
Meanwhile, on O'Connell Street...


Quite a lovely pic, and a lovely lassie.
For some reason I enjoy the ones where they are barefoot, fully unclothed.
I can appreciate that, and though barefoot isn't important to me per se, stiletto heels I find ridiculous.

Agus tá, tá sí go h-álain cinnte.
Anche in Roma...

Mr.Noone, did you notice what paper she reads? (She probably doesn't read it, but anyway) "Il Popolo d'Italia," sept, 15, 1919. That was Mussolini's warmongering paper. On this day, it celebrated D'Annunzio's military foray into Fiume (Croatia). A great day for Italian fascism... I don't think that was your intention.
Mr.Noone, did you notice what paper she reads? (She probably doesn't read it, but anyway) "Il Popolo d'Italia," sept, 15, 1919. That was Mussolini's warmongering paper. On this day, it celebrated D'Annunzio's military foray into Fiume (Croatia). A great day for Italian fascism... I don't think that was your intention.
I noticed the name of the paper was one I am not familiar with. An interesting choice by the photographer/art director. It certainly wasn't my intention to celebrate fascism; I wonder if the producers of the photo had any nefarious intent.