anything other than the form of the address into which you're grafting in the thread you actually want to add to, so there's no harm in replacing that with the addedit page you really wanted but couldn't just click to.

I suspect Murakami edited the address in the address bar but didn't at first go to that new address. Without going to it, the "Submit" button adds a thread to the one you originally pressed "Add" on, not the thread you were trying to add to by grafting together the URL.
